КСҚ туралы

КСҚ КИМЭП Университетінің әкімшілігі алдында студенттердің мүдделеріне уәкілдік жасайды. Құрылған кезінен бастап КСҚ студенттердің сұрақтары мен мәселелерін университет басшылығы алдында қорғаушы ретінде үлкен үлес қосуда.

Жыл сайын КСҚ кабинетінің жаңа мүшесі сайланады.
КСҚ мүшелері КИМЭП Университетін басқаруда белсенді рөл атқарады. Олар КИМЭП Университетінің көптеген басқару комитеттерінде, соның ішінде Тендер комитетінде, Тәртіптік комитетте және Бюджет комитетінде дауыс беру құқықтарына ие. КИМЭП студенттерінің мүдделерінің өкілдері ретінде КСҚ КИМЭП Университетінде қабылданатын барлық негізгі басқарушылық шешімдері үшін кеңес беруде.

Ұсынылған нысандар үлгі ретінде берілген

Memorandum on cooperation (.pdf)

KSA Constitution


We, the students of KIMEP in order to advance the education of the students; to promote the general welfare of the students; to preserve within the University an atmosphere of free discussion, inquiry and self-expression; in order to appropriately organize the responsibilities of participatory governance in joint effort among students, faculty, and the administration of KIMEP; do hereby adopt this Constitution of the KIMEP Student Association (hereinafter referred to as the ‘KSA’).


Article I. Name, membership, purpose and the General Body
Article II. The KSA Cabinet: Structure and powers
Article III. Duties and responsibilities of the Cabinet
Article IV. Ratification & Amendments
Article V. Elections, the Election Commission
Article VI. Standing Committees of the Cabinet
Article VII. Amendments and Interpretation of Constitution


1.1 Name The name of this organization shall be “KIMEP STUDENT ASSOCIATION (hereinafter referred as KSA).

1.2 Membership

All full-time students who are enrolled at KIMEP as part of a degree program are members of the KSA and shall be entitled to participate in the Association’s activities and to vote at the KSA Annual Elections.

1.3 Purpose

The purpose of the KSA is to advance the education of the students; to promote the general welfare of the students; to preserve within the University an atmosphere of free discussion, inquiry and self-expression; to appropriately organize the responsibilities of participatory governance in joint effort among students, faculty, and the administration of KIMEP; to seek student input on issues; to act on and provide recommendations on student issues.

The KSA directs its efforts to support the KIMEP administration to make KIMEP one of the best universities in the world and in conjunction and co-operation with the KIMEP faculty and administration makes all possible efforts to make KIMEP campus a place of safety and harmony for research, discussion and other academic activities.

1.4 General Body of the Student Association

General Body of the KSA is the full time registered students in degree programs at KIMEP.
The Cabinet of the KSA is responsible to this body.

1.4.1 Meetings of the General Body

The “Cabinet” shall call a meeting of the General Body at least once a semester in which the activities of the KSA including financial matters, progress in different fronts, problems and opportunities shall be reported, discussed and debated in general. In particular, the “Cabinet” shall make the following reports:

(a) General state of the KSA
(b) Budget, finance and expenditures
(c) Activities of the working committees
(d) Opportunities in which students can take active part
(e) Others

1.4.2 Responsibilities of KSA Cabinet before the General Body

The responsibility of the KSA Cabinet is to take part in the welfare of the student population, ensure progress, integrity and financial stability of the KSA and engage fellow students and administration of KIMEP in creating a thriving environment. Because the “Cabinet” is elected by the students, the General Body shall have the right to consider and discuss any or all issues of the activities of KSA. In extreme situation where the “Cabinet” grossly fails to run the affairs of the KSA or there is proven evidence of violations of the constitution, or there is evidence of financial misappropriations, this Body shall have the right to consider a “No Confidence” motion on the “Cabinet”. If the motion is passed by a 2/3 majority of the General Body of Students, the General Body shall inform the Dean of Student Affairs of the outcome in writing. The Dean shall call for a new election following the provisions and processes embodied in the KSA Constitution.


2.1 The Cabinet

The Cabinet of the KSA shall consist of:

1. President
2. Vice-President of Administration (VPA)
3. Vice-President of Sports and Culture (VPSC)
4. Vice-President of Finance (VPF)
5. Twelve deputies, who will be members of the Cabinet and may also chair different

Cabinet committees

The President in consultation with the VPA, VPSC and VPF can assign other functions to members of the Cabinet.

2.2 Powers and duties of the Cabinet

The Cabinet shall have following powers and duties to:

1. Run day to day affairs of the KSA
2. Meet at least twice a month to discuss, resolve and take decisions on day to day issues
3. Develop budget and approve the expenditures
4. Advise the President of KIMEP on any matters of policy, programs and services that improves campus life, student support systems, general concerns and well being of students
5. Provide coordination and communication with the administration of KIMEP
6. Provide coordination and communication within the student body
7. Call a meeting of the Student Body at least once per semester
8. Represent student community in external and internal affairs
9. Organize academic, cultural, sports, intellectual, entertaining and other activities and events

2.3 Meetings

Regular meetings of the KSA Cabinet are held not less than once every two weeks during the Fall and Spring semesters. Minutes are to be kept and made available to the Dean of Student Affairs upon request. Each meeting must have a secretary (a non-voting member) to take notes and all members who attend the meeting must sign their names.

2.4 Quorum

The quorum necessary for the transaction of the KSA Cabinet business will be at least 8 members (half of the whole cabinet) out of the total 16 members of the KSA Cabinet. At least one VP shall also be present in order to make a quorum.

2.5 Decision Making Process

All issues brought before the KSA Cabinet are decided by a process of consensus. If there is no consensus over an issue, voting should be held and decisions should be made by simple majority, to avoid complications.


3.1 The President

The President shall be the chief executive officer of the KSA. He/she will be responsible for the overall administration, functions and finances of the KSA. In particular, the President shall:

1. Run the day to day affairs of the KSA Cabinet
2. Call and preside meetings of the KSA Cabinet
3. Organize and conduct General Body Assembly/meeting
4. Represent the KSA interest to KIMEP administration
5. Represent the KSA interest in internal and external affairs, cooperation and linkages
6. Supervise the work of the Cabinet members
7. Supervise the work of the Cabinet Standing Committees without being a member
8. Take responsibility for making any final decisions of the KSA Cabinet and its Standing Committees, approving and signing all the documents of the Cabinet and its Standing Committees, which are otherwise deemed as not having any legal force.
9. Enforce and administer all acts passed by the Cabinet
10. Present an annual report of the association to the General Body and to KIMEP
11. Make temporary appointments to vacated cabinet positions with the approval of the 2/3 majority of the Cabinet members

3.2 The Vice-President of Administration (VPA)

The VPA is responsible for the general administration of the Cabinet and supporting the President on any matter that is assigned to the KSA Cabinet. This position is second to the President in hierarchy and reports to the President. The VPA becomes the acting President in President’s absence assuming full power and responsibilities of the president. In particular, the VPA shall be responsible for:

1. Promotion, publicity and public relations of the KSA
2. Cabinet affairs such as meetings, committee formations, committee functioning, Budget and fee oversight and annual report drafting
3. Communication and liaison with KIMEP administration to represent student concerns and interests
4. Signing documents of the Cabinet in the instance of becoming an acting President
5. Representing the President in events and meetings in his/her absence
6. Overseeing the activities of the entire Cabinet

3.3 The Vice-President of Sports and Culture (VPSC)

Reporting to the President, the VPSC is responsible for planning and monitoring sports and cultural activities of the students. In particular, the VPSC shall:

1. Act as the chief officer on behalf of the KSA in planning, developing, organizing and monitoring sports and cultural activities and events on and off campus
2. Develop an annual strategic plan for sports and cultural activities
3. Work closely with the Office of Student Affairs and Director of the Sports Center in related activities
4. Appoint separate coordinators for sports and cultural activities
5. Form committees dealing with art, culture and sports
6. Work with students to get them involved in related activities
7. Develop a budget for the sports and cultural activities

3.4 The Vice-President of Finance (VPF)

Reporting to the President, the VPF is the chief financial officer and treasurer of the KSA. The VPF is responsible for the budget planning, revenues, expenditure, control and internal auditing. The KSA Budget Committee reports to the VPF. In particular, the VPF shall be responsible for the following:

1. Budget planning & budget preparation
2. Revenues and expenditures: approval & control
3. Internal auditing of all financial records
4. Reporting draft annual budget to the Student Body meeting, and to the KSA Cabinet for final approval
5. Signing all financial documents of KSA Cabinet
6. Must chair all Budget Committee Meetings
7. Fund raising

3.5 Deputies

Deputies are elected members of the KSA Cabinet. KSA members elect 12 deputies from KIMEP different degree programs in the KSA Annual Elections. Deputies participate in decision making process and are members of different Standing Committees. From time to time, the President, VPs or the Cabinet may assign responsibilities to a deputy.

3.6 Removal and Disqualification

A member of the KSA Cabinet can be declared disqualified and removed from the office if the member is found guilty of the following:

(a) Financial misappropriations
(b) Breach of constitutional processes
(c) Violations of constitutional provision(s)
(d) Of any action that threatens the integrity of the KSA and KIMEP
(e) Consistent unexcused absence from the regular meetings of KSA Cabinet Such allegations can be brought against any member of the KSA Cabinet or standing committees by any member of KIMEP community including students which must be filed in writing to the Chair of the Judicial Committee. If any member is found to be guilty of the alleged offense, the committee shall report the case in writing to the President of KIMEP Student Association. If the President is found to be guilty of the offense, the Committee shall report the matter in writing to the Vice President of Administration. If both are found to beguilty of the offense, the Committee shall report to any other Vice Presidents in writing. The receiving officer shall have the obligation to bring the matter before the whole Cabinet within three working days of the receipt.

3.7 No Confidence Motion

Judicial Committee shall report all disciplinary and legal cases to the President of KSA or to the line successor in case the President is absent or the President is a party in a case. The President or his/her line successor must bring the matter before the whole KSA Cabinet within three days of the receipt of the report. The KSA Cabinet shall have the right to pass a “no confidence” motion on any member of the KSA Cabinet and/or on any member of the Standing Committees if the party is found to be guilty of the offense. Such motion must have 3/4 support of the membership of the KSA Cabinet excluding the accused member(s).

3.7.1 Procedure

a. The content of the Motion and related evidence must be distributed among all the KSA Cabinet members at least 48 hours before the meeting where the motion will be tabled. In a special meeting of the KSA Cabinet chaired by the President, the matter will be discussed in details. Thereafter, a deputy will table a no-confidence motion and another deputy will second the motion. A brief discussion shall follow before taking the votes. The presiding officer or chair of the meeting shall vote only in case of a tie. The motion must be passed with a minimum of three-fourth majority votes of the KSA Cabinet members.

b. The KSA Cabinet member, including the President and The Vice-Presidents, who is accused of the offense shall attend the special meeting. In the event that a no confidence motion is being considered against President, the meeting shall be conducted by the line successor. Once a No Confidence Motion is passed against a member of the KSA Cabinet, the member will be asked in writing to leave the office with immediate effect. The Dean of Student Affairs and the Chair of the Election Commission shall be informed accordingly. A by- election for the vacated position shall be arranged by the President of KSA among current KSA Cabinet members within one month of the appearance of a vacancy.

3.8 Lines of Succession

1. If the KSA President is removed or leaves office for any reason he/she shall be replaced by the Vice-President of Administration
2. If the KSA Vice-President of Administration is removed or leaves office for any reason he/she shall be replaced by the Vice-President of Sports & Culture
3. If the KSA Vice-President of Sports and Culture is removed or leaves office for any reason he/she shall be replaced by the Vice-President of Finance
4. If the KSA Vice-President of Finance is removed or leaves office, he/she will be replaced on an acting basis by a member of the Cabinet who will be elected by the
Cabinet itself. However, a special election shall be arranged by the President of KSA among current KSA Cabinet members thirty (30) days after the vacation of this position to elect a new Vice-President of Finance.


4.1 Ratification

The KSA Constitution will not be in effect and deemed ratified until there has been approval by a simple majority of votes on referendum of the entire KSA. A simple majority of votes will consist of 51% of all those full-time degree program students who actually voted, not based on any percentage of the total number of KIMEP students.

4.2 Amendments

All proposed amendments to the KSA Constitution must also be approved by two-thirds (2/3) of the current KSA Cabinet members (in office at the time of the proposed amendment) followed by majority of votes of entire KSA (eligible voters) and then reported to KIMEP through the Dean of Student Affairs within a week of the initial proposal.

a. A two-thirds majority vote in favor of the amendment of the KSA Cabinet followed by
b. An official petition & referendum vote, in which the amendment will be added. The Office of Students Affairs will determine the mode of a referendum, if there is a simple majority following a vote (of eligible voters) that favor the amendment. If the amendment fails to get passed, those proposing the amendment must wait a full-year before once again proposing the  amendment.

4.3 Conflict Of Interest

Any KSA Cabinet member, or Chair of a Standing Committee serving or involved at the same time in any KIMEP student club or organization, must remove him/herself from any particular administrative or financial decision being made in reference to a particular student club/organization vote in which they might benefit personally Any KSA Cabinet member serving or involved at the same time in any KIMEP student club or organization is given 2 weeks after the official election date to remove him/herself from KIMEP student club or organization that he/she is a member of. Any question of conflict of interest will be decided by the consensus by a simple majority of KSA Cabinet members. All hiring and bid processes in which the Student Association is involved are subject to Kazakhstani Law as well as KIMEP policy regarding the disbursement of funds.



The KSA Cabinet shall be elected for a one-year term by a simple majority of eligible voters who actually voted in the KSA Elections. After a student has served his/her one-year term in the KSA he/she can run again in the next KSA elections, excluding the KSA President, who is allowed to serve only one term as the President.

1. The election of the KSA President, KSA Vice-President of Administration, KSA Vice-President of Sports and Culture and KSA Vice-President of Finance along with the 12 deputies shall be done as provided in the KSA Constitution provisions and codes.
2. A deputy shall be any full time KIMEP student with good academic record. Any student aspiring to be a deputy must be endorsed by 20 full time KIMEP students with GPA not less than 2.00. Only the students with the same first 4 numbers in ID can give votes for their deputy candidate.
3. Any graduate student aspiring to be candidate for a post of deputy must be endorsed by 10 full time graduate students at KIMEP.
4. Candidates running for international student deputy shall be full time international students at KIMEP and must be endorsed by 10 international students at KIMEP.
5. Candidates for the office of the President shall be any full time student with good academic record. A candidate for the office of the President must have earned at least sixty one (61) credits at KIMEP and with GPA not less than 2.67. Any student aspiring to be a candidate for the office of the President must be endorsed by at least 50 full time KIMEP students. One student can nominate only one candidate for the position of the President of KSA. To run for the office of the President of KSA, a candidate must also have at least 1 year experience of work in the KSA as an officially elected member.
6. Candidates for offices of VP of Administration, VP of Sports and Culture and VP of Finance shall be full time students of KIMEP with good academic record. Candidate for any Vice-President office must have earned at least thirty one (31) credits at KIMEP and with GPA not less than 2.33. A student aspiring to be a candidate for any of the three Vice-Presidents positions should indicate the exact Vice-President position he/she is running for and should be endorsed by at least 40 full time KIMEP students. One student can nominate only one candidate for each position of Vice-President.
7. Any full-time student can give vote for 1 deputy according to his/her year of entry and college, 3 Vice-Presidents and the President independently.
8. Students that are currently taking any foundation English level courses can give vote for 1 deputy according to his/her year of entry and college, 3 Vice-Presidents and the President independently.
9. Any student who is considered full time and who has “regular student” status by University policy may be a candidate for any office provided the other specific requirements for the particular office be satisfied.
10. Seat allocations for each shall be as follows: Four(4) Executive Officers: KSA President, KSA Vice-President of Administration, KSA Vice-President of Sports and Culture and KSA Vice-President of Finance (Candidates for these 4 Executive Officers will run for subsequent offices independently and can be elected from any program of KIMEP). Nine (9) deputies according to their college and the year of entry (Candidates for CSS and BCB deputies will run for subsequent positions according to their college and year of entry, Candidate for Law School will run for a position only according to their college)
CSS1 – 1 deputy
CSS2 – 1 deputy
CSS3 – 1 deputy
CSS4 – 1 deputy
BCB1 – 1 deputy
BCB2 – 1 deputy
BCB3 – 1 deputy
BCB4 – 1 deputy
LS – 1 deputy

One (1) deputy from International students
Two (2) deputies from Graduate Programs
CSS – College of Social Sciences
BCB – Bang college of Business

5.2 The Election Commission

At least two weeks before the KSA Elections the Dean of Student Affairs, taking into account President’s of KSA considerations will appoint an Election Commission (EC). The EC shall be made of eight members. It will be chaired by a senior faculty member and will include four faculty members and two KSA Cabinet members. The rest of the two members will be senior students, who will not be members of the KSA Cabinet. Students being members of the EC will not be candidates for any position in the student body election. The EC will keep the Dean of Student Affairs informed about the process and progress of the Elections. The EC can appoint few more election officials on the election day from the students with previous experience of elections.

5.3 Powers and duties

The EC shall:

1. Make arrangements for the free, fair and transparent elections of the KSA Cabinet
2. Set a date for candidates, running in the KSA Cabinet elections to fill in application form to run for the KSA Cabinet elections
3. Set a date to announce names of the successful candidates contesting in the KSA Cabinet elections
4. Encourage students interested in contesting the elections to form panels and contest the election under common election symbols
5. Ask all candidates and panels of candidates to publish their programs or manifestoes which should be simple, clear and realistic
6. Encourage all KIMEP students to participate in the elections
7. Set rules and procedures of the election campaign and polling according to the Constitution of KIMEP Student Association
8. Facilitate debates among the candidates and the number and the venue of the debates will be decided in consultation with the candidates and their supporters. The Office of Student Affairs will assist the EC in arranging the election debates.

5.4 Polling procedures

a) The EC will plan in advance to setup polling station and polling booths
b) The EC will designate an area for this purpose and the KIMEP security staff will be asked to fully protect the area
c) Candidates will not be allowed to come within 200 meters (distance can be negotiated) of the polling areas on the Election Day, however, their nominated agents can be present inside the polling station during the voting and counting. Candidates must submit the names of their agents to the EC before the Election and appropriate
d) The EC will need the full support of Office of the Registrar, Admission and Enrollment departments. These departments will be requested to provide technical support and staff on the polling day. When a voter will arrive at the polling station his/her ID will be checked through KIMEP computers and student database to stop the use of fake
IDs and bogus voting. All officials will be present inside the Election Center and assist voters will require proper training and carry IDs issued by the EC.
e) When the student arrives to vote, he or she must show their State ID as well as student ID card, and only then is his/her name to be crossed off by a voting official, next to his/her voting number.
f) Voting will be conducted by a secret ballot. To avoid long queues and crowding at the polling station the EC can setup maximum seven polling booths inside the polling station so that four students can cast their votes at the same time. The EC will ensure voters’ privacy
g) Members of the EC must be present throughout the whole process of conduction of the elections
h) Voting will be conducted by a paper ballot only, and before a student can vote, his/her name must be first located on the official voting list containing the names of only full- time degree program students along with an assigned voting number
i) The student after being checked, will take an empty ballot from the Election official, go into a private voting booth, and then return with his/her sealed ballot to the official, placing his/her sealed ballot in the box (in view of the official). He or she will then receive a stamp on their right hand, showing they have already voted
j) Each paper ballot will be placed into secured & locked containers, under the constant watch of both the chosen students and the EC members, and at 7:00 PM the sealed containers will be officially taken to a secure location where the votes will be then counted. Agents of candidates and EC members will jointly count each vote and then certify in writing that the number of votes is accurate
k) The final results of the election must be announced not later than 12:00 AM of that day. There will be a 3-day grace period to contest the results or request a recount, and if the results of elections have not been contested, it will then be certified as fair elections. In the case of a contested outcome or protest, the previously elected KSA
l) Those candidates receiving the highest number of votes will become official members of the specified position they ran for in accordance with the structure of the KSA Cabinet
m) The KSA Cabinet elections will be held on the last Monday in October each year and polls are to remain open from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM to allow all students the full opportunity to vote
n) The Election Day and time period can be changed by the EC
o) A week following the elections, the newly elected members of KSA Cabinet will officially assume their office allowing for a one-week transition period in which the previous KSA Cabinet must meet with the new KSA Cabinet members and assist them in making the necessary transition process – along with providing them with all the necessary documentation & office facilities



Cabinet Executive Committee
Cabinet Budget Committee
Cabinet Sports and Culture Committee
Cabinet Judicial Committee
Other committees established by Cabinet (if necessary)

6.1 Cabinet Executive Committee

The KSA Cabinet shall have an Executive Committee made up of the President, Vice Presidents and Standing Committee chairs. The Executive Committee has the power to make decisions in emergency situations when the majority of the Cabinet members cannot be gathered on time. Such decisions must be ratified at the next Cabinet meeting.

6.2 Cabinet Budget Committee

The KSA Cabinet shall have a Budget Committee that will deal with budgetary, financial and student membership fee issues. The KSA Vice-President of Finance shall head the Committee, which will be composed of three deputies of the Cabinet and four students from outside the Cabinet. Three non-voting observers shall also sit on this Committee. The Committee shall be responsible for the development of budget of KSA based on the principles of transparency, integrity and objectivity.

1. The Committee must allocate the funds on projects proposed only by KIMEP students in a fair and unbiased way;
2. At least four (4) Committee members along with at least one (1) observer must be present for project consideration. If less than four (4) Committee members are present at the meeting, the consideration of any project should be cancelled and postponed.
3. Signatures of at least four (4) Committee members must be present on official project documents for the project to be considered and approved. Observers can sign as witnesses on the approved project;
4. The Committee must keep a record of every amount it has allocated to KIMEP student projects;
5. The Committee must keep a detailed record of all allocations and expenditures of KSA funds; it must keep on record the amount of the Students’ funds left. This amount must be announced before every Committee meeting;
6. The Committee must appoint a secretary selected by the KSA Vice-President of Finance among the members of the KSA;
7. The Committee must also give a “semi-annual report” to the KSA General Body stating clearly what it has done. It should also provide updated reports to the KSA Cabinet within one week after each decision;
8. The Committee must be responsible for all accounting work; serve as consultant for all bank dealings;
9. The Committee must be responsible for all invoices, receipts from students receiving funding from the KSA;
10. Publish within one (1) week after meeting, any budgetary decisions either electronically or by hard copy to submit to the KSA Cabinet;
11. President of the KSA cannot sign any project’s budget without approving it by the
Budget Committee.

6.3.1 Structure and decision making


1. The KSA Vice-President of Finance after approval of KSA President shall put forward three qualified student deputies (not serving on the KSA Cabinet Executive, Sports and Culture and Judicial Committee) along with four representatives from the general body of KSA. The KSA Cabinet together with the Office of Student Affairs will ensure that all students are informed about the four positions at the Budget Committee. After all interested students submit their applications for vacant positions in Budget Committee, The Commission shall be created consisting of President of KSA, Vice-President of Finance and Dean of Student affairs. This Commission will consider applications for positions of four students from general body in Budget Committee. The special procedure consisting of specific rules and regulations relating to criteria for selecting these 4 students from general body. The three non-voting observers will include a representative of Student Affairs office, a member from KIMEP Accounting department and a faculty member. The KSA Vice-President of Finance will serve as the “Chair” of the Budget Committee and will vote only in case of tie. A simple majority of votes by the Budget Committee members will be enough to pass a decision.
2. Once the Budget has been confirmed and established, then if a funding dispute should arise among committee members, and a majority decision cannot be reached for or against a funding decision, the KSA Vice-President of Finance will request the President of KSA to present the case to the general meeting of KSA Cabinet. which in turn will render a decision. If a decision still cannot be reached, the President of KSA will submit the issue to the Dean of Student Affairs for his decision. And then return with that decision to the Budget Committee.
3. The decision of the majority of Budget Committee should be signed by KSA Vice-President of Finance.
4. The President of KSA makes final decision on any budgetary expenditures approved by Budget Committee. The President of KSA approves any budgetary decisions by signing them, which only then come into legal force.

6.4 Cabinet Sports and Culture Committee

The KSA Cabinet shall have a Sports and Cultural Committee that will deal with sports and cultural activities of the students. The Vice-President of Sports and Culture will chair this committee. The Committee is composed of 2 deputies of the Cabinet and five students from outside the Cabinet. The KSA Vice-President of Sports and Culture after approval of KSA President shall put forward two (2) qualified student deputies (not serving on the KSA Cabinet Executive, Budget and Judicial Committee) along with five (5) representatives from the general body of KSA. The KSA Cabinet together with the Office of Student Affairs will ensure that all students are informed about the five positions at the Cabinet Sports and Culture Committee. After all interested students submit their applications for vacant positions in the Cabinet Sports and Culture Committee, The KSA Vice-President of Sports and Culture with consent of the KSA President shall appoint 5 members of Cabinet Sports and Culture Committee. The Committee shall develop a budget for sports and cultural activities. This budget should be presented to the Budget Committee. The Cabinet Sports and Culture Committee should work closely with Sports Center, Student Center and the Office of the Student Affairs.

6.5 Cabinet Judicial Committee

The KSA Cabinet shall have a Judicial Committee which shall deal with legal and disciplinary matters related to KSA affairs. The committee shall be chaired by the Vice President of Administration and shall report to the President. This Committee will be composed of two deputies of the KSA Cabinet, two members of the KSA and two former candidates who got second position in the KSA elections for the office of the president and vice president. The KSA Vice-President of Administration after approval of KSA President shall put forward two (2) qualified student deputies (not serving on the KSA Cabinet Executive, Budget and Sports and Culture Committees) along with two (2) representatives from the general body of KSA. The KSA Cabinet together with the Office of Student Affairs will ensure that all students are informed about the two positions at the Cabinet Judicial Committee. After all interested students submit their applications for vacant positions in Judicial Committee, The KSA Vice-President of Administration with consent of the KSA President shall appoint 2 members of Cabinet Judicial Committee. A non-voting representative of the Office of Student Affairs shall also sit on this committee.


7.1 Interpretation

In the event that a question of interpretation of the contents of this KSA Constitution or its amendments by any person or group should occur, the interpretation will be considered & reviewed by members of the KSA Cabinet along with the Dean of Student Affairs. The Dean of Student Affairs may also call for outside advisory help. Their interpretation of this Constitution is ultimately subject to appeal to the Executive Committee of KIMEP. If it has been determined that the KSA Cabinet has acted outside or has seriously violated what the KSA Constitution stipulates, then KIMEP reserves to right to not to recognize the current KSA Cabinet’s action or request.

КСҚ Кабинеті 2023-2024

Суреті Аты-жөні Лауазымы Электрондық поштасы
 SAndi Сәнді Амангелді Президент sandi.amangeldi@kimep.kz
 kym Қымбат Жазыкова Әкімшілік жөніндегі вице-президент kymbat.zhazykova@kimep.kz
 03 Даукен Құрамыс Қаржы жөніндегі вице-президент dauken.kuramys@kimep.kz
 04 Назерке Қасымхан Спорт және мәдениет жөніндегі вице-президент nazerke.kassymkhan@kimep.kz
 05 Аблай Шабанбаев ББФ 1 Депутаты ablay.shabanbayev@kimep.kz
 06 Мирас Ахан ББФ 2 Депутаты miras.akhan@kimep.kz
 07 Аскергалиева Карина ББФ 3 Депутаты karina.askergaliyeva@kimep.kz
 08 Бейбарыс Ысқақ ББФ 4 Депутаты beibarys.yskak@kimep.kz
 10 Ануархан Асанбаев ӘҒФ 1 Депутаты anuarkhan.assanbayev@kimep.kz
 11 Мирас Серікұлы ӘҒФ 2 Депутаты miras.serikuly@kimep.kz
 12 Камила Уатханова ӘҒФ 3 Депутаты kamila.uatkhanova@kimep.kz
 13 Ибрагим Қажиғалиев ҚМ 1 Депутаты ibragim.kazhigaliyev@kimep.kz
 14 Мұхамедия Махметов ҚМ 2 Депутаты mukhamediya.makhmetov@kimep.kz
 15 Аяулым Тұрсынбай БГҒФ 1 Депутаты ayaulym.tursynbay@kimep.kz
 16 Исмаил Умурбек БГҒФ 2 Депутаты ismail.umurbek@kimep.kz
 17 Артем Ким Шетел студенттер Депутаты artem.kim@kimep.kz

КСҚ Кабинеті келесі жерлерден қолжетімді: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kimepgov/ немесе сұрағыңызды осы мекен-жайға жіберіңіз gov@kimep.kz

КСҚ комитеттерінің мүшелері

Комитеттер Уәкілдердің аты-жөні Лауазымы Электрондық поштасы
1 Институционалдық бюджет комитеті Даукен Құрамыс Қаржы жөніндегі вице-президент dauken.kuramys@kimep.kz
Аскергалиева Карина ББФ 3 Депутаты karina.askergaliyeva@kimep.kz
2 Институционалдық тендер комитеті Қымбат Жазыкова Әкімшілік жөніндегі вице-президент kymbat.zhazykova@kimep.kz
Исмаил Умурбек БГҒФ 2 Депутаты ismail.umurbek@kimep.kz
3 КСҚ бюджет комитеті Даукен Құрамыс Қаржы жөніндегі вице-президент dauken.kuramys@kimep.kz
Мирас Ахан ББФ 2 Депутаты miras.akhan@kimep.kz
Аблай Шабанбаев ББФ 1 Депутаты ablay.shabanbayev@kimep.kz
Артем Ким Шетел студенттер Депутаты artem.kim@kimep.kz
4 КСҚ тендер комитеті Назерке Қасымхан Спорт және мәдениет жөніндегі вице-президент nazerke.kassymkhan@kimep.kz
Камила Уатханова ӘҒФ 3 Депутаты kamila.uatkhanova@kimep.kz
Мирас Серікұлы ӘҒФ 2 Депутаты miras.serikuly@kimep.kz
Ануархан Асанбаев ӘҒФ 1 Депутаты anuarkhan.assanbayev@kimep.kz
5 Студенттік мәселелер жөніндегі тәртіптік комитеті Мұхамедия Махметов ҚМ-2 Депутаты mukhamediya.makhmetov@kimep.kz
6 ББФ кеңесі Аскергалиева Карина ББФ 3 Депутаты karina.askergaliyeva@kimep.kz
7 ББФ адалдық комитеті Аблай Шабанбаев ББФ 1 Депутаты ablay.shabanbayev@kimep.kz
8 ӘҒФ кеңесі Камила Уатханова ӘҒФ 3 Депутаты kamila.uatkhanova@kimep.kz
9 ӘҒФ тәртіптік комитеті Мирас Серікұлы ӘҒФ 2 Депутаты miras.serikuly@kimep.kz
10 БГҒФ кеңесі Исмаил Умурбек БГҒФ 2 Депутаты ismail.umurbek@kimep.kz
11 БГҒФ академиялық адалдық және апелляция комитеті Аяулым Тұрсынбай БГҒФ 1 Депутаты ayaulym.tursynbay@kimep.kz
12 Кескін өнімдері комитеті Қымбат Жазыкова Әкімшілік жөніндегі вице-президент kymbat.zhazykova@kimep.kz
Назерке Қасымхан Спорт және мәдениет жөніндегі вице-президент nazerke.kassymkhan@kimep.kz
Мирас Ахан ББФ 2 Депутаты miras.akhan@kimep.kz
Аяулым Тұрсынбай БГҒФ 1 Депутаты ayaulym.tursynbay@kimep.kz
13 Академиялық кеңес Артем Ким Шетел студенттер Депутаты artem.kim@kimep.kz
14 КСҚ конституциялық комитеті Сәнді Амангелді Президент sandi.amangeldi@kimep.kz
Қымбат Жазыкова Әкімшілік жөніндегі вице-президент kymbat.zhazykova@kimep.kz
Камила Уатханова ӘҒФ 3 Депутаты kamila.uatkhanova@kimep.kz

КСҚ Сайлауы

КИМЭП университетінің Студенттік Үкіметіне 2022-2023 жылға сайлауы 2022 ж. 3 қараша күні орын алды. Студенттік үкіметтің жаңа мүшелері КСҚ болашақ әл-ауқаты мен дамуында маңызды рөл атқаратын болады. Биылғы жылы сайлау кампуста Жаңа Академиялық ғимаратта өткізілді.

Сайлау қорытындылары:

Биыл сайлауға келушілердің саны өткен жылмен бірдей 25% құрады.

Әлихан Нұрғазинов – Президент

Інжу Әлімбек – Әкімшілік істер жөніндегі вице-президент

Бейбарыс Ысқақ – Қаржы мәселелері жөніндегі вице-президент

Камила Павликова – Спорт және мәдениет жөніндегі вице-президент болып сайланды.

Сенат депутаттары:

Шетел студенттерінен депутат – Манучер Гадоев

Түлектерден депутат – Олег Лян

ӘҒФ депутаттары: Әміржан Есенов, Нұрлайым Баймулдина, Арсал Айсари, Әйгерім Құлмұхамедова

ББФ депутаттары: Айдос Әмір, Райхан Мұратова, Сәнді Амангелді, Аружан Белгібаева

ҚМ депутаттары: Аружан Асылбек, Роман Желак, Аида Манатқанова, Еркежан Қалиева

БГҒФ депутаттары: Әсел Өтеғали, Азат Кенин, Дана Әбдіхалиева