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Our students made it to the TOP10% at Masaryk University

KIMEP University is proud of its students achievements in international academic mobility programs.

Our students, Tolganay Shatyrbayeva (MBA) and Assel Izhanova (Bachelor of Accounting and Audit), who won scholarships from the EU Erasmus+ program and studied at one of the leading universities of the Czech Republic and Europe (Masaryk University), have showed their academic success with excellent study transcripts. Upon the completion of the Spring semester, Assel entered the best top nine per cent and Tolganay top 10 per cent of studies in their relevant major programs.

We are proud by the fact that our students have raised KIMEP University image and demonstrated their excellent academic skills at one of the most significant partner university in Europe.

*Masaryk University was founded in 1919. This is the second largest university in the Czech Republic with about 35 thousand students.