
Exchange Alumni Club meeting with the Spring 2019 Exchange Program Nominees

International Office organized the joint meeting of Exchange Alumni club and exchange program nominees for Spring 2019, served with a coffee-break on December 12, 2018. The purpose of the event was to help new exchange students to get information about studying and living abroad from exchange alumni, to continue mentorship program: encourage alumni to help students during their exchange program, to support a network between students. About 30 students attended this event.

Alumni club members made meritorious presentations about their exchange program experience in the Sungkyunkwan University, Korea (Adina Nabi and Kamilla Abylkassym), IESEG School of Management, France (Zhibek Malik), Singapore Management University, Singapore (Aliia Shamshibaeva) and University of Graz, Austria (Nigina Komalkhodjaeva) and answered students’ questions.

Students enjoyed their time during the event: they got information about features of different cultures, how to plan trips, got the tips on how to benefit from different discounts, etc.