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Kristopher White, Ph.D. Geography

Kristopher White (5)

Faculty Profile

  1. Kristopher D. White
  1. Associate Professor
  1. D. Geography, (2002)  University of Connecticut

MA      Geography, (1996)  University of Connecticut

BA       Geography, (1992)  Clark University

  1. Teaching Experience: Has been at KIMEP since 2004

Stephen F. Austin State University (Nacogoches, Texas) (2001-2004)

University of Connecticut (Storrs, Connecticut) (1998-2001)

  1. Classes taught at KIMEP:

Globalization and Diversity

Population and Environment

Human Geography

The Aral Sea Crisis: A Geographical Perspective

Political Geography

Ecology and Sustainable Development

Oil Geopolitics (Graduate seminar)

Oil and Gas Policy

Introduction to Environmental Studies

Digital Photography


Natural Resource Management and Economics

Research Reading and Writing


  1. Research Interests:

Geography of Central Asia, Kazakhstan.  Regional economy, Aral Sea region, Aral Sea crisis and contemporary socio-economic development in Aral Sea region.   .

  1. Selected Recent Publications

White, K.D. and Micklin, P.  2021.  Ecological restoration and economic recovery in Kazakhstan’s Northern Aral Sea region.  Focus on Geography 64: doi: 10.21690/foge/2021.64.4f.

White, K.D.  2021.  Population, Development, and Environment in Kazakhstan.  In: McNicol, B. ed.  Sustainable Planet: Issues and Solutions for Our Environment’s Future.  Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, pp. 29-37.

Micklin, P., Aladin, N.V., Chida, T., Boroffka, N., Plotnikov, I.S., Krivonogov, S., and White, K.  2020.  The Aral Sea: A story of devastation and partial recovery of a large lake. In: Mischke, S. ed.  Large Asian Lakes in a Changing World: Natural State and Human Impact.  Switzerland AG: Springer Nature, pp. 109-141.

White, K.D.  2019.  Environmental Issues in Kazakhstan.  In: Farazmand, A. ed.  Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance (Switzerland: Springer Nature).

White, K.D.  2019.  Visualizing the languages of nature, society, power and politics in contemporary Kazakhstan.  In: Brunn, S.D and Kehrein, R. eds. Handbook of the Changing World Language Map (New York: Springer Nature).

White, K.D.  2018.  The snow leopard and cultural landscape in contemporary Kazakhstan.  Society and Animals 26: 1-23.

Koch, N.  and White, K.  2016.  Cowboys, gangsters, and rural bumpkins: Constructing the ‘other’ in Kazakhstan’s ‘Texas.’  In: Laruelle, M. ed.  Kazakhstan in the Making: Legitimacy, Symbols, and Social Changes.  Lanham: Lexington Books, pp. 181-207.

White, K.D.  2016.  Kazakhstan’s Northern Aral Sea today: Partial ecosystem restoration and economic recovery.  In: Freedman, E. and Neuzil, M. eds. Environmental Crises in Central Asia: From steppes to seas, from deserts to glaciers.  London and New York: Routledge, pp. 129-140.

White, K.D.  2014.  Nature and Economy in the Aral Sea Basin.  In: Micklin, P., Aladin, N., and Plotnikov, I. eds. The Aral Sea: The devastation and partial rehabilitation of a great lake.  Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, pp. 301-335.

White, K.D.  2013.  A geographical perspective on the Aral Sea crisis: Three interpretations of an image.  Bulletin of Geography Socio-economic Series 21: 125-132.

White, K.D.  2013.  Nature-Society Linkages in the Aral Sea Region.  Journal of Eurasian Studies 4(1): 18-33.