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A Review on Recent Advances in Financial Markets Forecasting.

Date: 01/02/2023

Time: 20:30

Venue: https://zoom.us/my/alimshankimep (this can be pasted on the poster as well)


Saeed Ebrahimijam, Ph.D. in Finance

Investment Analyst at Parsian Data Processing Group (PDPCo.)

CEO at RSYNTECH Innovation Factory

Background of Saeed:

– Deputy of SYNTECH Technology and Innovation Center at Qazvin Islamic Azad University from 2018 to 2021.

– Founder of QIAU Trading Lab. and Financial Research Center in 2019.

– Deputy for Knowledge-based economy affairs of QIAU and secretary of the Qazvin province IAU investment council from October 2015 to September 2017.

– Researcher of Mechatronics Research Laboratory and the leader of the MRL Middle-size Soccer RoboCup team

-Became RoboCup technical challenges world champion in 2008 and 2010 and got 1st Place of 10th Khwarizmi National Youth Innovation Fair in Robotics with MRL team.