Mission of the program

The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Business prepares graduates for careers in research, teaching, and consulting in the various functional areas of business.

The main objective of the program is to strategically affect all business and economics education in Central Asia, and foster international business techniques to assist in the development of Kazakhstan economy and educational system. With a team of internationally
renowned professors and researchers and extensive partnerships with some of the top business schools in the world, we are well prepared to deliver a quality Ph.D. program unrivalled in the entire region.

The Ph.D. program’s distinct academic approach is designed to enable students to excel as researchers, educators, and scholars in the future. Throughout Ph.D. Studies experience, students focus on one of four areas of study.

Concentrations Offered
The PhD Program is offered in the following fields:

  • Accounting and Auditing;
  • Finance;
  • Marketing;
  • Management.

Learning Goals and Objectives
The Ph.D. program at BCB aims at achieving the following goals:

  1. Create scholars who can advance business theory and practice;
  2. Develop effective business educators;
  3. Encourage analytical thinking, critical analysis and innovative problem-solving.

In consideration of the program mission and goals the Ph.D. program has established a set of learning objectives.
Upon completion of the program the Ph.D. graduate should be capable of:

  1. Making significant intellectual contributions to the body of knowledge in their chosen field;
  2. Applying relevant theoretical knowledge to contemporary business problems;
  3. Applying a range of qualitative and quantitative research methods;
  4. Critically evaluating business research studies;
  5. Demonstrating superior oral and written communication skills;
  6. Gain expertise in respective areas such as management, finance and accounting.

Intended Learning Outcomes
  1. Application of appropriate research methods (qualitative, quantitative and combined) in the field;
  2. Critical thinking, decision making and creativity;
  3. Theoretical knowledge of a body of literature in the relevant discipline or interdisciplinary field;
  4. Able to identify problems and issues in the discipline or interdisciplinary field;
  5. Significant intellectual contribution to the relevant discipline or interdisciplinary field;
  6. Gaining analytical skills and expertise in the relevant discipline or interdisciplinary field;
  7. Demonstrating oral and written communication skills;
  8. Publication of high impact journal and conference papers in the discipline or interdisciplinary field;
  9. Teaching skills at the Higher Education levels;
  10. Proactive teamwork;
  11. Cultural awareness and global impact of research in relevant area;
  12. Social and legal responsibility and ethical values.


Degree Requirements

Requirements for the Ph.D. program are as follows:

Requirements Credits ECTS
Educational Component 20 45
Program Foundation Requirements 12 25
Core Courses 6 10
Elective Courses 3 5
Pedagogical Internship 3 10
Program Specialization Requirements 8 20
Specialization Courses 6 10
Research Internship 2 10
Research Component 50 123
Research Work 20 53
Dissertation 30 70
Final Attestation 5 12
Total 75 180

Grade Point Average

A student must maintain a cumulative 3.33 GPA throughout the program. Courses in which grades below “B-” are received but are not accepted for the Ph.D. degree. Grades received in courses transferred from another
institution are not included in calculation of the grade point average. If a grade of “C+” or lower is received, the student should repeat the course. More than one retake should acquire an approval from the
Council. When the GPA is calculated, the grade for the repeated course will substitute for the original grade. Grades of “I” turn to “F” if work is not completed by the 7th week of the following semester.

Core Course (6 credits/ 10 ECTS)

Course Code Course Title Credits ECTS Prerequisite
BUS6300 Business Research Methods 3 5 none
BUS63xx Academic Writing 3 5 none

Elective Courses (3 credits / 5 ECTS)

Students may choose one of the following courses

Course Code Course Title Credits ECTS Prerequisite
MGT6400 Modern Research Studies in ACC / FIN / MGT / MKT 3 5 none
XX6xxx Any specialization course 3 5 none

Specialization Courses: Management (6 credits / 10 ECTS)

Students may choose one of the following courses

Course Code Course Title Credits ECTS Prerequisite
MGT6302 Advances in Organizational Behavior and Leadership Theories 3 5 none
MGT6304 Strategic Management and Competitiveness Analysis 3 5 none
MGT6307 Advances in Human Resource Management 3 5 none
MGT6308 Creativity and Innovation Management 3 5 none
MGT6309 International Business Strategies 3 5 none
MGT6303 Management and Organization Theory 3 5 none

Pedagogical and Research Internship (5 credits/ 20 ECTS)

Course Code Course Title Credits ECTS
MGT6370 Pedagogical Inter 3 10
MGT637x Research Internsh 2 10

Research Work (50 credits/123 ECTS)

Course Code Course Title Credits ECTS
MGT638X Research Work 20 53
MGT638X Dissertation 30 70

Final Attestation (5 credits/ 12 ECTS)

Course Code Course Title Credits ECTS
MGT63xx Dissertation writing & defense 5 12

Research and Pedagogical Internship

Internship gives Ph.D. students an opportunity to put into practice the knowledge acquired during their studies, get some business and academic experience and be better prepared for their future career.

Research Work

Under this component of the Ph.D. program, requirement to undertake appropriate research activities that lead to conference presentations, journal publications and international internship abroad.

Dissertation and Ph.D. Dissertation Defense

Ph.D. dissertation is a scholarly research work, involving the analysis of a specific problem in the area of specialization, evaluation of the results of the analysis, which serves as a basis for developing specific
proposals and implementing the appropriate solution to the problem. The student will present an oral defense of their dissertation in front of the members of the dissertation committee, in a public forum.

Tentative Program Plan

Students may take courses in any order they wish as long as courses meet all prerequisites. The following schedule is suggested to ensure that students make orderly progress towards degree completion, by taking
prerequisites before the courses that require prerequisites.

A Suggested Schedule Assuming Fall Entry and Business Education Background

(All courses are 3 credits unless indicated otherwise)

Fall 2021, 12 credits Fall 2021, 12 credits
BUS6300 Business Research Methods (3) XXX62XX Specialization course 1 (3)
BUS63XX Academic Writing (3) XXX62XX Specialization course 2 (3)
XXX63XX Elective course (3) XXX6380 Dissertation II – (6 credits)
XXX6380 Dissertation I – (3) (Research Proposal)   (Literature Review & Data Collection)
Fall 2022, 12 credits Spring 2023, 13 credits
XXX63X Research Internship (2 credits) XXX6380 Dissertation IV – 6 credits
XXX6380 Dissertation III- 6 (credits) (Research Methodology) XXX6370 Pedagogic Internship (3)
XXX638XX Research Work I – (4 credits) XX638X Research Work II- 4 credits
Fall 2023, 14 credits Spring 2024, 12 credits
XXX6380 Dissertation V -6 credits (Analysis & Interpretation) XXX6380 Dissertation VI ( write up thesis) (3 credits)
XXX638X Research Work III – 4 credits XXX638Х Research Work V – 4 credits
XXX638X Research Work IV – 4 credits XXX6390 Dissertation defense (5)

Career Opportunities

Getting a doctor of Business degree doesn’t limit you to just one career path. A DBA degree is versatile, with hands-on training in a variety of areas related to running a business that can help you tap new career possibilities. Here are some lucrative career options with a doctor of Business.

  • C-Level Executive Officer;
  • Consultant;
  • Analyst;
  • Organizational Management;
  • College or University Educator;
  • Entrepreneur.

Core Faculty
  • Dr. Nejat Capar, PhD (Florida State University, USA)
  • Dr. Monowar Mahmood, PhD (University of Manchester, UK)
  • Dr. Zafar Uddin Ahmed, PhD (Utah State University, USA)
  • Dr. Vladimir Garkavenko, PhD (Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand)
  • Dr. Jungmin Jang, PhD, (Korea University, Korea)
  • Dr. Elmira Bogoviyeva, PhD (University of Mississippi, USA)
  • Dr. Dana Abeuova, PhD (École Doctorale de Management Panthéon-Sorbonne,France)

Admission Requirements

Admission to the Ph.D. program is highly competitive. Admission is granted to candidates deemed most likely to complete and benefit from the program. The final decision on admission is based on a comprehensive assessment
of the applicant’s overall qualifications, motivation, determination and commitment to the program.

1. Completed graduate degree

  • Copy of a diploma confirming the completion of a graduate degree “master”
  • Copy of transcripts (diploma supplement) with grades

2. Possession of the valid international certificates proving the knowledge of the English Language

  • IELTS – at least 5,5
  • TOEFL IBT – at least 46
  • TOEFL PBT – at least 453

Additional consideration by a selection committee:

  • At least 3 years of experience in a corporate, government, academia or non-profit organization
  • At least two professional letters of recommendation;
  • Official GMAT score of at least 600 or equivalent KGET 20/50
  • A research proposal that states candidate’s area of research interests, research questions and methodological approach to undertake your research. To develop a successful proposal, you need to familiarize with current
    research through literature review in the area and identify research gaps, thus creating an original research proposal;
  • An Interview with program admissions committee;
  • A professional resume;
  • Additional exams required by MES.

For enquires about the program:

Program Manager:

Lazzat Tashanova, office # 302-1 (Dostyk Building),

Tel. +7 727 270 44 40 (ext. 2356),

E-mail: bcb-graduate@kimep.kz

For enquiries about the admission

050010, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan

4 Abai Avenue Admissions Office, Valikhanov bld.

Telephone: +7 727 270 42 13+7 727 270 42 48

Mobile: +7 707 170 42 13

E-mail: phd@kimep.kz

Working hours: Monday – Friday, 8.30 am – 6.00 pm
