20th KIMEP International Research Conferenceby KIMEP UNIVERSITY and UN PRME* CHAPTER EURASIA“Global impact of CSR, ESG & Sustainability: Bridge between Academia and Industry.”14-15 APRIL 2023The 20th KIMEP International Research Conference (KIRC) will be held offline on 14-15 April, 2023 (Friday – Saturday). This multi-disciplinary conference is dedicated to promoting knowledge on issues relevant to business and social sciences that impact all of us. KIRC facilitates the exchange of ideas, values, research and experience among scholars, business leaders, NGOs, journalists, policy-makers, and regulators in all academic fields, including Business, Economics, Management, Taxation, Social Science, Humanities, Law, Literature and Linguistics. The language of the conference is English.Conference Theme: “Global impact of CSR, ESG & Sustainability: Bridge between Academia and Industry.”. Papers outside the theme are also welcome.Conference Structure & Scope:The conference will consist of concurrent presentation sessions of research papers as well as guest speeches, panel discussions and workshops. Papers and presentations will be organized on multiple tracks, such as Accounting and Taxation, Economics, Finance, Marketing, Management, Information Systems, Operations Management, Tourism, Social Science, Humanities, Law, Linguistics, etc.

Paper submission

All submissions should be made electronically and in English. Prospective authors are requested to submit the full paper/extended abstract via our Online form. Please submit your full paper (up to 10 single-spaced pages) and/or extended abstract (up to 3 single-spaced pages) by 28 March, 2023. All submissions must of course be original in nature and clearly state your research objectives/questions, literature, methodology, summary of key results and/or conclusions. Papers plagiarized to any extent will be automatically excluded from the Official Proceedings.
All papers/extended abstracts will be reviewed by a peer review committee. The comments from the blind peer review will be sent to authors by 31 March, 2023.

If necessary, please submit your revised full paper/extended abstract by 08 April, 2023 for publishing in Official Proceedings. Short abstracts of less than 1 page will be automatically excluded from the Official Proceedings.

Important Dates:

  • 01 March 2023: Submissions open
  • 28 March 2023: Deadline for submission of a full paper/an extended abstract / abstract
  • 31 March 2023: Notification of Acceptance
  • 08 April 2023: Deadline for submission of a revised full paper/extended abstract, if necessary.

Fees and Funding:
There is no conference participation fee. At this time there are no scholarships available to help fund any costs.

Conference website:

Format and Guidelines: Those articles that don’t follow the structure and the format will not be accepted, please download the template for the article


Please fill out the form in order to register your full paper/abstract: Fill out form

Conference program:  will be provided later.

Contacts: Conference Chair, Asst. Prof Dr. Alimshan Faizulayev (KIMEP University), Email:

* The Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) is a United Nations-supported initiative founded in 2007. Working through Six Principles, PRME engages business and management schools to ensure they provide future leaders with the skills needed to balance country economies and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and aligning academic institutions with the work of the UN Global Compact. As a voluntary initiative with over 800 signatories worldwide, PRME has become the largest organized relationship between the United Nations and management-related higher education institutions. PRME Chapter Eurasia unites universities from Central Asia and beyond to collectively contribute to the implementation of SDG and further promotion of the ESG issues in the region.


The 19th KIMEP International Research Conference (KIRC) will be held online via ZOOM on 08-09 April, 2022 (Friday – Saturday). This multi-disciplinary conference is dedicated to promoting knowledge on issues relevant to business and social sciences that impact all of us. KIRC facilitates the exchange of ideas, values, research and experience among scholars, business leaders, NGOs, journalists, policy-makers, and regulators in all academic fields, including Business, Economics, Management, Taxation, Social Science, Humanities, Law, Literature and Linguistics. The language of the conference is English.

Conference Theme: “30 Years of KIMEP University:  Local and Global Impact”. Papers outside the theme are also welcome.

Conference Structure & Scope:
The conference will consist of concurrent presentation sessions of research papers as well as guest speeches, panel discussions and workshops. Papers and presentations will be organized on multiple tracks, such as Accounting and Taxation, Economics, Finance, Marketing, Management, Information Systems, Operations Management, Tourism, Social Science, Humanities, Law, Linguistics, etc.

Paper submission
All submissions should be made electronically and in English. Prospective authors are requested to submit the full paper/extended abstract via our Online form. Please submit your full paper (up to 10 single-spaced pages) and/or extended abstract (up to 3 single-spaced pages) by 28 March, 2022. All submissions must of course be original in nature and clearly state your research objectives/questions, literature, methodology, summary of key results and/or conclusions. Papers plagiarized to any extent will be automatically excluded from the Official Proceedings.
All papers/extended abstracts will be reviewed by a peer review committee. The comments from the blind peer review will be sent to authors by 31 March, 2022.
If necessary, please submit your revised full paper/extended abstract by 02 April, 2022 for publishing in Official Proceedings. Short abstracts of less than 1 page will be automatically excluded from the Official Proceedings.

Important Dates:

  • 01 March 2022: Submissions open
  • 28 March 2022: Deadline for submission of a full paper/an extended abstract / abstract
  • 31 March 2022: Notification of Acceptance
  • 02 April 2022: Deadline for submission of a revised full paper/extended abstract, if necessary.

Fees and Funding:
There is no conference participation fee. At this time there are no scholarships available to help fund any costs.

Conference website:

Contacts: Conference Chair, Asst. Prof Dr. Alimshan Faizulayev (KIMEP University), Email:

Screenshot_2KIRC 2021 ProceedingsThe 18th KIMEP International Research Conference (KIRC) will be held on online via ZOOM on 09-10 April, 2021 (Friday – Saturday). This multi-disciplinary conference is dedicated to promoting knowledge on issues that impact all of us, especially as they relate to the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath. KIRC facilitates the exchange of ideas, values, research and experience among scholars, business leaders, NGOs, journalists, policy-makers, and regulators in all academic fields, including Business, Economics, Management, Taxation, Social Science, Humanities, Law, Literature and Linguistics. The language of the conference is English.Conference Theme: “Business, Economy and Society: Challenges in the Post-Pandemic Era” . Papers outside the theme are also welcome.Conference Structure & Scope:
The conference will consist of concurrent presentation sessions of research papers as well as guest speeches, panel discussions and workshops. Papers and presentations will be organized on multiple tracks, such as Accounting and Taxation, Economics, Finance, Marketing, Management, Information Systems, Operations Management, Tourism, Social Science, Humanities, Law, Linguistics, etc.Paper submission
All submissions should be made electronically and in English. Prospective authors are requested to submit the full paper/extended abstract via our Online form. Please submit your full paper (up to 10 single-spaced pages) and/or extended abstract (up to 3 single-spaced pages) by 28 March, 2021. All submissions must of course be original in nature and clearly state your research objectives/questions, literature, methodology, summary of key results and/or conclusions. Papers plagiarized to any extent will be automatically excluded from the Official Proceedings.
All papers/extended abstracts will be reviewed by a peer review committee. The comments from the blind peer review will be sent to authors by 31 March, 2021.
If necessary, please submit your revised full paper/extended abstract by 02 April, 2021 for publishing in Official Proceedings. Short abstracts of less than 1 page will be automatically excluded from the Official Proceedings.Important Dates:

  • 01 March 2021: Submissions open
  • 28 March 2021: Deadline for submission of a full paper/an extended abstract
  • 31 March 2021: Notification of Acceptance
  • 02 April 2021: Deadline for submission of a revised full paper/extended abstract, if necessary.

Fees and Funding:
There is no conference participation fee. At this time there are no scholarships available to help fund any costs.

Conference website:
Please fill out the form in order to register your full paper/abstract: Fill out form

Conference program: [18th KIRC] Final Program

Contacts: Conference Chair, Jungmin Jang (KIMEP University), Email:

KIMEP International Research Conference 2020

17-ші 2020 КИМЭП Халықаралық ғылыми-зерттеу конференциясына (KIRC) шақыру

КИМЭП Халықаралық ғылыми-зерттеу конференциясы (KIRC) 2020 жылғы ақпанның 17-нен 18-не дейін КИМЭП Университетінде орын алады. Бұл көпсалалы конференция қоғамның барлық мүшелеріне әсер ететін білімді дамытуға арналған. Конференция ғалымдар, бизнес көшбасшылары, ҮЕҰ, журналистер, саясаткерлер және заң шығарушылар арасында бизнес, экономика, менеджмент, салық салу, әлеуметтік және гуманитарлық ғылымдар, құқық және лингвистика саласындағы идеялар, құндылықтар, зерттеулер мен тәжірибе алмасуды ынталандырады. Конференцияның тілі – ағылшын.

Конференция тақырыбы: «Орталық Азия мен оның аумағынан тыс экономика, бизнес және қоғам үшін қиындықтар мен мүмкіндіктер». Көрсетілген тақырып шеңберінен шығатын жұмыстар да қабылданады.

Конференция құрылымы мен шеңбері:
Конференцияда ғылыми жұмыстардың презентациялары, сондай-ақ шақырылған лекторлардың баяндамалары, топтық талқылаулар мен практикалық семинарлар қатар жүргізіледі. Жұмыстар мен презентациялар көптеген салалар бойынша ұйымдастырылған, оның ішінде есеп және салықтар, экономика, қаржы, маркетинг, менеджмент, ақпараттық жүйелер, операциялық басқару, туризм, әлеуметтік және гумиантарлық ғылымдар, лингвистика, құқық және т.б.

Жұмыстарды ағылшын тілінде тапсыру:
Қызығушылық білдірген авторларға қатысудың екі жолы беріледі: толық ғылыми жұмысты ұсыну және кеңейтілген аннотацияны ұсыну. Сараптаманың нәтижелері бойынша толық көлемді жұмыстар төменде көрсетілген рецензияланатын журналдың арнайы шығарылымына енгізілуі мүмкін. Толық көлемді жұмысты (10 беттен артық емес) және/немесе кеңейтілген аннотацияны 2020 жылғы 15 наурызға дейін өткізуді өтінеміз. Барлық жұмыстар/кеңейтілген аннотацияларға сараптамалық комиссия баға береді. Соқыр рецензиялау нәтижелері бойынша пікірлер авторларға 2020 жылғы 31 наурызға дейін жіберіледі.

Маңызды күндер:

2020 жылғы 15 наурыз: кеңейтілген аннотацияны немесе ұсынылатын баяндаманың түйіндемесін өткізудің соңғы мерзімі.

2020 жылғы 31 наурыз: авторларға жұмысты қабылдау туралы хабарламаларды жіберу

2020 жылғы 10 сәуір: түзетілген толық жұмысты немесе түзетілген кеңейтілген аннотацияны тапсырудың соңғы мерзімі. Кеңейтілген аннотацияның көлемі үш бет болуы тиіс. Ғылыми зерттеудің кеңейтілген аннотацияларында сұрақтың кеңейтілген және нақты көрсетілген тұжырымдамасы, қолданылған әдістеменің толық сипаттамасы және нәтижелердің толық сипаттамасы болуы керек. Барлық жұмыстар тек қана өзіндік зерттеулерден тұруы керек. Плагиаттың кез-келген дәрежесі анықталғын жағдайда жұмыстар автоматты түрде конференция материалдарынан шығарылады.

Қатысу бағасы және қаржыландыру:

Конференцияға қатысу – тегін. Қазіргі таңда қатысушылардың транспорттық шығындары мен орналасуын қамтитын гранттар қарастырылмаған.

Конференцияның интернет сайты:

Журналдың арнайы басылымы: «Орталық Азия бизнес журналы» (Central Asia Business Journal), «КИМЭП журналы» (KIMEP Journal) және конференция материалдары

 Байланыс ақпараты:
Деван Мохаммед Захрул Ислам, PhD, Білім және гуманитарлық ғылымдар факультетінің декан орынбасары және ғылыми зерттеулер жөніндегі директор

Электронды пошта:, телефон: 270-44-40 (ішкі 2280)

Конференцияға қатысу үшін өтініш формасын толтыруды өтінеміз  ЗАПОЛНИТЬ ФОРМУ

KIMEP International Research Conference 2019

KIRC 2019 Proceedings

The 16th KIMEP International Research Conference (KIRC) will be held in KIMEP University on
26th-27th April, 2019 (Friday – Saturday)
. This multi-disciplinary conference is dedicated to promoting knowledge on issues relevant to business and social sciences that impact all of us. KIRC facilitates the exchange of ideas, values, research and experience between scholars, business leaders, NGOs, journalists, policy-makers, and regulators in all academic fields, including Law, Business, Taxation, Social Science, Humanities, Literature and Linguistics. The language of the conference is English.

Conference Theme: “Digital Economy, Business, and Society in the era of Fourth Industrial Revolution: Challenges and Opportunities” is the theme of this year’s conference. We encourage papers that are relevant to this broad theme, however papers outside the theme also will be considered.

Conference Structure & Scope:
The conference will consist of concurrent presentation sessions of research papers as well as guest speeches, panel discussions and workshops. Papers and presentations will be organized on multiple tracks such as Accounting and Taxation, Economics, Finance, Marketing, Management, Information Systems, Operations Management, Tourism, etc.

Papers/Abstracts submission
Prospective authors are requested to submit full papers/extended abstracts to Professor Monowar Mahmood via internet to the e-mail: by 1st April, 2019. All the papers/abstracts will be reviewed by a peer review committee. The comments of the blind peer review will be sent to authors by 10th April, 2019. Papers/abstracts accepted for the conference will be published in the conference proceedings which will be available in soft copy versions.

Important Dates:

  • 1 April 2019: Deadline for submitting a short abstract or summary of your proposed presentation. We will consider proposals for research papers, speeches, workshops or panel discussions. Short abstracts should include a clearly formulated problem statement, a short description of methodology used, and a short summary of expected or found results. Short abstracts should not exceed 250 words. If you are interested in organizing a special session, a panel discussion, etc., please submit a proposal in similar format describing the presenters/participants and the topic briefly – again not to exceed 250 words.
  • 10 April 2019: Notification of Acceptance
  • 15 April 2019: For those interested in having their presentation published in Official Proceedings, April 15, 2019 is the deadline for submitting an extended abstract or the text of your presentation. Extended abstracts or presentations should be 2-10 pages long – no shorter nor longer. There is not specific style or requirements for presentations. Extended abstracts of academic research should include an expanded and clearly formulated problem statement, a complete description of methodology used, and details of results. (See template.)
    No short abstracts of less than 1 page will be included in the Official Proceedings-only in the Conference Program. All submissions, of course, must be original in nature. Papers plagiarized to any extent will be automatically excluded from the Official Proceedings.

Fees and Funding:
There is no conference participation fee. At this time there are no scholarships available to help fund travel and housing costs.
Conference website:

KIMEP International Research Conference 2018


KIMEP International Research Conference 2017

Conference Theme: Economic Integration along the New Silk Road: Creative and Innovative Economy

14th KIMEP International Research Conference
Almaty, Kazakhstan April 7-8, 2017
Conference Theme: Economic Integration along the New Silk Road:
Creative and Innovative Economy

Celebrating 25th Anniversary of KIMEP University, this multi-disciplinary conference focuses on the creative and innovative economic integration facing the central Asian countries along the new Silk Road, but including the global issues that impact all of us, no matter where we live. KIRC facilitates the exchange of ideas, values, research and experience amongst academic scholars, business leaders, and policy-makers in the areas of Accounting, Management, Economics, Finance, Taxation, Information Technology, Operations Management and other related fields. Though the primary language of the conference is English, yet some sessions will be scheduled in Kazakh and Russian to accommodate both presenters and audience.

Conference Structure & Scope
The conference will consist of concurrent sessions on presentation of research papers as well as guest speeches, panel discussions and workshops. Papers and presentations will be organized on multiple tracks such as Accounting and Taxation, Economics, Finance, Marketing, Management, Information Systems, Operations Management, Tourism, Islamic Banking and Finance etc. In addition to these academic research tracks, special round-table sessions/seminars/workshops will be held on ‘Oil Shock and Emerging Economies’, ‘Oil shock and Diversification’ and ‘Growth and ‘Development of Startup Business and SME’s in Central Asia.

Special Seminars: ‘Oil Shock, Diversification and SME’s in Emerging Economies’ Case of Central Asia

Papers/Abstracts Submission
Please submit your abstract/extended abstract/full papers and case studies in any of the above areas/topics to the conference coordinator on the e-mail address A conference peer review committee will review all abstracts/extended abstracts/full papers and case studies, and authors will be informed about the decision/comments before 1st March, 2017. Full papers/extended abstracts and case studies accepted for the conference will be published in the conference proceedings, which will be downloadable from KIMEP University website

Quality papers will be published in the Eurasian Economic Review (Springer journal and indexed by the Thomson Reuters Emerging Sources Citation Index) and Eurasian Business Review (Springer journal and indexed by the Thomson Reuters Emerging Sources Index)

Selected full papers and case studies may be considered for publication in the Central Asia Business Research Journal (ISSN: 2073-5901).

Important Dates
Abstract submission: 25th February, 2017
Notification of acceptance: 1st March, 2017
Full paper/extended abstract submission: 15th March, 2017

Registration Fee
The conference registration fee is $200 (two hundred USD) and it includes Friday dinner, Saturday lunch and coffee breaks.

Contact information:
Research Assistant, Sehun Chung,

Keynote Speaker
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Huseyin Bilgin

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Huseyin Bilgin is a full professor of economics at Istanbul Medeniyet University in Istanbul, Turkey and the chair of the International Economic Integration Division. Prior to joining Istanbul Medeniyet University, he taught many courses at Kadir Has University for many years and also served as a part-time professor at Yeditepe University. He has also held several visiting faculty positions such as visiting professor and visiting researcher at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI), USA; Jacksonville University, USA; Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, and Zagreb University, Croatia.

Professor Bilgin has many articles published in reputed international journals and research papers presented at international conferences as well as published academic books. He has been involved in administration of various national and international scholarly institutions and taken part in various boards of the academic journals such as Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money; Singapore Economic Review, and Eurasian Economic Review. He is the chair of EAFPEB (Euro-Asia Forum in Politics, Economics and Business) and founder of Istanbul Economic Research Association in which he currently serves as the Chairman. He is also the founder of EBES (Eurasia Business and Economics Society) and currently serves as the Vice President. He has also been active as a consultant in several institutions, a newspaper columnist, and guest experts in several national TV programs.

KIMEP University is devoted to the development of well-educated citizens and future leaders, who are passionate about bringing positive change and improving the quality of life in Kazakhstan and the Central Asian region.

KIMEP University offers its students excellence in teaching, learning, community service and the advancement of knowledge in the fields of business administration and social sciences. KIMEP University’s world-class curriculum is based on international standards, and all the classes are taught in English. All programs are internationally accredited and are consistently rated by the Kazakhstani Ministry of Education as the first in their class. KIMEP’s MBA and Executive MBA programs have received a high-level recognition by business and legal communities of Kazakhstan.

Utilizing a strong support system that features a first-rate Language Center, the largest English-language library in the CIS, a modern Sports Center and much more, KIMEP University strives to provide an invaluable academic experience for all its students and faculty.

KIMEP University is the leading independent North American-styled academic institution in the CIS with an outstanding reputation throughout Kazakhstan and the region. It has active links to the business community, and a large number of partnerships with esteemed international universities in North America, Europe and Asia.kirc-almaty-2017

ALMATY is the largest city in Kazakhstan, with a population of 1,703,481 people, containing 9% of the country’s total population. Almaty is considered a World City with a “Beta -” classification according to GaWC. It served as capital of the Kazakh state in its various forms from 1929 to 1997, under the influence of the then Soviet Union and its appointees.

Kazakhstan is the biggest country in the middle of Eurasia with population of 17 million. Once the Silk Road that connects Asia, Europe, and Middle East railroads with active Chinese role is built, the region is to become the center of logistics. Kazakhstan is the 9th largest country, and also acts as a economic and political intermediary between China and Russia.

KIMEP International Research Conference 2016

KIMEP International Research Conference 2016 Proceeding

KIMEP International Research Conference 2015

KIMEP International Research Conference 2015 Proceeding

KIMEP International Research Conference 2014
