About the journal

Aims and Scope: The Central Asia Business Journal promotes understanding of business issues (broadly defined) in the region, which includes the post-Soviet “stans” (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan) as well as the post-Soviet states of the trans-Caucasus area (including Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia).

Readers include scholars, students, and business executives with an interest in business issues of Central Asia, such as foreign direct investment, corruption, and political forces that influence business in the region.  Owned, managed, and financed by KIMEP University, the Journal is free to all readers.

The ISSN is 2073-5901 for the print version and 1991-0002 for the electronic version as well as for print on demand.  The Journal is primarily an electronic publication.

Types of articles considered.  Authors may submit research papers, case studies, and book reviews. We also invite students’ papers. All submissions must be in English.

The journal is open to all methodologies, but it especially welcomes papers that are analytically strong and that relate to the real world.  We prefer papers with new findings but also publish surveys. All papers should discuss applications to Central Asia.

The journal’s interests include:

  • Behavioral economics
  • Business cycles and economic development
  • Business law
  • Corporate governance Emerging markets
  • Financial and capital markets and industries
  • Human resources management
  • Institutional economics
  • International accounting standards and taxation
  • International business and globalization
  • Leadership
  • Logistics and supply chain management
  • Management information systems
  • Marketing strategies and effectiveness
  • Market integration and segmentation
  • Market structure and efficiency
  • Mathematical economics
  • Microfinance and development
  • Multinational enterprises and business strategy
  • Natural resources and their internationalization
  • Nongovernmental organizations and entrepreneurs
  • Political economy
  • Risk and uncertainty
  • Statistical economics
  • Tourism and the hospitality business

We also welcome contributions to three sections of the journal:

Perspectives. This features nontechnical surveys of issues in Central Asian business that would interest scholars and policymakers. An example is a survey of theoretical and empirical papers about customs unions. A typical length is 4,000 to 6,000 words. Please propose your topic to the managing editor before beginning work.

Book reviews. Reviews should summarize and evaluate books about Central Asian business or about business issues that interest the region. Most reviews will concern recent books, but the journal may also publish a retrospective essay about well- known titles in a given field. A typical length for a review is 1,500 to 2,500 words. Please write the managing editor about the book that you propose to review.

Symposium. This consists of several commentaries on a recent issue of interest—for example, the August 2015 float of the tenge. A typical commentary may run 1,500 to 2,500 words. Usually, the journal commissions commentaries, but you may propose a symposium to the managing editor.

Basic requirements for submissions.  We expect quality articles, which may be submitted by anyone.  We do not consider more than two submissions at a time from one author, and we do not consider submissions that have been published elsewhere. Neither do we consider submissions that are already under consideration by other publications. The Journal does not charge submission fees.

Evaluation of articles.  All submissions are evaluated by an expert who is not on the Journal’s editorial staff, under a double-blind system: That is, the reviewer does not know who the submitter is, and the submitter does not know who the reviewer is. We ask the reviewer to recommend whether to accept, reject, or call for revision of the submission; and to discuss in some detail the changes that the reviewer finds necessary.  If we decide to consider a revision of the submission, then we ask the authors for a letter, accompanying the revision, that responds to each of the reviewer’s points.

Research misconduct.  The journal rejects plagiarized submissions. “Plagiarism” means that the submission has copied word-for-word a sentence or more of text without quotation marks; or has made trivial changes in the wording of longer passages copied from elsewhere without attribution.  In general, the author should attribute fully material drawn from elsewhere, with a citation in the main text and a reference in the references section.

In addition to plagiarism, “research misconduct” may include falsification of data and refusal to justify statistical estimates, as well as other violations of ethics.  Empirical researchers should provide access for readers to their databases or, if the data are widely available, tell readers where they can find them.  The journal will investigate any allegation of research misconduct concerning one of its published articles.

Conflicts of interest.  In submitting an article, the author should identify any potential conflict of interest, such as an article that favorably treats a funder of the research.  The author should also list, in her submission package, the amount and source of a fund that financed the research.

Complaints and appeals.  These will be assigned to an appropriate member of the editorial board. CABJ authors will have an opportunity to respond to complaints about their research.

Post-publication discussions and corrections.  In their journal articles, authors must provide a permanent email-address at which readers can reach them.  The journal corrects issues and re-posts the issues to the journal’s Web page. The revised issue notifies readers about the corrections.

Ethical oversight.  The editorial board of the journal oversees ethics.

Advertisements.  The Journal welcomes ads that relate to Central Asian business and that do not compromise the Journal’s objectivity in research.  The editor decides which ads to accept and how to present them.  They would be displayed in a section at the end of the issue; they would not be linked to content or to reader behavior.

Revenue sources.  The CABJ does not charge fees to authors or subscribers; neither does it charge fees for reprints. The Journal is entirely financed by KIMEP University.

Direct marketing.  The CABJ markets in a way that is consistent with its main aim of covering issues relevant to business in Central Asia.  Marketing may include soliciting papers.

Issues concerning copyrights and intellectual property.  The CABJ is an open access journal. All articles are free to users, who can use, reuse or build upon material, provided that they attribute it appropriately. The author holds the copyright after publication in the CABJ. In accordance with the Directory of Open Access Journals, we state that users may “read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles…without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author.”

History.  The Central Asia Business Journal began publishing in 2000, when it was titled the Central Asian Journal of Management, Economics and Social Research.  Its title changed to the Central Asia Business Journal in 2006.  The journal appears quarterly, in both paper (on demand) and electronic formats. The publisher is KIMEP University, 4 Abai Prospekt, Almaty, Kazakhstan 050010.

Archive.  Journal articles and issues are being archived at Portico (portico.org).

Contact information.   If you have questions, please write to the Central Asia Business Journal, Dr. Monowar Mahmood, managing editor, 4 Abai Prospekt, KIMEP University, Almaty, Kazakhstan 050010. Send email to monowar@kimep.kz or cabj@kimep.kz.

Professor of Management at Bang College of Business, KIMEP University. He completed Ph.D. in Management Science from Manchester Business School (AACSB, EQUIS, & AMBA accredited), University of Manchester, UK; MA in Human Resource Management from University of Leeds (AACSB, EQUIS, & AMBA accredited), UK; MBA from Saint Mary’s University (AACSB, EQUIS, & AMBA accredited), Canada.

Dr. Mahmood has numerous peer reviewed articles and 5 book chapters published by different international publishers. His articles published in the International Journal of Human Resource Management, Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resource Management, Education + Training, Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, Journal of Cleaner Production, International Journal of Emerging Markets and other ranked journals. Book chapters are published by Routledge, UK; Springer, UK; and Business Expert Press, USA.

Editorial board members.

Charles Cadwell, JD, Urban Institute, Washington, D. C.

Dr. Nygmet Ibadildin, KIMEP University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Rustam Atadjanov, Dr.iur., KIMEP University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Dr. Gavin Kretschmar, EADA Business School, Barcelona

Joseph Luke, JD, KIMEP University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Dr. Nadeem Naqvi, KIMEP University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Dr. Charles Noble, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee

Dr. Gerald Pech, KIMEP University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Bakytgul Tundikbayeva, MBA, CAE, KIMEP University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Dr. Vivienne Westbrook, KIMEP University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Managing editor: Dr. Monowar Mahmood, KIMEP University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

The Central Asia Business Journal publishes research on business and economic issues confronting the region. A quarterly, the CABJ is published by KIMEP University.

Central Asia Business Journal, Summer 2022
Central Asia Business Journal, Spring 2022
Central Asia Business Journal, Winter 2021
Central Asia Business Journal, Summer-Fall 2021
Central Asia Business Journal, Spring 2021
Central Asia Business Journal, Winter 2020
Central Asia Business Journal, Fall 2020
Central Asia Business Journal, Spring 2020
Central Asia Business Journal, Fall 2019
Central Asia Business Journal, Winter 2018
Central Asia Business Journal, Summer 2017
Central Asia Business Journal, Winter 2015
Central Asia Business Journal, Fall 2014
Russian and Kazakh versions of the abstracts from the Fall 2014 issue
Central Asia Business Journal, Vol. 5, No. 1
Central Asia Business Journal, Winter 2010
Central Asia Business Journal, Winter 2006
Central Asia Business Journal, Fall 2004
Central Asian Journal, Spring 2003
Central Asian Journal, Winter 2002
Central Asian Journal, Summer 2001

Submission Guidelines


Plagiarism policy
The journal rejects plagiarized submissions. “Plagiarism” means that the submission has copied word-for-word a sentence or more of text without quotation marks. The author should also attribute fully material drawn from elsewhere and include a reference in the bibliography.
All submissions must be complete and original. The Journal will not consider submissions that have been published, or are being considered, elsewhere. In particular, the journal will not consider a conference publication unless it has been rewritten extensively and is not under copyright.
Papers should follow the template at the link above. Authors should submit all papers online and include the submission form downloadable through the link above. They should submit the title page separately from the main file, which should not identify the authors or their affiliations.
Please send the submission form, the title page, and the manuscript to cabj@kimep.kz and monowar@kimep.kz.

Call for Papers

The Central Asia Business Journal promotes understanding of issues in the region including the post-Soviet “stans” (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan) as well as the post-Soviet states of the trans-Caucasus area (including Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia). The ISSN number for this open-access journal is 1991-0002. The journal is also registered with Kazakhstan’s Ministry of Information and Social Development.
We welcome all topics bearing upon Central Asian business (broadly defined). We especially welcome papers that are conceptually and analytically strong and that relate to the real world. We will consider a wide range of methodologies.
This is a good opportunity for you and your students to satisfy publication requirements in your department. For nearly two decades, the Journal has published research about Central Asia by professors and students. The Journal is widely read: It has more than 72 citations according to Scholar Google (which is a comprehensive index) and more than 31 citations according to a Scopus index.
You may submit research papers, case studies, and book reviews. All submissions must be in English, since this is an international journal. All submissions are peer-reviewed on a double-blind basis. Check out the latest issue, at the Journal’s website, https://kimep.kz/bang-college-of-business/central-asia-business-journal/. You can email submissions to the managing editor, Dr. Monowar Mahmood, at monowar@kimep.kz .
The deadline for submitting papers to the Summer 2021 issue is April 10. Papers submitted later will be considered for later issues. At least one research paper submitted between January 31 and April 10 may qualify for a $500 honorarium if published in the Summer issue.
The Journal’s website provides guidelines for authors. We try to give the author a decision on her submission in six weeks.
We also welcome contributions to three sections of the journal:
Perspectives. This features nontechnical surveys of issues that would interest scholars and policymakers. An example is an overview of theoretical and empirical papers about customs unions. A typical length is 4,000 to 6,000 words.
Book reviews. Reviews should summarize and evaluate books about Central Asian business or about business issues that interest the region. Most reviews will concern recent books, but the journal may also publish a retrospective essay about well-known titles in a given field. A typical length for a review is 1,500 to 2,500 words.
Symposium. This consists of several commentaries on a recent issue of interest—for example, the August 2015 float of the tenge. A typical commentary may run 1,500 to 2,500 words.
The Journal is published quarterly by KIMEP University, 4 Abai Prospekt, Almaty, Kazakhstan 050010. Please send any questions about submissions to Dr. Monowar Mahmood at monowar@kimep.kz .

Board of Editors

Editorial board members

Charles Cadwell, JD, Urban Institute, Washington, D. C.
Dr. Nygmet Ibadildin, KIMEP University
Fred M. Isaacs, JD, KIMEP University
Dr. Gavin Kretschmar, EADA Business School, Barcelona
Joseph Luke, JD, KIMEP University
Dr. Nadeem Naqvi, KIMEP University
Dr. Charles Noble, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Dr. Gerald Pech, KIMEP University
Bakytgul Tundikbayeva, MBA, CAE, KIMEP University
Dr. Vivienne Westbrook, KIMEP University

Managing editor: Dr. Monowar Mahmood, KIMEP University

Individual papers

Fall 2019
Capital budgeting decisions and risk management of firms in the United Arab Emirates
Capital budgeting decisions and risk management of firms in the United Arab Emirates
The effect of financial literacy and internal migration on financial inclusion in Kazakhstan
The effect of financial literacy and internal migration on financial inclusion in Kazakhstan
The new court of the Astana International Financial Centre
The new court of the Astana International Financial Centre
Winter 2018
Been there, done that: Social and environmental implications of shared-property models in the post-Soviet context (Word)
Been there, done that: Social and environmental implications of shared-property models in the post-Soviet context (PDF)
Governance and comparative institutional development in transition countries (Word)
Governance and comparative institutional development in transition countries (PDF)
Should I own or should I lease? (Word)
Should I own or should I lease? (PDF)
A symposium on property rights in emerging countries (Word)
A symposium on property rights in emerging countries (PDF)
Summer 2017
Directives for response to negative social media comments
Multidimensional poverty
Primary factors affecting labor supply of retired people in Kazakhstan
Winter 2015
Bayesian estimates of the parameters for portfolio optimization
Exchange rate arrangements
Long-run growth barriers in Kazakhstan
Prospects for small- and medium-sized businesses
Fall 2014
Book review of Globalizing Central Asia
Labor productivity for school reform
The role of context effect in the choice of financial products
A stadium for Almaty
Tenge devaluation

Submission form for CABJ

If you have problems submitting your report, please send email to monowar@kimep.kz.

Form for referee reports for the CABJ

Please try to complete your report within six weeks of receiving the submitted article.

If you have problems submitting your report, please send email to monowar@kimep.kz.