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Country Day: Hungary, Singapore, Italy and China

As the continuation of the tradition, the Country Day was organized by the International Office on February 13, 2020, at the Globus information center. KIMEP community had the opportunity to learn more about the Hungary, Singapore, Italy, and China from international students.

Exchange student from Hungary Morocz Daniel Tibor told about his country from different perspective like: history, culture, and traditions.


Students from Singapore, Alexander Tan Kee Hock and Chung Jia Hui Joey made an attractive and interesting presentation and showed interesting excurse-video about their home country. They also offered a treatment of national cuisine, which our guests enjoyed a lot.


Our MAFL student Gulnar Karimova made a presentation about the Italy, because she was living there almost 15 years and has Italian citizenship. She presented a lot of interesting facts and described Italy from perspective of a visitor. Gulnara made interactive presentation with a small quiz to guests and appreciated correct answers with gifts from Italy.


Students from China, Wulifan Haziken, Wukelai Nuerbaheti, Aidina Bahetibai, Yelanna Mairan, Yelina Yertolkyn focused their presentation to 2 interesting topics: The Evolution of traditional Chinese Costumes and Mid-Autumn festivals of China.


After the presentations, guests tasted national treats brought by students from the Singapore and Italy, and continued networking with tea and snacks from the International Office.
