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Country Day: The Philippines, Georgia, Denmark and Singapore

The International Office organized the Country Day on November 11, 2019, in the “Globus” information center. KIMEP community had the opportunity to learn more about the Philippines, Georgia, Denmark, and Singapore from international students.

Students shared with interesting information about their home country in a friendly and multicultural atmosphere. The representative from the Philippines, MAFl student, Fredirose Reyes told about her country from different perspectives: history, culture, traditions, etc. She also invited her friends from the Philippines and prepared national food, that guests tried during coffee break at the end of the event.


An exchange student from the Aarhus School of Business and Social Sciences, Jonna Bayliss LarsenLedet made a presentation about Denmark and told interesting facts related to her home country. Guests also liked national sweets shared by the student.

Student from Georgia, Sandro Rochikashvili, who has come to KIMEP University through Princeton in Asia fellowship program, introduced history and culture, national cuisine and games of Georgia. Guests were impressed with the historical facts about Stalin.


This semester we have welcomed 6 exchange students from Singapore. They also made an attractive and interesting presentation and showed short funny but lovely historical excurse-video about their home country. They also offered a treatment of national cuisine which our guests enjoyed a lot

The sponsor of the event, the Mars Kazakhstan, presented sweet compliments to all participants.
