D.Sc. (Historical Sciences), Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, Kazakhstan
Work experience:
2005 – present, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations, KIMEP, Kazakhstan
1987 – 2005, Lecturer, Department of History,in Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi, Kazakhstan
Primary teaching areas and teaching experience:
History of Kazakhstan, “Nation-state building in Asian Republics of Soviet Union” ”Government and Politics in Central Asia”, ”Central Asian – Russian Relations”, “History of Diplomacy from 1648 to 1815”, “History of Diplomacy from 1815 to 1945”
Research interests:
Nationalism and nation-state building processes in modern Central Asia.
Selected publications:
Post-Soviet Kazakhstan: Nationalism and Language Issues. The Soviet and Post-Soviet Review, vol. 37 no. 2 2010, Brill The Netherland, ISSN 1075-1262, e-ISSN 1876-3324 (co-author A. Adibayeva)
Kazakh Nationalism in Eurasian Context. History Research, vol.2, Number 7, July 2012. USA, David Publishing Company, ISSN 2159-550X, ISSN 2159-5518.
El Nasionalismo Kazajo en el Contexto Eurasia Tico, Eurasiatica Revista Online Sobre Asia Central, 2011, 2
Post-Crisis World: The Chinese Factor in The Transformation of Kazakhstan” , co-author A. Adibayeva (submitted for publication by Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (USA)
Problems of Refugees from Central Asia as Consequences of Stalin’s Modernization [Проблема Беженцев из Центральной Азии, как Последствия Сталинской Модернизации], Vestnik KazNU, Seriya Istoricheskaya, 2009, 2 (31): С. 11-18
Nationalism in Modern Kazakhstan Language Policy, Otan Tarihy, 2009, 2: 54-63
The Peculiarities of “Russification Processes” in SovietRepublics and Kazakh Language Problems [Особенности Процесса «Русификации» в Советских Республиках и Проблемы Казахского Языка], Аlash, 2009, 1 (22): 104 – 111
Kazakhstan – Russian relations in 2000-s geopolitical context (p. 21-27)// Kazakh civilization, # 3, 2012.
“Great Powers Politics in Central Asia in 2000-s: The New “Great Game”? // KazNU Herald [Вест. КазНУ, сер ист.] – 2013 – №3 (70).- с. 96-103.
Book chapters
“Mackinder’s legacy today: new challenges for Kazakhstan and Central Asia” in Central Asia in International Relations, ed. by Nick Megoran & Sevara Sharapova, Hirst and Co, London, 2013. (co–author A. Adibayeva)
Государственная языковая политика в независимом Казахстане: внешне- и внутриполитические факторы.(с. 270-282) –/ Центральная Азия. Традиции и современность. Под ред. А.О. Чубарьяна. Институт всеобщей истории РАН РК.- Москва, 2011.- 330 с. ISBN 978-5-94067-326-2.
Нациестроительство в Центральной Азии: от советских наций к постсоветским нациям-государствам.(с. 295-317) /Центральная Азия. Традиции и современность. Под ред. А.О. Чубарьяна. Институт всеобщей истории РАН РК.- Москва, 2011.- 330 с. ISBN 978-5-94067-326-2.
Kazakhstan during civil war [Казахстан в годы гражданской войны] //History of Kazakhstan since ancient times to nowadays [История Казахстана с древнейших времен до наших дней (курс лекций)]. – Алматы: Уш Киян, 2003. – С. 360-382.
- The Modern History of the World [Новейшая История Мира (Учебник для 9 классов 12-летних Школ)], (with G. Kokebayeva, M.Baisymakova), Mektep, Almaty, 2011
- The Modern History of the World (Reading Materials Collection), [Новейшая История Мира] (Хрестоматия для 12-летних Школ), (with G. Kokebayeva, M.Baisymakova), Mektep, Almaty, 2011
Conference presentations
- Russia and Kazakhstan: Searching for a New Partnership in 2000s, The Dragon and the Bear: Strategic Choices of China and Russia, 11th Aleksanteri Conference, Helsinki, Finland, November 2011
- Kazakh Nationalism in Eurasian Context, CESS XII Annual Conference, Ohio State University, USA, September 2011
- Nationalism Issues in Language Policy of Modern Kazakhstan, ICCEES XIII World Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, 2010
- The Issues of Nationalism in Kazakhstan Language Policy, Osnovnite Problemi na Sovremenna Nauka, International Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2009: 29-34
- The Establishment of State Nationalism in Independent Kazakhstan, Strategiczne Pytania Awiatowej Nauki, International Conference, Przemysl, Poland, 2009: 72-78
Involvement in academic and professional associations:
Member of “Kazakhstan Historians” Association.
Member of Central Eurasian Studies Society (USA).
Contact info:
Phone: 270 42 79/88, ext 3077
Office: 129 Valikhanov bld.
Application for the academic rank of professor