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KIMEP Spring Chess Tournament

Dear All,
Last Friday April 30, “KIMEP Spring Chess Tournament 2021”  was held among KIMEP U students. Tournament was organized by KIMEP Chess Team and Sports Center.
Winners among male:
1st place –Umar Nasriddinov,20170102 (UmarNasriddinov)
2nd place- Tair Yegemberdiyev,20201810((SitriP)
3rd place– Eradzh Nasriddinov,20180154 (Ustod29)

Winners among female:

1st place –  Yevgeniya Marinushkina ,20180115 (Yevgenious_18)

2nd place-Aiken Satvaldy,20200272 (Pistashou)
3rd place– Ajanova Diana,20201962(Didi1502)
Let’s congratulate the winners and thank all participantsWish you all the very best in the future! Keep up the good work!