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Менеджмент магистрі

КИМЭП Университетінің бизнес факультетіндегі «Менеджмент магистрі» бағдарламасы оны бітірген түлектер үшін теориялық концепциялар мен практикалық білімге негізделген басқарудың заманауи әдістерін игеру мақсатында құрылған. Бағдарламаны меңгергеннен кейін сіз сәтті және жоғарызияттық менеджер ретінде мансабыңыздың ілгері жылжуы үшін маңызды дағдыларға ие боласыз.
Бағдарлама мақсаты
«Менеджмент магистрі» бағдарлмасының негізгі мақсаттары:

  • Білім алушылардың аналитикалық, қиындықтарды шешу және көшбасшылық әлеуетін қалыптастыру мен оны күшейту арқылы менеджмент теориясы мен практикасын дамыту және жетілдіру;
  • Менеджмент, шешім қабылдау және қызметкерлерді басқару салаларында алдыңғы қатарлы білімді ұсыну;
  • Ұйымдарды тиімді басқара алатын және оларды Қазақстан мен шетелде сәтті реформалай алатын көшбасшыларды дайындау; сонымен қатар
  • Тиісті этика мен әлеуметтік жауапкершілігі жоғары, бүгінгі таңдағы қарқынды және бәсекелі әлемдік нарықтың мәселелерін шеше алатын жоғары дәрежелі кәсіпқойлар мен бизнес көшбасшыларын дайындау.

КИМЭП Университетінің бизнес факультетіндегі «Менеджмент магистрі» бағдарламасы оны бітірген түлектер үшін теориялық концепциялар мен практикалық білімге негізделген басқарудың заманауи әдістерін игеру мақсатында құрылған. Бағдарламаны меңгергеннен кейін сіз сәтті және жоғарызияттық менеджер ретінде мансабыңыздың ілгері жылжуы үшін маңызды дағдыларға ие боласыз.

Бағдарлама 2 компоненттен тұрады: бағдарламаның негізгі пәндері – 4 ( 8 кредит), 4 мамандандырылған пән мен кәсіптік практика (15 кредит). Бағдарлама туралы ақпарат төмендегі кестеде келтірілген.

Пәндер Кредиттер
Бағдарламаның негізгі пәндері 8
Іскерлік коммуникациялар 2
Ұйымдық мінез-құлық пен көшбасшылық әдебі 3
Менеджмент негіздері 1.5
Маркетинг негіздері 1.5
Таңдау бойынша мамандандырылған пәндер

(білім алушы төмендегі тізімнен кез-келген 4 пән мен практиканы өтуге міндетті)

Адами ресурстарын басқару 3
Жаңартпалар және технологияларды басқару 3
Стратегия және бәсекеге қабілеттілікті талдау 3
Менеджменттегі әдеп, жауапкершілік және тұрақтылық 3
Іскерлік аналитика 3
Менеджмент бойынша таңдаулы тақырыптар 3
Көшбасшылық және ынталандыру 3
Халықаралық бизнес 3
Жобаларды басқару 3
Практика: менеджмент саласында бағыттылған жоба 3
Ғылыми зерттеу жұмысы 6
Соңғы аттестация 1
Барлығы 30

Бағдарламада оқу ұзақтығы: 1 жыл (білім алушының бастапқы академиялық дайындығына және семестрде алатын оқу жүктемесіне байланысты)
Оқыту тілі: ағылшын

Оқыту формасы: толық күн (сабақтар көбінесе кешкі уақытта өтеді)

Кредиттер саны: 30

Бағдарламада оқу ұзақтығы: 1 жыл
(білім алушының бастапқы академиялық дайындығына және семестрде алатын оқу жүктемесіне байланысты)
Оқыту тілі: Ағылшын
Оқыту формасы: толық күн (сабақтар көбінесе кешкі уақытта өтеді)
Кредиттер саны: 30

Менеджмент магистратурасы үздік әлемдік жоо-дан кейінгі менеджмент бағдарламаларымен тең болатын инновациялық және озық оқу бағдарламасын ұсынады. Бағдарлманың бірегей сипаттамасына кіретіндер:

  • Менеджменттің барлық қырлары кіретін магистратура деңгейіндегі пәндерден тұратын бағдарламаның кешенді мазмұны
  • Нақты мансаптық мақсаттарға сай келетін элективті пәндерді таңдау арқылы оқуды дараландыру мүмкіндігі
  • Жаһандық байланыстар, халықаралық профессорлар-оқытушылар құрамы мен білім алушылар контингенті
  • Жұмыстан бас тартпау мүмкіндігін беретін кешкі уақыттағы сабақ кестесі
  • Сәйкес жетекшілікпен практика мен тағылымдамадан өту аясында кәсіпорындарда практикалық тәжірибе жинау
  • Магистрлік диссертация жазу барысында өзіңіздің зерттеушілік және аналититкалық дағдыларыңызды жетілдіру
  • Журналдарда басылып шығу, баяндамамен шығу және конференцияларда презентациялар жасау үшін академиялық жұмыстарды кәсіби жазу дағдысын дамыту.
  • Қаржылық қолдау мен гранттарға ие болу мүмкіндігі
  • 12 ай ішінде бағдарламаны аяқтау мүмкіндігі
  • Бакалавриатта өткен бірқатар пәндерді аудару/есепке алу.

Nejat Çapar, Ph.D.

(English) Dean
Associate Professor of Management


Educational Background and Bio:

Nejat Çapar received his Ph.D. in Strategic Management from the Florida State University and MBA from Temple University. He has previously taught at the Florida State University, American University of Sharjah, and Bilkent University among others and has been a guest lecturer at various universities. His work has been published in the Journal of International Business Studies, Academy of Management Proceedings, and Journal of Business Ethics among others. He served as an Editorial Board Member for the Journal of International Management during 2010-2018, and as an ad-hoc reviewer for various other academic journals. He has been active in reviewing and presenting papers at the Academy of Management and Academy of International Business Conferences. His research interests include international diversification and performance relationships, the interrelationships between diversification, firm resources and performance, as well as cross-cultural differences in management.

yuliya frolova (1)

(English) Yuliya Frolova, DBA

Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs
Associate Professor, Management area


Кешіріңіз, беттің осы нұсқасын келесі тілдерде оқи аласыз: Американдық Ағылшын Тілі et Орыс Тілі.

Liza Rybina (2)

Лиза Рыбина

Associate Professor for Graduate Programs


Кешіріңіз, беттің осы нұсқасын келесі тілдерде оқи аласыз: Американдық Ағылшын Тілі et Орыс Тілі.


Мира Нурмаханова

Chair of Accounting and Finance departments
Professor of Finance




Доктор экономических наук (Ph.D.), Государственный университет Айовы, 2008 г.

Магистр экономических наук (MA), КИМЭП, 1999 г.

Доктор математических наук (Ph.D.), Казахский государственный университет, 1994 г.

Краткая биография:

Получила степень Ph.D. на кафедре экономики в Государственном университете Айовы. Кроме того, прошла несколько статистических предметов для получения дополнительной специальности в области статистики. Мое первое образование было связано с математикой, в 1997 г. я решила продолжить свое обучение и поступила на магистерскую программу КИМЭП в области экономики. Я получила стипендию от Программы по оказанию поддержки сфере высшего образования за отличную учебу в КИМЭП и окончила КИМЭП с отличием.

Одним из мотивирующим фактором продолжения послевузовского обучения после работы преподавателем математики в университете стало желание преподавать экономику. Мне посчастливилось преподавать в США во время работы над своей диссертации. За время пребывания в Айове я три года проработала в качестве ассистента преподавателей таких предметов, как макроэкономика, микроэкономика и промышленные предприятия. Кроме того, самостоятельно преподавала принципы макроэкономики на уровне бакалавриата. Основные интересующие области для преподавания: принципы экономики, денежные средства и банковское дело, финансовая экономика, экономика окружающей среды. Привлекает как преподавание прикладных, так и более теоретических курсов.

Преподаваемые в КИМЭП предметы:

Макроэкономика предприятия, корпоративные финансы, принципы финансов.

Научо-исследовательские интересы:

Байесов подход в эконометрике, экономика окружающей среды, финансовая экономика

Избранные публикации:

Nurmakhanova M., G. Kretzschmar. July 2011. “Kazakhstan – The Real Currency and Growth Challenge for Commodity Producing Countries”, Journal of Business and Policy Research, World Business Institute, Berwick (Cabell journal)

Nurmakhanova M., G. Kretzschmar. ”Managing the Natural Resource Curse of Central Asia”, Energy Economics, submitted for publication, under review.

Nurmakhanova M.Timing of fertilizer application,Proceeds of meeting, July 2008, Orlando, USA.

Nurmakhanova M. Crop choice model, Proceeds of meeting, July 2006, Los Angeles, USA.

Nurmakhanova M., Takabaev M.About Mathematical Modelling of Streams with Glacial Origin, in: Geographical Basis of the Sustainable Development of Kazakhstan. Almaty. 1998. pp. 561-565.

Nurmakhanova M. Optimization Methods – Principles for Curriculum Construction, in: Computerization of Pedagogic Education. Almaty. 1995. pp.68-70.

Nurmakhanova M., Takabaev M. Mathematical Modelling of Streams with Rainfall Origin, in: Direct and Reverse Problems for Differential Equations. Almaty. 1996. pp. 73-77.

Nurmakhanova M., Takabaev M., Tnishtikbayeva G.M. Non-stationary nonlinear processes in open streams, News of the Kazakh State University, Vol. 5. 1998. pp. 92-98.

Takabaev M., Nurmakhanova M. Numerical Modelling of Streams with Glacial Origin, News of the Kazakh State University, Vol. 4. 1996. pp. 178-193.

Inerbaev N., Nurmakhanova M., Takabaev M.Numerical Solution of Streams Movement, News of the Kazakh Academy of Science, Vol. 5. 1995. pp. 123-130.

Conference Presentations

1. Scientific seminar at Dublin Institute of Technology, November 2012, Dublin, Ireland. “The impact of bank market power on bank credit risk-taking and stability in Kazakhstan”

2. 9th Annual KIMEP International Research Conference, April 2012, Almaty. “The curse of Natural Resources: Is it a matter of degree or a Yes it exists/No it doesn’t exist question”.

3. Business and Social Science Research Conference, January 2010, Dubai. “Kazakhstan- the real currency and growth challenge for commodity producing countries”.

4. 4th workshop of Centre for Advanced Studies in Economics and Econometrics, June 2010, Faro, Portugal. “Effect of Oil Prices on Macroeconomic Performance of the Country”.

5. 6th Annual KIMEP International Research Conference, April 2010, Almaty. “Sustainable microfinancing practicies for Kazakhstan”.

Публикации (docx)

Контактная информация:

Тел.: 270-44-40, внут. 2348

Офис: 216a/Здание Достык

E-mail: miranur@kimep.kz

Alma Alpeissova (6)

(English) Alma Alpeissova, DBA, MA

(English) Chair of Management and Marketing departments
Assistant Professor of Management


Кешіріңіз, беттің осы нұсқасын келесі тілдерде оқи аласыз: Американдық Ағылшын Тілі et Орыс Тілі.


Alimshan Faizulayev, Ph.D.

Director Research, Associate Professor of Finance


Name: Dr. Alimshan Faizulayev

Position: Research Director / Assistant Professor, Bang College of Business.

Educational Background: Ph.D. in Finance, Eastern Mediterranean University, N. Cyprus.


08.2019- Present => Assistant Professor/ Research Director BCB, Kimep University, Kazakhstan.

04.2021-Present  => Research Director (co-owner), London Center for Development, London , UK.

10.2021-Present => Member (non-voting) of the AIXQI Index Committee of Astana International Exchange (AIX).

01.2017-01.2021 => Investment Advisor/ Coordinator in CIS regions, Dovec Group of Companies, Cyprus.

01.2011-09.2017 => Project Manager, Dogus Yol Tourism (education and tourism), Turkey.

09.2015-01.2019 => Senior Lecturer, Eastern Mediterranean University, Cyprus.

01.2015-07.2015 => Guest Lecturer, American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute, USA.


Research Interest:

-Conentional Banking, Islamic Banking,

-Energy economics


Research Articles:

Damira, A., Narimanovna, J. G., Lyazzat, Y., Rustamov, B., Faizulayev, A., & Bekun, F. V. (2022). Competition Determinants of Eurasian Economic Union Oil and Gas Companies . International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy12(2), 336–341. https://doi.org/10.32479/ijeep.12906 (Scopus, ABDC)


Isah Wada, Alimshan Faizulayev, Festus Victor Bekun (2021). “Exploring the role of conventional energy consumption on environmental quality in Brazil: Evidence from cointegration and conditional causality”,Gondwana Research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gr.2021.06.009. ((SCI / SCOPUS Q2 IF:6.05)


Faizulayev, A. Wada, I. Kyzdarbekova, A. Parmankulova, I (2021). “What drives the banking competition in Islamic Finance Oriented Countries? Islamic vs Conventional banks.” Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research. https://doi.org/10.1108/JIABR-06-2020-0173 (Web of Scıence / SCOPUS Q2)


Solomon,  P. N. Festus, V. B. Faizulayev, A. (2021) “Energy Consumption, Natural Resources, Urbanization, and Ecological Footprint in South Africa: The Moderating Role of Human Capital.”  International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy. https://doi.org/10.32479/ijeep.11099  (Web of Scıence / SCOPUS Q2)


Faizulayev, A, Bakitjanovna, KR, Wada, I. (2020) Revisiting the dynamic impact of external debt on economic growth in Nigeria: Cointegration and conditional causality analysis. J Public Affairs;e2538.  https://doi.org/10.1002/pa.2538 (Web of Scıence / SCOPUS Q2)


Wada, I, Faizulayev, A, Khademolomoom, AH, Alzubi, A. (2020) Energy use, real output‐growth, FDI, energy‐intensity and CO2 emission; the case of Kazakhstan. J Public Affairs;e2300. https://doi.org/10.1002/pa.2300 (Web of Scıence / SCOPUS Q2)

Faizulayev A., Wada I. (2019) Spillover Effect of Interest Rate Volatility on Banking Sector Development in Nigeria: Dynamic ARDL Bound Test Approach. In: Ozatac N., Gokmenoglu K. (eds) Global Issues in Banking and Finance. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-30387-7_8(Scopus)


Faizulayev A., Wada I. (2019) What Drives the Banking Performance? Case of Eurasian Economic Union Countries. In: Ozatac N., Gokmenoglu K. (eds) Global Issues in Banking and Finance. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-30387-7_3(Scopus)


Hamed W., Faizulayev A. (2019) Does the Financial Performance of Banks Change During the Global Financial Crisis? The Case of Palestine. In: Ozatac N., Gokmenoglu K. (eds) Global Issues in Banking and Finance. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-30387-7_12(Scopus)


Faizulayev A., Bektas E. (2018) Profitability Determinants of Islamic and Conventional Banks During the Global Financial Crises: The Case of Emerging Markets. In: Ozatac N., Gökmenoglu K. (eds) Emerging Trends in Banking and Finance. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-01784-2_17


Alimshan Faizulayev, Eralp Bektas & Abdul Ghafar Ismail 2018. “Profitability and persistency in the service industry: the case of QISMUT+3”, Service Industries Journal, https://doi.org/10.1080/02642069.2018.1461210. (SSCI/ SCOPUS Q1 IF-6.539)



Dana Abeuova, Ph.D.

(English) Director of the Center of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Assistant Professor of Management


Dana Abeuova is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Management and Marketing at KIMEP University. She received her Ph.D. in Management from ESCP Business School, as part of the École Doctorale de Management Panthéon-Sorbonne, France; M.S. in Information Systems from Kelley School of Business, Indiana University Bloomington, USA; B.S. in Informatics from School of Informatics, Indiana University Bloomington, USA.

Her professional background is comprised of work in the private sector, academia, and international non-governmental organization. Her teaching experience includes lecturing at Kazakh-British Technical University in Kazakhstan and at ESCP Europe Business School in France.

Her research interests lie in the areas of new venture development and talent attraction in new entrepreneurial ventures.

Monowar Mahmood (2)

(English) Monowar Mahmood, Ph.D.

(English) Professor of Management


Кешіріңіз, беттің осы нұсқасын келесі тілдерде оқи аласыз: Американдық Ағылшын Тілі.

Pleshko photo (2)

Larry Paul Pleshko, Ph.D.

Larry Paul Pleshko, Ph.D.


Larry Pleshko (PhD. Marketing, M.B.A, B.S. Engineering) is a Professor of Marketing with more than thirty years of experience in university-level education. He has been a full-time faculty
member at a variety of universities around the world, including Barry University, UAE University, Kuwait University, Curtin University, and American University of Ras AlKhaimah. His
area of expertise is marketing management and strategy. Dr. Pleshko has published more than fifty international journal articles, mostly in the area of service businesses such as banking, fast-food restaurants, or coffee-shop retailing. His teaching is mostly centered upon marketing principles, marketing strategy, consumer behavior, market research, and promotion management

Halil Kiymaz, Headshot , Rollins College, Photo: Scott Cook

Halil Kiymaz, Ph.D.

Professor of Finance


Halil Kiymaz is a Visiting Professor of Finance at the BCB. Professor Kiymaz obtained his Ph.D. in

Financial Economics from the University of New Orleans, USA. His experience includes working as a Professor of Finance at the Crummer Graduate School of Business. Professor Kiymaz also taught at the University of Houston-Clear Lake, Bilkent University, and the University of New Orleans. He holds the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation and has served at the CFA Institute in various capacities.

Vladimir Garkavenko (2)

Vladimir Garkavenko, Ph.D.

(English) Associate Professor of Marketing


Кешіріңіз, беттің осы нұсқасын келесі тілдерде оқи аласыз: Американдық Ағылшын Тілі.


(English) Elmira Bogoviyeva, Ph.D.

(English) Associate Professor of Marketing


Кешіріңіз, беттің осы нұсқасын келесі тілдерде оқи аласыз: Американдық Ағылшын Тілі et Орыс Тілі.

zhanat syzdykov (1)

(English) Zhanat Syzdykov, MPA

(English) Assistant Professor on Special Appointment Accounting


Кешіріңіз, беттің осы нұсқасын келесі тілдерде оқи аласыз: Американдық Ағылшын Тілі et Орыс Тілі.

Nurlan Orazalin (3)

Nurlan Orazalin, Ph.D., DBA, CMA

Assistant Professor,
Accounting area

Name Nurlan S. Orazalin
Position Assistant Professor
Contact detail orazalin@kimep.kz

270-44-40, ext. 2183

Education background
  • Doctor of Business Administration in Accounting, KIMEP University, Kazakhstan
  • Master of Science in Accounting, Texas A&M University, USA

·        Bachelor of Accounting and Auditing, Kazakh State Academy of Management, Kazakhstan

·        Certified Management Accountant, the Institute of Management Accountants, USA

Overview Nurlan S. Orazalin has extensive teaching experience in the areas of accounting and finance. Dr. Orazalin has considerable practical and consulting experience and has worked with a variety of industries, including banking, oil and gas, constructions, communications, and manufacturing. In his current position, Dr. Orazalin teaches courses such as Introduction to Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Advanced Accounting, Financial Reporting and Management Control Systems, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), Auditing, Financial Statement Analysis, Introduction to Finance, Modern Research in Accounting etc. He has DBA in accounting from KIMEP University, Kazakhstan and MS in accounting from Texas A&M University, USA. He is a Certified Management Accountant and a Member of the Institute of Management Accountants of USA, and provides consulting services for domestic and international companies/banks. His research and professional interests are primarily focused on financial reporting, corporate governance, corporate social responsibility, sustainability performance and integrated reporting, and fair value accounting. Dr. Orazalin is the author of several articles in peer- reviewed journals, book chapters, and conference proceedings. He received the best teacher award for outstanding teaching from KIMEP University in 2006 and the Kazakhstani business professor of the year award from the Lawyer, Academics and Consultants of Kazakhstan in 2009.
Research Interests
  • Corporate Governance and Corporate Governance Disclosures
  • Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting
  • Current topics in International Financial Reporting Standards
  • Sustainability Performance and Integrated Reporting
  • Accounting for derivatives and financial instruments
  • Fair Value Accounting
  • The Study of Capital Markets in Emerging Markets in CIS and Central Asia regions.
Selected Publications ·         Orazalin, N. (2018), Working Capital Management and Firm Profitability: Evidence from Emerging Markets, International Journal of Business and Globalisation, accepted, forthcoming (SCOPUS listed)

·         Mahmood, M. and Orazalin, N. (2017), Green governance and sustainability reporting in Kazakhstan’s oil, gas, and mining sector: Evidence from a former USSR emerging economy, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 164, pp. 389-397 (SSCI and SCOPUS listed)

·         Orazalin, N., Mahmood M. and Lee, KJ. (2016), Corporate governance, financial crisis, and firm performance: Lessons from top Russian Banks, Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society, Vol. 16 Issue 5, pp.798 – 814 (ABS and SCOPUS listed)

·      Orazalin, N., Makarov, R. and Ospanova M. (2015), Corporate Governance and Firm Performance in the Oil and Gas Industry of Russia, Journal of Business, Economics and Finance, Volume 4, Issue 4,pp. 710-722

·      Orazalin N., Mahmood, M. and Lee, K.J. (2015), Bank Ownership and Performance: Evidence from Russia in a post crisis period, Journal of Accounting, Finance and Economics, Volume 5, No 1, pp. 46-55 

·         Mahmood, M., Orazalin, N. and Zhakupova, B., (2013), Fostering Creativity and Innovation Through Leadership, International Journal of Strategic Management, Volume 1, 2013, pp. 67-75

·         Bhasin, M., Makarov. R. and Orazalin, N., (2012), The Determinants of Voluntary Disclosure in the Banking Sector of Kazakhstan, International Journal of Contemporary Business Studies, Volume 3, No. 3,  pp. 60-71

·         Absar, N., Orazalin, N. and Mahmood M. (2012), Human capital reporting in emerging economies: A comparative study on the banking industry of Kazakhstan and Bangladesh, Journal of Academy of Business and Economics, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 28-36

·         Mailibayeva, Z., Makarov, R. and Orazalin, N. (2012), Financial Reporting Practices in Emerging Economy: Determinants of Cash Flow Reporting Methods in Kazakhstan, Journal of International Business and Economics, Volume 12, Issue 2, pp. 97-105

·         Orazalin, N. and Lee S.H. (2011), Portfolio Diversification Effect in the Capital Market of Kazakhstan: Empirical study based on KASE index, Journal of International Finance Studies, Volume 11, No. 1, pp. 126-132

Book Chapters

  • Makarov, R., Orazalin, N. and Mahmood M. (2014), “Corporate Governance and Voluntary Disclosure: A Study on the Banking Industry of Kazakhstan”, Governance in the new era: Cases and perspectives from top to bottom and left to right, Business Expert Press, New York, 2014.

Conference Papers

  • “Improving Regulatory Framework of Corporate Governance in Kazakhstan: The Role of International Organizations” (with Monowar Mahmood), International Conference: “Contested Global Governance, transformed Global Governors?” 2017, July, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
  • “Working Capital Management and Firm Performance: Evidence from Emerging Markets”, KBTU Business School Conference 2017, Kazakh British Technical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • “The Effect of Corporate Governance on Sustainability Reporting”, 13th KIMEP International Research Conference (KIRC 2016). KIMEP. Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • “Corporate Governance and Firm Performance in the Oil and Gas Industry of Russia”, Eurasia Business Research Conference 2014, World Business Institute, Istanbul, Turkey
  • “Bank Ownership and Performance: Evidence from Russia in a post crisis period”, Eurasia Business Research Conference 2014, World Business Institute, Istanbul, Turkey
  • “Human Capital Reporting in Emerging and Developing Economies: Comparative study based on Banking sectors of Bangladesh and Kazakhstan”, IABE Conference 2012, June, Venice, Italy
  • “Financial Reporting Practices in Emerging Economy: Determinants of Cash Flow Reporting Methods in Kazakhstan”, the KIMEP International Conference 2012 (KIRC), KIMEP, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • “Portfolio Diversification Effect in the Capital Market of Kazakhstan: Empirical study based on KASE index” (with Sang Hoon Lee), IABE Conference 2011, June, Barcelona, Spain
  • “Business Combinations in the CIS – The Role of Individual Agents in Accounting for Control” (with Gavin Kretzschmar and Rashid Makarov), the KIMEP International Conference 2011 (KIRC), KIMEP, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • “Do Revaluations of Fixed Assets Really Provide Reliable Measurement in Financial Reporting?” 6th KIMEP International Research Conference (KIRC 2009). KIMEP. Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • «Анализ финансового положения хозяйствующего субьекта». XXI век: Бухгалтерский учет и Аудит в Республике Казахстан. Конференция в КазГАУ. Алматы, Казахстан
Teaching Current Courses Taught


·         Financial Accounting

·         Management Accounting

·         Selected Topics in Accounting

·         International Financial Reporting Standards

·         Modern Research Studies in Accounting

·         Auditing

  • Best Paper Award, awarded at Eurasia Business Research Conference, 16-18 June 2014, Istanbul Turkey, by World Business Institute
  • Kazakhstani Business Professor of the Year Award, awarded at the 2009 Lawyer, Academics and Consultants Awards. Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2009

Maya Katenova (1)

(English) Maya Katenova, DBA

(English) Assistant Professor of Finance


Кешіріңіз, беттің осы нұсқасын келесі тілдерде оқи аласыз: Американдық Ағылшын Тілі et Орыс Тілі.

Olga Uzhegova

(English) Uzhegova Olga, DBA

(English) Assistant Professor of Finance


Кешіріңіз, беттің осы нұсқасын келесі тілдерде оқи аласыз: Американдық Ағылшын Тілі.

Alexandr Ostrovskiy (1)

(English) Alexander Ostrovsky, DBA

(English) Assistant Professor of Marketing


Кешіріңіз, беттің осы нұсқасын келесі тілдерде оқи аласыз: Американдық Ағылшын Тілі et Орыс Тілі.


(English) Uldana Baizyldayeva, Ph.D.

(English) Assistant Professor
Bachelor of Information Systems


Кешіріңіз, беттің осы нұсқасын келесі тілдерде оқи аласыз: Американдық Ағылшын Тілі et Орыс Тілі.


Дария Айнекова

(English) Assistant Professor of OMIS


Старший адъюнкт-преподаватель


Магистр экономики (MA), КИМЭП, Алматы, Казахстан, июнь 2003 г.

Бакалавр в области математики (B.A.), Казахский национальный государственный университет, Алматы, Казахстан, июнь  1997 г.

Основные преподаваемые дисциплины и опыт педагогической деятельности:

Шесть лет опыта преподавания макроэкономики, микроэкономики, денежных средств и банковского дела, дифференциального и интегрального исчисления, математических методов, количественных методов при проведении экономического анализа.

Научно-исследовательская деятельность:

Экономический рост, макроэкономика, экономическое моделирование.

Участие в образовательных и профессиональных ассоциациях:

Международная научно-исследовательская конференция КИМЭП “Глобальный бизнеса и трансформация рынка. Новые тенденции в Центральной Азии”,  22-23 апреля 2011 г. “Оценка источников экономического роста Казахстана”, Алоизиус Аджаб Амин (КИМЭП), Дария Айнекова (КИМЭП).

Шанхайская международная конференция по социальным наукам, 17-21 август 2011 г.,  “Темы роста казахстанской экономики в долгосрочной перспективе”, Алоизиус Аджаб Амин (КИМЭП), Дария Айнекова (КИМЭП). Участие в конференции прошло при финансовой поддержке КИМЭП.

Контактная информация:

Тел.: +7(727) 270-42-63, внут. 3063

Офис: 218/Зд. Валиханова

E-Mail: dariya@kimep.kz


Sekip Engin Mendi, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, OMIS area


Dr. Engin Mendi received his PhD degree in Integrated Computing from University of Arkansas at Little Rock (UALR), two MS degrees, one in Applied Science from UALR and the other in Computational Engineering from Technical University of Munich, Germany and BS degree in Civil Engineering from Middle East Technical University, Turkey. Previously, he was a faculty member at Computer Engineering Department at Konya Chamber of Commerce Karatay University, Turkey, a software developer at Plasma Physics Institute at Max-Planck-Society, Munich, Germany, and a graduate intern at Wright Brothers Institute at US Air Force Research Lab, Dayton, Ohio and at IABG mbH, Munich, Germany. His research interests are in the areas of image-video processing, health informatics and mobile application development. He has published and co-authored more than 30 publications, over 10 journal papers, 1 book chapter and numerous conference papers.


(English) Bibigul Zhakupova, MA

(English) Senior Lecturer of Accounting


Кешіріңіз, беттің осы нұсқасын келесі тілдерде оқи аласыз: Американдық Ағылшын Тілі et Орыс Тілі.

Ruslan Safarov Photo

Ruslan Safarov, MSc

(English) Senior Lecturer of Accounting

Name Ruslan Safarov
Position Senior Lecturer of Accounting
Contact detail r.safarov@kimep.kz ; office phone: 270-44-40, ext. 2251
Education background MSc (International Accounting and Finance), Cass Business School, City University London, UK

BSc (Business Administration and Accounting), KIMEP, Kazakhstan

Certifications Member of Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)
Teaching Current Courses Taught

– Professional Auditing

– Intermediate Accounting

– Financial Accounting

Practical Experience Ruslan has seven years of experience in audit and preparation of the financial statements in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards. Being part of UK team during 2013-2015 Ruslan was deeply involved into the audit of cross national companies with headquarters based in UK, US and Australia with the UK and US GAAP reporting requirements. On a top of that Ruslan participated in internal audit engagements with subsequent consultation on tax, financial reporting and risk management issues of the companies’ management based in CIS countries and UK.

Ruslan was involved into the audit engagements of clients from various industries including oil&gas, retail, banking and insurance. Key clients in portfolio are as follows:

·        In Kazakhstan: Caspi Meruerty Operating Company B.V., North Company Operating Company, Karachaganak Petroleum B.V., Phystech LLP, JSC SB Alfa Bank Kazakhstan, JSC Generali Life, Philip Morris Kazakhstan LLP, Nestle Food Kazakhstan LLP, Kelun Kazpharm LLP, Sadvik Mining & Construction LLP, Burda Alatau Press, Alsad Kazakhstan LLP

·        In the UK: Corona Energy LLP (UK based, part of Macquarie Group listed on ASE), DST Systems Inc. (UK based, NYSE listed), Danone LTD + Danone Waters LTD (UK based), Galliford Try Plc. (UK based, LSE listed).

Grants – Laureate of “Bolashak” State Scholarship


Saule Dyussembina, CMA, MBA, MPhil

Senior Lecturer in Accounting


Senior Lecturer in Accounting

Akhliddin Ismailov (2)

(English) Akhliddin Ismailov, MBA

(English) Senior Lecturer of Finance


Кешіріңіз, беттің осы нұсқасын келесі тілдерде оқи аласыз: Американдық Ағылшын Тілі et Орыс Тілі.

Yevgeniya Kim (2)

(English) Yevgeniya Kim, MBA

(English) Senior Lecturer of OMIS


Кешіріңіз, беттің осы нұсқасын келесі тілдерде оқи аласыз: Американдық Ағылшын Тілі.

Oleg Vlasov, KIMEP University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

(English) Oleg Vlassov, MBA

(English) Senior Lecturer of OMIS


Кешіріңіз, беттің осы нұсқасын келесі тілдерде оқи аласыз: Американдық Ағылшын Тілі et Орыс Тілі.


Hala Abdelmoneim Abdallah Abdelgaffar, PhD

Assistant Professor of Management, Department of Management and Marketing


Hala Abdelgaffar is an Assistant Professor of Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior at KIMEP University.


  • Management
  • Human Resources
  • Organizational Studies

Research Interests

She is predominantly interested in the individual behavior and organizational socio-cultural climate and norms that influence the effectiveness of core human resource management processes, and the challenges facing business schools in mainstreaming responsible management education in their academic activities and practices. Her current research focuses on career shock facing employees during crises, workplace challenges facing females in the MENA region, and psycho-social behaviors at the workplace. She has a wide portfolio of teaching expertise in OB and HRM at various levels of Higher Education (Undergraduate, Master, and MBA), and she has previously held teaching posts at Estonian Business School (EBS) and the American University in Cairo (AUC).

Hala’s research interests lie at the heart of human resource management examining how individuals can be motivated, inspired, engaged, and developed to perform better and more effectively. Her work has been published in leading academic journals including the Journal of Management Development; The International Journal of Management Education; Journal of Workplace Learning; International Journal of Public Administration; International Journal of Organizational Analysis; Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion: An International Journal; International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management; Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal; International Journal of Organizational Analysis; International Journal of Culture Tourism and Hospitality Research; Journal of Family Business Management; Tourism and Hospitality Research; and Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration.

Awards and Recognition

Hala’s Ph.D. thesis review article on ‘Responsible Management Education: practices, outcomes, and Challenges’ won the 2022 Emerald Literati Award for Outstanding Paper. She graduated with an honorary BA in English language and literature, traveled as a Fulbright scholar to complete the international teacher training institute at Saint Bernardino, California, U.S.A., became a university fellow at AUC, Egypt, then later an international examiner for Cambridge Australia, and a certified UKIV and Life Skills examiner, Cambridge, UK, and was recently nominated and completed content creation for an open access national mega project with AUC.


Her teaching, mentorship, and workshops are infused with insights from her research and consultancy, as well as her strong international experience (aside from her homeland Egypt, she has lived, worked, and/or studied as an academic scholar in Estonia, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, U.S.A., and the Netherlands).

She is highly committed to the future of management education, and she is particularly interested in the development of early-career academicians.


Mohd Zain Bin Mohamed, PhD

Professor of Management, Department of Management and Marketing


Professor M. Zain Mohamed received his PhD (Management) from the Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, UK, in 1993. Prior to joining KIMEP University in August 2023, Prof. Zain was a Professor of Management in several AACSB/EQUIS accredited universities including Sultan Qaboos University, Oman; King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia; Qatar University; University of Dubai, UAE; United Arab Emirates University; and Universiti Putra Malaysia. He was also a Visiting Professor at the college of business/economics of the Tashkent State Technical University, Uzbekistan, and the University of Mauritius. Before becoming an academic in December 1980, Prof. Zain was an IT Consultant with the Information Systems Consulting Division of Arthur Andersen & Company (now known as Accenture), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Prof. Zain’s research interests are in the areas of innovation and technology management, information management, competitiveness of firms, entrepreneurship, and corporate strategies.  His publications have appeared in many refereed and scholarly international journals including Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Creativity and Innovation Management, Information & Management, International Journal of Information Management, International Journal of Innovation Management, International Journal of Project Management, Journal of Global Competitiveness, Journal of Islamic Marketing, Scandinavian Journal of Management, Services Marketing Quarterly, Social Behavior and Personality, Technovation, and Thunderbird International Business Review. Prof. Zain has also undertaken many consulting projects with public and private organizations in Malaysia in the areas of technology mapping, competitiveness of industries, project feasibility studies, market surveys, business processes and systems, and social & economic studies.


Norizan Binti Mohd Kassim, PhD

Professor of Marketing, Department of Management and Marketing


Professor Norizan Mohd Kassim specializes in marketing and holds a Ph.D. from Southern Cross University in New South Wales, Australia, which she obtained in 2002. Her research interests are in cross-cultural studies, consumer behavior, service quality, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, service innovation, the competitiveness of organizations, and entrepreneurship. She has collaborated actively with researchers in several other management disciplines. She has published numerous articles in reputable international journals, including the Journal of Business Research, the European Journal of Marketing, the Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, the Asia Pacific Business Review, the International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, the International Journal of Innovation Management, and the Electronic Markets. Prior to her affiliation with KIMEP University, she held the position of Professor and Assistant Dean for Graduate Studies and Research in the College of Economics, Management, and Information Systems at the University of Nizwa in Nizwa, Oman. Since May 2019, she has been Technical Director for the Oman Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) Project. Additionally, she held academic positions in universities accredited by AACSB in Malaysia and abroad. Some universities included in this list are the United Arab Emirates University, Qatar University, King Abdulaziz University, and the University of Dubai. Before pursuing an academic career, she acquired substantial expertise across multiple sectors, such as banking, finance, and stock brokerage, for a considerable period.


Dennis Orlenn Olson, PhD

Research Chair / Professor of Finance, Department of Accounting and Finance


Prior to coming to KIMEP, Dennis Olson was a visiting scholar at Oregon State University-Cascades in the USA. He holds a PhD in economics from the University of Wyoming (USA) and a Canadian Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) designation, as well as the American professional designations of Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC) and Chartered Life Underwriter CLU).

He has taught economics, finance, and accounting classes in the US, Canada, New Zealand, Denmark, Colombia, Oman, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). His research primarily uses econometric techniques to address issues in banking, investments, corporate finance, economic efficiency, and public finance. This research has appeared in journals, such as, the Journal of Banking and Finance, International Journal of Accounting, Journal of Corporate Finance, European Economic Review, International Journal of Forecasting, Economic Inquiry, Southern Economic Journal, Energy Economics, Emerging Markets Review, and Financial Review.

Outside of academia, he is married with two grown children who previously accompanied him to various universities around the world. His hobbies include traveling, fishing, golf, chess, and learning languages.