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Doctor of Philosophy in Education Policy and Management

What is the program about?
In the increasingly dynamic and complex world of education, a crucial need exists for better knowledge about how schools and school systems, from early childhood to higher education, can be organized and led most effectively. We need to reach deeper understandings of how policies, politics, and the law can advance the twin goals of excellence and equity, how educational institutions and systems can best acquire and use resources, how leaders can support teacher development and student achievement, and how education policymakers and leaders can make best use of information from student assessments, program evaluations, and analytical research. This knowledge should be based on thoughtful reasoning and solid evidence; it should be theoretical in scope but also have clear implications for education practice.

The PhD in Education Policy and Management aims to train researchers and educational leaders who have systemic and critical understanding of the discipline. Graduates will be able to make original and significant contributions to knowledge in the field of education policy and management, and will be capable of qualitatively transforming the education system at the level of an organization, region or country.

What specific knowledge does the program equip me with?
In the program, students will consider how laws and policies impact the reform of educational systems and how they support or impede improvements in curriculum, teaching, and student achievement. Furthermore, students will analyze the political, social, economic and legal dynamics that affect policy development and implementation. Upon the successful completion the degree requirements, all graduates of the PhD in Education Policy and Management program will be able to:

  • demonstrate systemic and critical understanding of a substantial and complex body of knowledge at the frontier of a discipline
  • engage in critical reflection, synthesis and evaluation of theories, methodologies and empirical results for solving fundamental research issues in the area of specialization – educational policy and management
  • demonstrate expert, specialized cognitive, technical and research skills in the discipline to function as an independent and intellectually autonomous researcher who is able to make a substantial contribution to a discipline or area of professional practice in the sphere of education
  • become critical leaders, policymakers and scholars who are able to professionally and practically apply theories of education policy and management in professional practice
  • contribute to the development of society and the improvement of the education system through scientific and educational activities and managerial leadership
  • interpret and communicate knowledge of education that informs research, policy, and managerial practice to professional and expert community to promote quality and equity in education.
  • strictly follow academic, pedagogical and leadership ethical principles in research, teaching and managerial practice.


Admission for PhD in Ed. Policy & Mngmnt Approved

PhD in Education Policy and Management (PhD Ed)
Requirements for the PhD in Education Policy and Management are as follows:

  Category of Courses Credits ECTS
1. Educational Component 27 53
1.1. Program Foundation Requirements 18 25
1) Required Courses 12 20
2) Elective Courses 3 5
3) Teaching Internship 3 10
1.2. Program Specialization Requirements 9 18
1) Required Courses 3 5
2) Elective Courses 3 5
3) Research Internship 3 8
2. Research Component 45 115
1) Research project 1-12 36 100
2) Dissertation 1-3 9 15
3. Final Attestation 3 12
  Total Required for Graduation 75 180

Grade Point Average

A student must maintain a cumulative 3.33 GPA throughout the program. Courses in which grades below “B-” are received but are not accepted for the PhD degree. Grades received in courses transferred from another institution are not included in calculation of the grade point average. If a grade of “C+” or lower is received, the student should repeat the course. More than one retake should acquire an approval from the Council. When the GPA is calculated, the grade for the repeated course will substitute for the original grade. Grades of “I” turn to “F” if work is not completed by the 7th week of the following semester.

EPM/TFL6102 Philosophy of education

Prerequisites: none

This course is a study of human learning and cognitive organization and process. The content will provide an overview of the development of learning theory and cognitive models since the beginning of the scientific study of human learning and mental processes. Major theories concerning the learning process and their implications for the instructional process are investigated.


EPM/TFL6103 Qualitative research methods

Prerequisites: none

The purpose of this course is to introduce doctoral students to field methods and qualitative data analysis, including such methods as unstructured interviews and observation. Doctorate students will become acquainted with the epistemology of qualitative approaches and with developing skills in all areas of qualitative methodology, through first-hand experience of using these methods to collect and analyze data on an appropriate topic.


EPM6301 Educational Leadership

Prerequisites: none

This course is based on an analysis of case studies and is aimed at developing important skills and developing concepts related to the ability to manage an educational organization. In the framework of this discipline, topics such as organizational theory, factors and the structure of the educational process management, criteria for making important management decisions to improve the effectiveness of educational activities, and the main corporate governance models in the field of education are considered. Doctoral students learn to develop their own leadership style and successfully manage curricula and educational institutions.


EPM/TFL6204 Policy Development and Implementation

Prerequisites: none

Education policy is crucial to educational improvement and renewal. In this course, education professionals develop the skills for critical analysis of education policy at the local, national, and international levels. They topics include: the processes of policy implementation and evaluation, the use of logic models in the policy process, ensuring educational equity and justice, etc.


EPM6201 Leadership and Management for Change in Education

Prerequisites: none

In this course, doctoral students will get acquainted with new management theories that reflect the mutual influence of educational processes and sociocultural changes. During this course, they will master methods, skills and theories in the field of motivation and optimization of the educational process performance, ways of monitoring and ensuring the quality of educational services provided. The main attention is paid to the development of managerial and creative decisions used in educational organizations to ensure effective social changes in the field of education.


EPM/TFL6202 Advanced program evaluation

Prerequisites: none

Doctorate students are trained to do different types of program evaluation, including needs assessment, formative research, process evaluation, monitoring of outputs and outcomes, impact assessment, and cost analysis. Doctorate students gain practical experience through a series of exercises involving the design of a conceptual framework, development of indicators, analysis of computerized service statistics, and development of an evaluation plan to measure impact. Covers experimental, quasi-experimental, and non-experimental study designs, including the strengths and limitations of each.


EPM6211 The Economics of Education

Prerequisites: none

Education is a key contributor to the stability of local, national, and global economies. Addressing challenges related to these key ideas, education professionals in this course explore the financing and provision of education. They apply economic principles and econometrics to their understanding of educational practices and policies. They also identify research to improve efficiency, quality and equity of education.

What specific jobs will this degree qualify me for?
Education Policy and Management is a multidisciplinary field that can qualify you to work as an administrator, an education expert in government and private agencies, a lobbyist, a curriculum designer, an advisor in legislative and legal settings, or an analyst.

Here are a few of the job titles open to those who hold a doctorate in education policy and leadership:

  • School principalAs a school principal, you’ll guide policy development and oversee student affairs at one school. You’ll manage teachers and other administrators while also acting as a student advocate and the voice of the school in the community.
  • Education policy analystAs an education policy analyst, you’ll identify challenges, research mandated education policies, analyze their effectiveness, and lobby for more effective laws related to education. In other words, you’ll be responsible for seeing problems and finding workable solutions. In this role, you will work with not only teachers and administrators, but also lobbyists, lawyers, politicians, and special interest groups.
  • Director of education policyAs a director of education policy, you’ll work for a university, state agency, or school board to develop policies and legislative agendas that make it easier to meet the needs of students in public and private educational settings.
  • University deanAs a university dean, you’ll manage a specific department at a school or work on behalf of a specific student population. You’ll serve as a liaison among faculty, administration, and students. You may also be responsible for developing new curricula, overseeing fundraising initiatives, creating or signing off on budgets, and even processing student complaints.

PhD in Education Policy and Management holders also work outside the education system, in national nonprofits concerned with education, policy think tanks, and government agencies.

Photo_Dilara Orynbassarova

Dilara Orynbassarova

Assistant Professor, Department of International Relations and Regional Studies, College of Social Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy in Education Policy and Management


Dilara Orynbassarova is an Assistant Professor in the College of Social Sciences at KIMEP University.

Dr.Dilara Orynbassarova obtained her Ph.D. in Education with distinction from Graduate School of Education, Nazarbayev University. She completed her BSS and MPA degrees with diploma of excellency at KIMEP university.

She served on academic and research activities at the Nazarbayev University, University of Pennsylvania (USA), KIMEP University and the Eurasian Research Institute. She also headed division for analysis and quality in the Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education, served in the Office of Prime Minister of Republic of Kazakhstan, Department of Informational Analytic Center (traineeship) and Center for Research and Consulting.

Dr. Dilara teaches course on Introduction to Social Sciences at KIMEP. The courses co-taught and assisted elsewhere include Communication and Society, World Prehistory, Professional Identity, Learning to Work, Academic Writing for Doctoral Students, English for Research.

Her current research interests include innovation in higher education system and policy, multi-stakeholder and cross-sector partnerships, and social network analysis.

E-mail: d.orynbassarova@kimep.kz


  1. “Delivering Environmental Education in Kazakhstan Through Civic Action:  second-wave values and governmental responses,” Environmental Values, 1, (2013), 101-122, with Dennis Soltys, UK, Harris
  1. “Family Medicine as a Model of Primary Health Services Delivery: A Pilot Study in Almaty, Kazakhstan”, Central Asian Journal of Global Health, 4 (1), (2015), USA, University of Pittsburgh Press (Master Thesis Publication, USA, University of Pittsburgh) (Indexedin PubMed and Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) of the Web of Science)
  1. “Entrepreneurial University Perspective: Tracking Labor Force Capacity to Support Industrialization Processes in the Emerging Markets, Evidence from Kazakhstan Data”. EMAJ: Emerging Markets Journal 6(2), (2016), 5-11. USA, University of Pittsburgh Press. (Indexed in DOAJ, WorldCat)
  1. Teacher Education Research in Central Asia: An Analysis of Journal Publications (2006-2016), The Case of Kazakhstan”. Eurasian Research Journal, 2(1), (2020), 81-95.

Conference proceedings

  1. “Developing University-Industry-Government Research Partnerships in Republic of Kazakhstan: factors enhancing and constraining”. Jun 15, (2020).The Proceedings of the 18th Triple Helix Conference. Future of innovation and Innovation for future online. Finland, Tampere University, 21-23.
  1. “Modernization of Teacher Education in Kazakhstan: Experience of Finland”. Asyavrupa, 4 (46), (2019), 71-77.
  1. “Teacher Education in the Context of Transformation Processes in Kazakhstan: Challenges and Perspectives”, Sep 19, (2017). The Collection of the International Conference on Institutionalization of Innovative Education Environment of High Pedagogic School, Kazakhstan, Pavlodar, Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan and National Pedagogic Institute of Pavlodar.
  1. “Policy Reception of Cascade In-Service Teacher Education Model in Kazakhstan through the Lens of Policy Borrowing Theory”, Jun 15-16, (2017), 340 (142), 79-84 The Collection of IV International Scientific-Practical Conference on Science and Education in Globalization Processes, Russian Federation
  1. Developing Research Competence Through a Student-Run Peer-Review Journal at Higher Education Institutions of Kazakhstan”, May 19-20, (2017), The Collection of the II-nd Annual Conference on Academic Integrity and University Governance, Kazakhstan, Astana, with Philip Montgomery, Anna CohenMiller and Kamila Kozhabayeva, KAZGUU University and Nazarbayev University.
  1. “Guidelines for Writing a Book Review: Through the Lens of a First-Year Doctoral Student”. NUGSE Research in Education Journal, 2 (1), (2017), 43-44, Nazarbayev University, Editorial.
  1. “A Comparative Study of Teacher Attitudes toward Inclusion in Kazakhstan and Turkey: A Literature Review”, (2017),2-16, Preprints of the Eurasian Research Institute for Social and Cultural Studies, Eurasian Research Institute, ERI Working Papers.
  1. “New Methods and Approaches in Modernizing the Continuous Professional Development of Teachers in the World’s Practice: the case of Finland”, Feb 23, (2017), 15-20, The Collection of the International Scientific-Practical Conference on Continuous Professional Development of Teacher: From High School To Post-Graduate Education, Kazakhstan, Petropavl, National Centre for Professional Development ‘Orleu’ in the North-Kazakhstan region and Institute of Increasing Teachers’ Qualifications and Professional Skills.
  1. “Putting inclusive principles into practice: teacher attitude and education as factors impacting inclusive education development”, Vol.1, No. 94 (Nov-20, 2015), p 234, The Collection of the II-nd International Scientific and Practical Conference: “Innovations in Education: Research and Solutions”, Kazakhstan, Astana, published by Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of Kazakhstan,  National Academy of Education named after Y.Altynsarin and Ural State Pedagogical University.

Ulzhan Kazybekova

Ulzhan Kazybekova

PhD, Assistant Professor Department of International Relations and Regional Studies



PhD in Sociology, The Nottingham University, United Kingdom, 2017
MA in Public Administration, The Nottingham University, United Kingdom, 2009
Bachelor of Public Administration, KIMEP, Kazakhstan, 2008

Courses Taught at KIMEP

Introduction to Social Science; Nutrition in Modern World

Courses Taught Elsewhere

Sociology, Political Science, Cultural Studies, Research Design in Social Policy, The Management Support of Youth Policy, Psychology Management

Research interests:

Gender Inequality, Leadership, Motivation, Education policy


  • Bugytayeva, S. and Kazybekova, U. (2022). The South Korean component in the doctrines of the United States Presidents (1945-2022). Public Administration and Civil Service journal. Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. No 3 (82).
  • Polozhentseva, Y., Kazybekova, U., Subalova, M., and Ghosh, A. (2022). We or I? Survival and Success Challenges Jokeasses. Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, Vol. 12 No.1.
  • Kazybekova U. (2014). Presented the paper on “Working mothers’  understanding of the shift from state to non-state pension provision” (Conference Stream: Negotiating Access to Research Participants) at the 7th Enquire Conference “4D Research: Early experiences of Designing, Debating, Doing and Disseminating Social Research”, The University of Nottingham, School of Sociology and Social Policy, 14th November 2014.
  • Kazybekova U. (2013). Presented the paper on “Understanding of working mothers of the shift from state to private pension provision” at the 6th Enquire Conference “Normality in an Uncertain World”, The University of Nottingham, School of Sociology and Social Policy, 10th-11th September 2013.
  • Kazybekova U. (2012). New model of educator’s personality in the educational system. Collection of materials of Republican Scientific Conference. “Spiritual and moral component in the triad of education-science-innovation”, Almaty, May 18, 2012, Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages.

Contact information:

Office: # 231 Valikhanov building
E-mail: u.kazybekova@kimep.kz


Alen Askar

Alen Askar is a Ph.D. candidate in Eurasian Studies at…


Alen Askar is a Ph.D. candidate in Eurasian Studies at Nazarbayev University. He is finishing his dissertation on the history of Tselinograd during the 1950s and 1960s in the context of building an ideal socialist city. His research interests revolve around the history of the Muslim population in the early twentieth-century Russian Empire, memory studies, and historical politics.
In addition to his research pursuits, Alen Askar offers courses on the History of Kazakhstan. Recently, he joined the KIMEP team in Spring 2023 as a senior lecturer. If you would like to contact him, you can do so via email at a.askar@kimep.kz


Aslan Tanekenov

(Русский) Ассистент-профессор кафедры государственного управления, факультет социальных наук


Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, College of Social Sciences

Dr. Tanekenov obtained his PhD degree from Heriot-Watt University, UK and MPhil degree from University of Glasgow, UK. His research interests are International civil society organizations; social enterprise, empowerment of socially vulnerable people; cross-sector partnership; volunteering, philanthropy, NGO management.


Juldyz Smagulova, PhD

Associate Professor, Dean


Ph.D. in Sociolinguistics

Dr. Juldyz Smagulova received her Ph.D. in Sociolinguistics from King’s College London (2012, UK), her Candidate of Philological Sciences from al-Farabi Kazakh National University (2004, Kazakhstan), and her MA in Linguistics from the University of Minnesota (1999, USA).

Her research interests and expertise include language bilingualism, language socialization, interactional sociolinguistics, language education and teacher training, language policy and planning. She co-edited the Language Change in Central Asia (Mouton de Gruyter, 2016); and co-authored the bilingual Kazakh-Russian Dictionary of Sociolinguistics (Arman PV, Kazakhstan, 2008) and the Kazakh language textbook for Russian-medium schools (Grade 5, Atamura, 2015). She has articles published in Journal of Sociolinguistics, International Journal of Bilingualism, and International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism.

Dr. Smagulova teaches graduate courses Introduction to Second Language Acquisition, Second Language Acquisition Research, Introduction to Sociolinguistics, and Introduction to Bilingualism as well undergraduate Academic English courses. She provides consulting in the areas of language planning and policy and conducts trainings for language teachers.


  • Smagulova, J. (2017). Ideologies of language revival: Kazakh as school talk. International Journal of Bilingualism. Special issue “Ideology, agency, and imagination in multilingual families” edited by K. King and E. Lanza. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/13670069166849202015
  • Smagulova, J. (2019). (adapted with Bekzhanova G., Tutbayeva Zh., Tutbayeva N. and Akisheva R.) English Sciences: Student’s Book. Grade 10. Cambridge University Press.
  • Ahn, E. & Smagulova, J. (Eds.) (2016). Language change in Central Asia. Berlin, Germany: Mouton de Gruyter. [In the Contributions to the Sociology of Language series edited by Joshua Fishman].
  • Ahn, E. & Smagulova, J. (Eds.) (2016). Examining education change in urban Kazakhstan: A short spatial story. In Silova, I. & Niyazov, S. (Eds.), Globalization on the margins: Education and post-socialist transformations in Central Asia (2nd ed.). Charlotte, NC: Information Age.
  • Ahn, E., Bahry, S., Niyozov, S. , Shamatov, D. & Smagulova, J. (2016). Bilingual education in Central Asia. In O. García et al. (Eds.), Bilingual and multilingual education, encyclopedia of language and education, (3rd ed.) New York, NY: Springer International Publishing.
  • Smagulova, J. & Yernazarova, Z. (2016). Teaching Kazakh literature in Kazakh to Russian speakers: Symbolic value or effective pedagogy? In Bakić-Mirić, N. & Gaipov, D. (Eds.), Going Forward: Recent developments in higher education (pp. 127-136). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Phone:  +7 (727) 270 43 68, ext. 2112
Email: juldyz@kimep.kz
Address: 2 Abai Ave., Almaty, Kazakhstan, Dostyk Building, office #228

Askat Tleuov

Askat Tleuov

Assistant Professor


PhD in Education

Dr Askat Tleuov received his PhD in Education from the University of Bath, UK in 2017. He has significant experience in English language teaching, working as an EFL teacher, lecturer, teacher educator and researcher in Kazakhstan and the United Kingdom.

Askat specializes in teacher cognition, teacher education, and teacher professional development. He has a particular interest in teacher knowledge, beliefs and perceptions; how these are enacted in practice; and the personal, educational and professional experiences which influence their development. Another strand of his research focuses on policy studies and politics of education. His recent research project involves the investigation of state and institution-wide research internationalization policies in Kazakhstan.

Dr Tleuov has been involved in teaching both undergraduate and graduate level courses that range from Academic English course to Introduction to Second Language Acquisition, Research Methods, and Learning Evaluation & Assessment in Language Education. He has supervised a number of Master level dissertations as well.

Maganat Shegebayev (1)

Maganat Shegebayev, MA TESOL

Associate Professor


KIMEP University, Kazakhstan, Almaty (2012)

Dr. Shegebayev is an associate Professor of KIMEP Language Center.  One of the Kazakhstan’s first-wave Bolashak International Scholarship awardees, he received a Master of Arts degree in TESOL from Fairfield University, USA; he then received a Doctor of Business Administration degree from KIMEP University.  Dr. Shegebayev has had twenty years of teaching and administrative experience and has been distinguished with the awards for academic and service achievements.  Three times in his pedagogical practice he has been awarded with the Certificate of Teaching Excellence.

In his activities, Dr. Shegebayev has served as a task force member to develop national program Intellectual Nation-2020 for the government of Kazakhstan.  He has authored and co-authored a number of international publications; he has been involved in various educational and research projects across Kazakhstan and abroad, which include collaboration with Indiana University (Bloomington, IN), Institute Aminuddin Baki (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia), George Washington University (Washington, D.C.), and Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (Oslo, Norway).  His research interests include topics related to linguistics, language policy and planning, critical thinking, business communication and educational management.

The range of graduate and undergraduate level courses which Dr. Shegebayev has taught includes Academic English, Critical Thinking, Educational Technology, Business Correspondence and Communication, General & Business English, and Foundation English.  He has also taught Business English certificate courses of the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI English for Business, levels 1, 2 and 3) to corporate clients from Central Asian countries.  As a part of the international teaching mobility, Dr. Shegebayev has been invited as a visiting professor to universities in Turkey and Hungary.


Selected research publications:

Shegebayev, M. (December, 2015).  Corpus Building in Kazakhstan: An Examination of the Terminology Development in the Oil and Gas Sector.  A chapter for Language Change in Central Asia, Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter Mouton. (E. Ahn & J. Smagulova (Eds.)), http://www.degruyter.com/view/books/9781614514534/9781614514534-010/9781614514534-010.xml

Ahn, E., Shegebayev, M. (in progress). In the Absence of Research Governance: Constructing a Contextually-Informed Research Ethic.  A chapter for Reimagining utopias: Theory and method for educational research in post-socialist contexts volume (I. Silova, N. Sobe, A. Korzh, & S. Kovalchuk (Eds.)).

Shegebayev, M., Seitova, A. (in progress).  A chapter on Kazakhstan in Perceptions of Educational Leadership and Culture: a Comparative Study book project coordinated by the National Institute of Educational Management and Leadership, Malaysia.

Shegebayev, M. (in progress).  Linguistic diversity and business communication in today’s Kazakhstan.  A  chapter for Sociolinguistic transition in former Soviet and Eastern Bloc countries: Recent developments in two decades after the regime change (P. Laihonen, M. Sloboda & A. Zabrodskaja (Eds.)) for Peter Lang’s series Prague Papers on Language, Society and Interaction / Prager Arbeiten zur Sprache, Gesellschaft und Interaktion, edited by Jiří Nekvapil, Tamah Sherman and Petr Kaderka.

Burkhalter, N. & Shegebayev, M. (2012) Critical Thinking as Culture: Teaching Post-Soviet Teachers in Kazakhstan.  The International Review of Education (Vol. 58, 1), http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11159-012-9285-5

Burkhalter, N. & Shegebayev, M. (2010).  The Critical Thinking Movement in Kazakhstan: A Progress Report.  Research in Comparative and International Education (RCIE), December issue, http://rci.sagepub.com/content/5/4/434.full.pdf+html

Smagulova, A., Shegebayev, M., Garkavenko, V. & Boolaky, M., (2009). Ethical Practices & Social Responsibility of Kazakhstani Tourism Business: A Pilot Study in the Tour Operator Sector. Central Asia Business Journal, November issue, Vol. 2, http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=


Contact Information:

Phone: (7-727) 270-43-67, ext. 2137

Office: #225/Dostyk

E-mail: magas@kimep.kz

Skype: maganatkz

DBA KIMEP University, Kazakhstan, Almaty (2012)

Su Jin Lee (1)

Su Jin Lee, PhD

Assistant Professor


Short Biography

Dr. Su Jin Lee is an assistant professor of Language Center, KIMEP University. She received her Ph.D. from the State University of New York at Buffalo in 2009. Prior to joining KIMEP, she was a head researcher and director of Practical English Education Center at Hanyang University, South Korea. Her research interests focus on three interrelated areas of concerns: a) effective instructional methods to develop English as a Second/Foreign Language (ESL/FL) learners’ literacy skills; b) flipped learning strategies to engage ESL/FL learners; and c) young learners’ ESL/FL literacy development. Most importantly, Dr. Lee is passionate and enthusiastic about her teaching; she constantly improves her teaching skills to help students be knowledgeable and critical about content areas. Dr. Lee is currently teaching Academic Reading and Writing II, Academic English Speaking, Curriculum Design, Teaching English through Children’s Literature, Introduction to Second Language Acquisition and Second Language Acquisition Research.

Current Publications

  • Lee, S. J. & Lee, D. (2016). Effects of Corrective Feedback on Grammatical Accuracy of EFL Writing. Learner-centered Curriculum and Instruction, 16(11).
  • Lee, D. & Lee, S. J. (2017). Effect of Two Types of Feedback on Accuracy Development of L2 Writing. Learner-centered Curriculum and Instruction, 17(17).
  • Lee, S. J. & Yoon, H. K. (2018). Input talks: a case study of one experienced preschool teacher’s use of English input. Learner-centered Curriculum and Instruction, 18(16).
  • Lee, S. J. (in progress). Kazakhstani graduate students’ perceptions of flipped instruction. The Journal of Modern British & American Language & Literature 37(1).

Nurtayeva_Aliya (8)

Aliya Nurtaeva, Ph. D. in Chemistry

Adjunct Professor, Department of Public Administration/College of Social Sciences


Dr. Nurtaeva holds an Honors Diploma (1974) and Candidate of Science degrees in Chemistry from Moscow State University (1979 and a Ph.D. in Chemistry from Oklahoma State University (1999). She has more than 30 years of teaching experience including at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Oklahoma State University, New Hamphire Technical College, Southern New Hampshire University. She has done research in Chemistry, Technology and Radiation Dosimetry at KazGU, Moscow State University, Oklahoma State University and the Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute at National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda (USA) and registered 17 patents.

Aigul Adibayeva (2)

Aigul Adibayeva

Associate Dean, College of Social Sciences
Candidate of Science
Phone: 270-42-79, 270-42-88 ext. 3275
Office: 130/ac
E-Mail: aigula@kimep.kz


Assistant Professor/Associate Dean/College of Social Sciences

Candidate of Science in Political Science, Almaty State University named of Abay, Kazakhstan, 2009

Primary teaching areas and teaching experience:
Areas: Political Science, International Relations
Teaching experience: 12 years

Courses taught at KIMEP:

-Fundamentals of Political Science

-Foreign Policy of Kazakhstan

-Russia-Central Asia Relations

-Ethics in International Affairs.

– Management of International Organizations

Research interests:
Research experience involves the following areas: Central Asian integration, issues in foreign policy of Kazakhstan, political and economic situation in Turkmenistan, Caspian region.

Joint Research and Curriculum Development Project “Excellence in Teaching on Global Business and International Relations” with Agder University (Norway), with support from the Norwegian Centre for Cooperation in Education (SIU) in May 2012-2014; curricular development and teaching the course of “Ethics in IA”.

Selected publications:

  1. A. Adibayeva, D. Saari, A. Tleuzhanova (2016). To the Question of Legal Regulations of International Trade in the Context of Multi-dimensional Diplomacy. International Economic Law, issue 1, Moscow, November, 2016.
  2. J. Melich, A. Adibayeva. Nation-building and Cultural Policy in Kazakhstan. European Scientific Journal, ISSN: 1857 – 7431, December 2013, special edition, vol. 2, pp.265-279.
  3. G. Dadabayeva, A. Adibayeva: A Post-Crisis World: The Chinese Factor in the Transformation of Kazakhstan. Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Villanova University, Villanova PA, issue XXXVII no. 2, 2013.
  4. “Kazakhstani-Turkmenistan Relations at Modern Stage”, chapter in the edited book Historical Dictionary of Kazakhstan. Scarecrow Press Inc. Lanham, Toronto, 2012.           
  5. A. Adibayeva (co-authored with G. Dadabayeva). “H. Mackinder’s Legacy Today: New Challenges for Kazakhstan and Central Asia”, – a chapter in the edited book: H. Mackinder and the International Relations in Central Asia (Editor: Nick Megoran)//Published by: C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd., London, ISBN-13: 978-1849042437/ December 2012.
  6. A. Adibayeva, (co-authored with G. Dadabayeva)Post-Soviet Kazakhstan: Nationalism and Language Issues, published in peer-reviewed journal The Soviet and Post-Soviet Review, volume 37, No.2, 2010, p. 127-141. – BRILL, the Netherland.

Contact info:

Phone +7(727) 270-43-12 (ext. 3189)
Office: 205 A Valikhanov bld.
E-Mail: aigula@kimep.kz