Международный отдел предлагает студентам Университета КИМЭП возможность узнать мир через:

  • Программы обмена
  • Программы двойного диплома
  • Международную летнюю школу/международные программы

Программы студенческого обмена предназначены для студентов бакалавриата и магистратуры, и предлагают студентам Университета КИМЭП возможность провести один семестр или целый учебный год в вузе-партнере за рубежом. Программы обмена позволяют студентам получить бесценный международный опыт, завести друзей со всего мира, улучшить английский и изучить другие языки.

На студенческом портале студенты КИМЭП могут ознакомиться со списком международных вузов-партнеров, списков вузов, предлагающих участие в программах обмена, описанием процедур приема каждого вуза, стоимостью и процедурой перевода кредитов для студентов по обмену.

Университет КИМЭП является членом консорциума, выигравшего гранты от Эразмус+, финансируемые Европейской комиссией, на реализацию программ мобильности. Студентами по обмену считаются студенты, обучающиеся за рубежом в рамках партнерства в консорциуме (Эразмус+ и др.) в течение одного семестра или учебного года без получения диплома принимающего вуза.

Студентам Университета КИМЭП, желающим принять участие в программе обмена, необходимо соответствовать следующим требованиям:

  • Быть зарегистрированным в качестве студента Университета КИМЭП;
  • Завершить первый год обучения на программе бакалавриата к моменту подачи заявки (получить 30 полных академических кредита), либо завершить первый семестр магистратуры (студенты программ ускоренного обучения могут подать заявку незамедлительно);
  • Иметь соответствующий уровень владения английским языком (эквивалентным IELTS 6.0 или выше);
  • Иметь средний академический балл 3.0 или выше;
  • Принимать участие во внеклассной деятельности.

Программы студенческого обмена функционируют на основании следующих принципов:

  • Продолжительность обучения составляет один или два семестра;
  • Студент может принять участие в программе лишь дважды;
  • Освобождение от оплаты за обучение применимо в принимаемом вузе;
  • Предметы с оценкой «Зачет» могут быть переведены.

Уезжающие студенты по обмену

Университет КИМЭП стремится открыть своим студентам «окно в мир». Высшие образовательные учреждения за рубежом и КИМЭП предлагают ряд академических программ мобильности (некоторые из которых предлагают стипендии) для студентов, преподавателей и сотрудников для проведения исследований, прохождения тренингов или практики, обучения в течение семестра либо одного года. Программы направлены на то, чтобы помочь студентам и сотрудникам получить ценный международный опыт, обрести новые знания и навыки, способствовать профессиональному и личностному развитию, расширить сеть знакомств, улучшить навыки владения английским языком и изучить новые языки, а также углубить межкультурное понимание. Участники подобных программ будут иметь более высокую конкурентоспособность и смогут либо продолжить обучение, либо работать на местном и международном уровне. Программы также направлены на повышение привлекательности и международного аспекта Университета КИМЭП.

Программы обмена – процесс перевода студентов, преподавателей/сотрудников в другое образовательное или научное учреждение в своей стране или за рубежом на короткий период времени, осуществляемый в рамках межвузовских соглашений, с обязательным признанием времени обучения в форме перевода кредитов или профессиональных квалификаций в родной вуз. Студенты и преподаватели/сотрудники, участвующие в программе обмена, являются студентами/преподавателями/сотрудниками по обмену и соблюдают правила программ обмена Университета КИМЭП, содержащиеся в Академическом каталоге КИМЭП. Программа проводится Международным отделом.

Необменная программа – обучение в течение семестра без получения степени, либо обучение в летней школе в университете за рубежом вне программы обмена. Порядок подачи заявок, требования и критерии отбора, оплата и правила определяются принимающими вузами. Претенденты могут обратиться в принимающий вуз напрямую. Однако перевод кредитов с необменных программ регулируется общими правилами, содержащимися в Академическом каталоге Университета КИМЭП.

Программы двойного диплома
Одно из преимуществ обучения в Университете КИМЭП – это возможность обучения по программам двойного диплома, разработанным Университетом КИМЭП в сотрудничестве с ведущими университетами мира. Эти программы позволяют студентам получить две отдельные степени: одну степень Университета КИМЭП и одну степень вуза-партнера. Принцип программ двойного диплома заключается в том, что студенты проходят часть своих предметов в родном вузе, а часть в вузе-партнере, причем кредиты признаются обоими учреждениями.

Информация по академическим требованиям программ двойного диплома, соответствие предметов и перевод предметов, соответствие требованиям, критерии отбора и др. имеются у программного менеджера соответствующего факультета, а также содержатся на веб-странице факультета. Международный отдел содействует факультетам в вопросах логистики и взаимоотношениях с партнерами в вопросах подачи заявлений, а также других вопросах, связанных с плавным переходом участников в партнерский вуз.

КИМЭП подписал соглашения о прохождении практики при содействии вузов-партнеров. Программа практики руководится факультетами; требования к программе должны быть выполнены для признания принимающим университетом.

Координатор программы мобильности для уезжающих студентов:
Наиля Ахмарова (MS)
Эл. адрес: outgoing@kimep.kz
Тел.: +7 (727) 2374800 ext. 1085

Правила входящей академической мобильности

  1. Eligibility criteria:

Applicants have to:

  • have a solid command of English language (average GPA in English language courses min. B (3.0)/ IELTS 6/ TOEFL IBT 72/ TOEFL PBT 523) If the language of instruction of the home university is English, then a certificate from the international office is sufficient;
  • be 18 years old or above;
  • have GPA of 2.67 or above (out of 4.33);
  • be a full-time degree student at the moment of application for the exchange program.
  1. Nomination and Application process
  • Call for nomination  is normally announced 4 months prior to a start of a mobility period
  • Partner university makes nominations
  • International Office informs nominated students 2 month prior the start of a mobility program
  • Nominated students apply for academic mobility program through KIMEP online application portal

Application Pack:

Required at the pre selection stage:

  • Copy of international passport;
  • Copy of current official transcript;
  • 3*4 colored photo.

Required at the pre arrival stage: 

  • Proof of English language proficiency (see above) ;
  • Vaccinations records certificate
  • Bank or Income statement ( 2500$ per semester or $5000 per year)
  • Criminal record

Submission of falsified documents leads to immediate dismissal from the exchange program and filing a complaint to the home university.

Nominated student: 

is exempted from paying admission and tuition fees but

  • is responsible for travel, visa, living expenses, health insurance, textbooks,  supplies and deposits
  • may register for any courses, including professional and research internship,  master or PhD thesis  if approved by a home universities but should be registered for at least 15 ECTS/9 KIMEP credits;
  • has to pass a checkup at a local clinic  and obtain local health insurance upon arrival;
  • may extend his/her exchange period for the next academic semester if approvals of home and host universities are granted;
  • agrees that his/her personal data may be disclosed to a third party;
  • is expected to inform host and home universities within 5 (five) calendar days about hardship withdrawal from the program

Академический обмен

Программа обмена предлагает студентам Университета КИМЭП возможность провести семестр или полный учебный год или принять участие в летней школе в университете-партнере за рубежом в рамках партнерского соглашения. Студенты по обмену оплачивают соответствующую плату за обучение в своем учебном заведении, если иное не предусмотрено соглашением о партнерстве. Они будут освобождены от оплаты обучения, приема и регистрационных сборов в принимающее учреждение. Студенты по обмену несут ответственность за транспортные расходы, визу, проживание, медицинскую страховку, книги и расходные материалы, питание и любые другие расходы, которые могут возникнуть во время их поездки в / из и пребывания в принимающем университете-партнере. Студенческая деятельность и другие сборы оплачиваются в соответствии с конкретным соглашением.

Обмен студентами с университетами-партнерами осуществляется по следующим стандартным принципам:
— Макс. количество семестров по обмену на одном уровне обучения -2
— Студент может участвовать в программе только 2 раза
— Отмена оплаты за обучение применяется в принимающем университете
— Оплата за обучение производится в родном университете
— Курсы переводятся с оценкой «Pass»

Если вы студент, вы должны соответствовать следующим минимальным требованиям:
— Быть зарегистрированным студентом в университете КИМЭП.
— Закончить курсы, в сумме дающие 30 академических кредитов по бакалавриату или 10 академических кредитов по магистерской программе (учащиеся по ускоренным программам могут подать заявление незамедлительно).
— Иметь достаточные знания английского языка (эквивалентно 6.0 или выше по IELTS).
— Участвовать не более одного раза в программе обмена.
— Не иметь никаких дисциплинарных взысканий на момент подачи заявления.

Студенты подают заявки онлайн и могут выбрать до 3 пунктов назначения в своих заявлениях. Отборочный комитет КИМЭП, состоящий из преподавателей, оценивает заявки и отбирает участников.

Критерии отбора:

  1. общий средний балл (от 3,0 и выше),
  2. мотивация,
  3. языковые навыки,
  4. участие во внеклассных мероприятиях,
  5. Студент со статусом уязвимости (с особыми потребностями / сирота / из многодетной семьи) имеет преимущество,
  6. предыдущее участие в обмене (кто не участвовал, имеет преимущество)

Университет КИМЭП и его партнеры иногда предлагают стипендии для поддержки логистики мобильности своих студентов и сотрудников. Мобильность студентов через партнерство с внешним финансированием на срок до одного учебного года без присуждения диплома партнером является программой обмена в университете КИМЭП и регулируется всеми правилами программы обмена. Часто университеты-партнеры, предоставляющие финансовую поддержку, определяют свои критерии отбора и критерии отбора.

В дополнение к общим критериям отбора программы обмена, критерии для участия и отбора студентов для программы обмена с внешним финансированием дополнительно изложены и учитывают:

  • студенты очной формы обучения, получившие от 30 до 100 кредитов;
  • аспиранты очной формы обучения, получившие 15 кредитов;
  • средний балл (от 3,7 и выше);
  • мотивация;
  • студенты, которые не использовали внешнее финансирование для программы обмена и не имеют полной (100%) стипендии в КИМЭП, имеют преимущество;
  • уязвимые учащиеся (с особыми потребностями / сироты / из многодетной семьи, этнических меньшинств, беженцев, подвергающиеся дискриминации) имеют преимущество.

Студенческий портал на веб-сайте КИМЭП и L-drive> International Mobility, а также Каталог являются источниками информации о правилах, международных университетах-партнерах, предлагающих обменные пункты, описания процедуры подачи заявок в каждый университет, визы, процедуры передачи курса и оплаты, форм, заявления , Обязательство студента по обмену КИМЭП и многое другое.

Участники программ обмена должны соблюдать правила программы обмена, которые публикуются в Академическом каталоге и на веб-сайте.


Erasmus + ICM partner mobility places, Call 2018

Erasmus Plus  International Credit Mobility is an Action 1 under the broader Erasmus+ program to support education, training, youth and sport funded. Erasmus+ ICM funds academic exchange at university level between EU universities and universities from the Erasmus+ Partner countries. Since 2014 International Office, KIMEP University has applied and won more than 40 bids with EU higher education institutions for funding of academic mobility via Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility program. The program is funded by the European Comission.

KIMEP students have the opportunity to participate in the exchange program and get a financial support, which partially covers transportation and living expenses for 3 – 10 months. Students need to follow the Course Transfer and Payment Policy for exchange program, as well as other internal rules for exchange program.

Eligibility: Full-time KIMEP students who earned 30 – 100 credits by the time of application Bachelor and 9 credits for Master student; less than 12 months of stay during 5 last years in EU; no criminal records, no disciplinary cases, no behavior misconduct.

Selection criteria at KIMEP (selection is done by 3-5 faculty members):
In addition to the general selection criteria of the exchange program, some criteria for participation and selection of students for an exchange program with external financing are more competitive and consider:
• full-time undergraduate students who have received 30 to 100 credits;
• full-time graduate students who received 9 credits;
• GPA (from 3.7 and higher);
• motivation;
• students who have not used external funding for the exchange program and do not have full (100%) scholarship at KIMEP have an advantage;
• vulnerable students (with special needs/orphan/from multi-children family, ethnic minority, refugee, discriminated) have an advantage.

International Office announces a call for an online application by email, leaflets on information boards, website, indicating a list of partner institutions and available places and required documents for the regular exchange program:

  • Transcript
  • Motivation Essay
  • Copy of the passport
  • Proofs of extracurricular activities while studying at KIMEP
  • Proof of vulnerable situation

It is strongly advised that students apply for the exchange program with an external grants only if students meet all eligibility requirements and the partner institution fits your academic background (major, specialization), level of study (Master or Bachelor).

Selected candidates are recommended to the partner institution for the final selection.
There are a partner’s selection criteria designated by the partner institution and include, but not limited to: GPA, English language proficiency (interview/IELTS), recommendation letters from academics; candidates must present the Learning Agreement with a list of courses to be transferred back to KIMEP.

Participants have to cover all expenses related to tuition fees at KIMEP. Participants are awarded with a grant to cover living expenses, amount of which depends on a partner country and a duration of stay. Students will get the grant upon arrival to the partner institution by a few installments. Separate amount of the grant goes to cover transportation expenses, amount of which depends on a distance to the host country. However, the grant might not cover all your expenses. The participants sign a Grant Agreement with the partner university. It is the participant’s responsibility to manage the grant, purchase required insurances, books, pay visa/accommodation/student activity fees, deposits, etc. Some partners may cover visa fee and the participant needs to clarify it with the partner. We strongly recommend the participants to plan your budget and foresee expenses, expesially for the initial period of stay.

Application does not guarantee the award with the grant. Those who will be awarded with the grant – will be selected for exchange program.
Presentation is available on L-drive > folder “International Mobility” > “Erasmus + for student mobility” > “Erasmus + for KIMEP students».

Mevlana Exchange Programme

MEVLANA scholarship, partner mobility places 2019-2020

In January 2014 the Council of Higher Education of the Republic of Turkey (YOK) approved KIMEP diploma recognition in Turkey. The equivalence procedure applies to KIMEP diplomas. It was processed by the provision of the Higher Education Law #2547, revised by Article 7/p Law #2880 under “Regulation of Equivalence of Higher Education Diplomas”, which was published in the State Newspaper dated November 6th, 2010.

The recognition opened a door for cooperation in education between Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the Republic of Turkey and KIMEP in many ways. One of the ways is the Mevlana Exchange Programme. This program aims at the exchange of students and academic staff between the higher educational institutions in Turkey and abroad. More than 100 state universities in Turkey are approved by YOK for cooperation within this program. The Mevlana program is supported by YOK and students and faculty going to Turkey and coming to Kazakhstan for exchange will receive financial support, a partialy covering travel and leaving expencies. Students may study abroad for 1 or 2 exchange semesters and academic staff may lecture, do research, etc. abroad from one week to three months.

Students and academic staff of any country origination may benefit from this program being hosted by Turkish higher education institutions and KIMEP. This increases academic mobility of exchange and degree students, as well as faculty members, influence the growth of number of joint projects and publications, summer and cultural programs, etc.

Download Mevlana Exchange Programme Regulations

Application procedure is done twice per year in early September and early Spring for the mobility in the next semester.

Documents for Student.


Ernst Mach Grant for studying at an Austrian university of applied sciences 
The Ernst Mach Grant program is named after the famous Austrian physicist and philosopher Ernst Mach (1838-1916). The grant program is financed by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy (BMWFW). Students and young researchers from foreign universities are invited to apply for this grant to come to Austria for a study stay.

KIMEP Undergraduate and Graduate students have the opportunity to participate in the exchange program and get a financial support, which partially covers transportation and living expenses for 4 – 10 months. Students need to follow the Course Transfer and Payment Policy for exchange program, as well as other internal rules for exchange program.

Grant benefit paid:
1) Monthly grant rate 1.050 EUR
2) Accommodation, insurance — scholarship holders have to pay the costs for accommodation and insurance themselves.
OeAD scholarship holders need to have health insurance that is accepted by the Austrian authorities for the duration of their stay in Austria. The OeAD can help with taking out such insurance. The monthly costs can vary, at the moment you should calculate 55 to 200 EUR (depending on your age, scholarship category and state of health).
3) Scholarship holders are exempted from paying tuition fees to the partner institution.
4) Scholarship holders from non-European developing countries will also receive a travel costs subsidy of max.  1.000 EUR.
5) Scholarship holders are not allowed to take up paid work in Austria while receiving an OeAD grant.
6) The recipients of grants will get the grant contract (Letter of Award and Letter of Acceptance) from the OeAD.
Areas of Interest covered:

  1. Natural Sciences
  2. Technical Sciences
  3. Human Medicine
  4. Health Sciences
  5. Agricultural Sciences
  6. Social Sciences
  7. Business (upon agreement with a partner)

Selected applicant will have possibility to apply to the OeAD and study in 2 partner Universities in Austria to study as exchange students:

  1. University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, School of management (Steyr campus)
  2. IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems

The topics of the study programmes can roughly be summarized as follows: «Economics/Business», «Tourism», «Economics and Technology», «Technology/Biotechnology», «Media and Design» as well as «Health and Social Matters».

Eligibility (KIMEP and OeAD):

  1. Be student of KIMEP University
  2. GPA from 3.7
  3. English or German language of proficiency – B2 level
  4. Bachelor students who successfully completed at least 2 full-time years of studies (credits taken by the time of participation 60-100). Master students – completed at least 9 credits.
  5. Maximum age:35 years
  6. Applicants must not have studied/pursued research/pursued academic work in Austria in the last six months before taking up the grant.
  7. A grant can only be consumed oncein the frame of this program.

Incomplete applications and applications not complying with the application criteria will not be accepted for the further selection process.
For more information regarding study programs at the Austrian Universities of Applied Sciences:
http://www.fachhochschulen.ac.at/ .
FAQs: Please check our list of frequently asked questions regarding the application process and eligibility for this grant.

How to apply – 3 steps
1) How to apply at KIMEP
When the call for application is announced via emails, website, etc. please read the information, etc and then apply via: My KIMEP Study Additional Study Options Outgoing Exchange Program Before Application (Exchange Program Descriptions, Course transfer and payment policy, etc).  Then > Apply Online
You should submit the same package of docs as for the regular exchange program:

  • Motivation Essay
  • Copy of the passport
  • Proofs of extracurricular activities
  • Proofs of vulnerable situation

International Office strongly recommends you to apply for the program only if it fits your academic background (major, specialization), level of study (Master or Bachelor).
Selection criteria at KIMEP (selection is done by 3-5 faculty and International Office members):
1) full time students with GPA (from 3.7), 2) Motivation (impact on study, relevance to an area of study, outcomes), 3) extracurricular activity; 4) language level – B2; 5) students who has not benefited from an external grant program and a full scholarship at KIMEP have priority; 6) certificates of vulnerability — disabled from childhood (if allowed to travel) and orphanages from childhood have priority.
A short list of candidates will be sent to the partner for their final decision.
2) How to apply to an Austrian partner institution

  • After being selected, please send an application package to the partner country in Austria, described in the Exchange Program Description for the partner.
  • Get an Acceptance letter as exchange student.

3) How to apply to OeAD
The following documents have to be uploaded with the online application which can be found at http://oead.grants.at/out/default.aspx?TemplateGroupID=34&PageMode=3&GrainEntryID=16964&HZGID=17964&LangID=2 :
• Two letters of recommendation by university lecturers. For these letters of recommendation no specific form is required; they must contain the letterhead, date and signature of the person recommending the applicant and the stamp of the university / department and must not be older than six months at the time of application.
• Confirmation of the home university that the exams passed in Austria will be recognized by the home university (e.g. a learning agreement).
• Confirmation of acceptance as an exchange student from the University of Applied Sciences.
• Scan of your passport.
• Scan of a current Transcript of Records.
Application does not guarantee the award with the grant. Those who will be awarded with the grant – will be selected for exchange program.

Exchange students feedbacks

Arailym Ordakhan, BMGT
Spring 2019, EWHA University, South Korea

The quality of the service in EWHA University was excellent. Every exchange student was informed about the news and events in advance. Teachers were motivated and open to share their knowledge with the students. Quality was really good, liked everything.

I am really grateful to our university. I meet really nice people and friends in EWHA. Also, I had chance to work as a tutor in E-lounge, helping local students with practicing English speaking skills. All the exchange students had fun while studying at this university. We could enjoy travelling, sightseeing, and studying at the same time. It was enjoyable.

It was such a nice opportunity to study for a while in Korea. After studying abroad, I’ve got new knowledge and priceless life experience.

Aigerim Ibrayeva, Bfin
Fall 2018, Uppsala University, Sweden

Uppsala University was one of the most amazing places I have ever visited! The education system is impeccable, as well as the quality of the service. Everything is crystal clear, unbiased and the system runs smoothly. The education is built on the students’ independent study, practical work and group discussions. I definitely feel that I have learned a lot, even in this relatively short span of time.

We had an awesome orientation week, filled with all kinds of activities. The highlight of Uppsala University student life are the nations (different student organizations that conduct parties and other activities) that students should register in. I chose Norrland’s nation, because it is the biggest one and simply the best 😉 Also you can choose from thirteen other nations.

I cannot even put my feelings into words. It was truly the best time of my life. I consider Uppsala University, Uppsala and Sweden overall my second home now.

Big thank you to KIMEP International Office for all the help and support! You are the best!

Aizhan Dautali, BACTA
Fall 2017, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, Latvia

I am really satisfied with my exchange program at Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, Latvia. I experienced another style of studying. I had an opportunity to travel. I studied another new language and enhanced my language skills. I have experienced personal growth by living and studying in Latvia, I have gained a new understanding of my personal heritage, culture and values. I gained valuable life skills. Interacting with the Latvians and international students allowed me to gain greater respect for other cultures. Also, I strengthened my leadership skills and broadened my worldview. The most significant experiences while living outside of my home country were communication with international students and travelling to different countries. It was amazingJ

Bektemir Ysmailov, BSc
Fall 2013,
University of Northern Colorado, USA

I was a an exchange student at the University of Northern Colorado for the Fall ’13 semester. The semester, which was full of great experiences, has gone by pretty quickly and it was time for winter break. What do you do during study breaks when you’re an exchange student abroad? Right, traveling and exploring the region where you study. So I decided to go to California.

It was a great experience overall but one thing stand out for me, I met the Hollywood producer Jon M. Chu who has been a producer of “G.I. Joe: Retaliation”, Step Up 2: The Streets”, “Step Up Revolution”, “Justin Bieber: Never Say Never”, and “Justin Bieber’s Believe”. How I met him? I follow him on Twitter, he posted that he’ll be watching his latest film which is “Justin Bieber’s Believe” on the premier date at certain time, at certain location not far away from San Francisco where I was at the time.

The venue was quickly sold out. He happened to be a very nice and friendly guy. We were sitting on the same row. There were many Justin Bieber fans, including myself, and everybody was screaming, shouting, crying, singing, clapping, whatever. It was wild. One of the best movie watching experience. I’d like to thank KIMEP University for this incredible opportunity to go see the world and advise everybody to use it.

Dual Degree

Dual Degree program provides the opportunity to study and receive two degrees, one from KIMEP University, and a second from a partner university. Students pay where they study.
All programs have certain criteria, however, a student’s GPA for all programs should be above 3,67. Students wishing to receive two degrees need to consult their respective College’s Program Coordinator as earlier as possible. International Office assists in logistic issues.

The Bang College of Business, the College of Social Science offer Dual Degree programs to KIMEP University students.
1. Master of Business Administration (KIMEP University) + Master of International Business (IESEG School of Management of the Catholic University of Lille, France)
2. BSc (KIMEP University) + BSc in Business Administration (IESEG School of Management, France)
3. Master of Business Administration (KIMEP University) + MSc. in International Management (ESC Rennes School of Business, France)
4. Master of International Relations (KIMEP University) + Master in Global Affairs and Policy/Master of Arts in Korean Studies/Master in Global Economy and Strategy (Yonsei University, South Korea)

IESEG School of Management, part of Catholic University of Lille, France
IÉSEG School of Management is one of the top Business Schools in France, ranked 6th in 2012 by leading student magazine L’Etudiant and ranked 24th in 2013 by the Financial Times. Established in 1964 in Lille, the school has a second campus in Paris at La Défense, European biggest business hub. The School has a total of 3380 students on both campuses. More than 84% of IÉSEG’s faculty is international, and the School has a network of more than 200 partner universities in more than 51 countries. All Bachelors and Masters Programs at IÉSEG are taught in English.

Master of Business Administration(KIMEP University) + Master of International Business (IESEG School of Management, France)
Through this program, students earn a Master in International Business from IESEG School of Management and a Master of Business Administration  (MBA) from KIMEP University. Students study the first year in Almaty and the second year in Lille (if they have less than 3 years work experience) or Paris (if they have more than 3 years work experience). For the second year KIMEP Unkversity students receive a 10 % tuition discount and there are a few scholarships available with tuition discounts of up to 50 %.
On or before KIMEP University application deadline for the program starting at IESEG School of Management in fall of the same year. Application deadline: KIMEP University – 15 April, IESEG – 30 May.
Eligibility requirements:
— KEET Score: 60 (not applicable for fast-track students)
— Current MBA GPA of 3.67
— Evidence of successful completion and/or in-progress status of 12 KIMEP MBA courses.
Tuition cost in IESEG for one year – around 11,000 Euro
Associate Dean for Graduate Programs, Bang College of Business

BSc (KIMEP University) + BSc in Business Administration (IESEG School of Management, France)
Students study the first 3 years in KIMEP University in Almaty and the fourth (final) year in IESEG School of Management in Lille or Paris campuses and receive diplomas of both Universities.
On or before KIMEP University application deadline for the program starting at IESEG School of Management in fall of the same year. Application deadline: KIMEP University – 15 April, IESEG School of Management – 30 May.
Eligibility requirements:
— At least KIMEP 75 earned credits;
— Current BSc GPA of 3.75;
— Minimum TOEFL score of 80 internet based (or equivalent TOEFL paperbased or IELTS scores);
— Evidence of successful completion and/or in-progress status (at the time of application) of the fixed KIMEP BSc courses;
— Completion of 48 credits of General Education and 27 credits of required business courses.
Tuition cost in IESEG for one year – around 8,500 Euro.
Associate Dean for Graduate Programs, Bang College of Business

ESC Rennes School of Business, France
ESC Rennes School of Business is considered to be the most international School of Management in Europe. With 91% of faculty members being non-French, 53% foreign students, classes in English and a network of more than 260 partner universities worldwide, Rennes School of Business gives the students a unique opportunity to learn in a continuous international environment from first year to graduation.


Master of Business Administration (KIMEP University) + MSc. in International Management (ESC Rennes Scho of Business, France)
Through this program, students earn a Master of Business Administration in KIMEP University and a MSc. in International Management with one of the specializations in:
— Marketing
— Digital Marketing
— Finance
— Human Resources
— Innovation Management
— Supply Chain in ESC Rennes School of Business, France.

Students study the first year in Almaty and the second year in Rennes.

On or before KIMEP University application deadline for the program starting at Rennes in Fall of the same year. Application deadline: KIMEP University – 15 April, Rennes – 31 May.

KIMEP Eligibility requirements:
– KEET Score: 60 (not applicable for fast-track students)
– Current MBA GPA of 3.67
– Evidence of successful completion and/or in-progress status of 12 KIMEP MBA courses.

Rennes Admission Conditions:
a) Bachelor degree or equivalent to 180 ECTS: Students applying through 3+1.5, 3.5+1.5 or 3+2 cooperative projects should complete or will complete enough courses credits equivalent to 180 ECTS (120 Kazak University Credits) before joining the Master programs at ESCR
b) Students should have a good level of English language demonstrated by an official test (minimum: IELTS 6.0, TOEFL 80 IBT, TOEIC 750), the score may be provided when available before the program at ESCR starting.
c) 2-Year Master in Management (PGE) applicants should provide the GMAT test copy before the program starting. There is no minimum requirement, but the score will be studied by a case by case basis and be proved by ESCR.

Tuition cost in Rennes for one year – the MA or MSc program tuition fees around 16,000 Euro.
Master in Management PGE 2-year program tuition fees are around 10000€ per year.
Academic supervisor: Associate Dean for Graduate Programs, Bang College of Business

Yonsei University, Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS), South Korea
Yonsei University opened the door to modern higher education over one century ago. In 1957, Yonhi University and Severance Medical School merged to become Yonsei University. After the merging, Yonsei University grew to become one of the best universities not only in Korea, but the world. It became the driving force behind Korea’s economic and political growth, and it also continues to spearhead university education and research. GSIS is Korea’s leading professional graduate school of international studies. The dynamic and rigorous curriculum equips students with theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary to excel globally, in the private and public sectors.

Candidates must meet admission standards of each university, which may include academic records, language proficiency, research skills and aptitude for the program. The application is submitted to the program administrator at the home university by the end of November of the first year.

— Guidelines for the evaluations of candidates who satisfy the minimum requirements:
Ø 50% of the evaluation on the basis of GPA (weighed on the basis of the number of courses passed by the end of the Spring semester – minimum 6)
Ø 25% of the evaluation on the basis of the research proposal submitted by the student to the committee
Ø 25% of the evaluation on the basis of the motivation letter submitted by the student to the committee and interview

Eligibility requirements:
Minimum Requirements for applying:
Ø GPA 4.00
Ø To have passed at least all the required courses for the first year as in the agreement (if the elective course the internship have not been completed yet by the end of the Spring semester, they must be taken during the summer 1 semester). Students who did not complete all the 8 courses required for the first year at KIMEP University according to the agreement will not be allowed to go to Yonsei University for the second year.

Tuition cost
KRW 7,020,000 (= USD 6,598: based on USD 1 = KRW 1,063 rate) per semester
All other expenses shall be born by the participating students, e.g. health insurance, accommodation, meal, etc.

Students pay where they study. Students have access to financial aid programs on equal terms as regular students of the respective school.

Please refer to the Program Manager at CSS for the detailed information on the courses to be taken at both universities, language requirements, and other conditions.

Please, first contact a program manager at the relevant college to get advice on academic part of the program (courses and number of credits at KIMEP and a partner university, requirements for the program, etc). After clarification of your academic program at the partner university and recomendation by college, please contact the International Office for logistic advise (application to the host university, contacts, payment, visa support, travelling and stay tips, pre-departure orientation, meeting with alumni of mobility, etc):
2 Abay Ave, International Office, Almaty, Kazakhstan 050010
E-mail: outgoing@kimep.kz

Globus center

The information center “Globus” was established in January 2013 and since that time has been located in the International office. It was designed to suggest information materials to all students and staff interested in academic mobility, to be introduced to KIMEP partners, their programs, countries, life, as well as getting an advice on the mobility procedures & requirements. Warm atmosphere and friendly attitude of staff members and peer advisers will help you make the right choice and, finally, benefit from studying and doing research abroad. Leaflets, books, maps, photos, application forms examples, etc, as well as 3 computers for e-information, online application to the programs, and 2 printers – are at your disposal.

“Globus” has become a place connecting yesterday, today and tomorrow through mobility: we created the Erasmus & Exchange Alumni Club to catalyze the connection in the triangle Alumni – Students – Applicant of the mobility programs. Peer -advising system helped increase information on partner HEIs and improve applicants’ destination for mobility, give them tips on writing a motivation essay, cultural nuances and how to adjust to a new multi-cultural environment, share the positive impact on career and professional life, spread information on KIMEP international activity. All participants of mobility programs are welcome to join the club.
“Globus” schedule depends on the peer assistants schedule, but is open almost all day.

Входящие обучающиеся по обмену

KIMEP University offers one or two semesters for exchange, and the freedom to take courses from across our undergraduate, master, and doctoral programs following prerequisites requirements.
Coordinator of incoming mobility:
Meruert Oshanova (Mrs)
Email: incoming@kimep.kz
Tel: +7 (727) 2374800 (ext. 1038)
Office: International Office, Dormitory bld.

Как подать заявку

  • Студент должен быть отобран вузом-партнером. Заполните онлайн заявку, пройдя по ссылке http://www2.kimep.kz/onlineappl/

Загрузите следующие документы:

  • Отсканированный экземпляр паспорта;
  • Цветное фото (паспортного размера);
  • Отсканированный экземпляр официального транскрипта (возьмите с собой оригинал);
  • Если вам необходимо жилье — отметьте в заявке галочкой необходимость проживания в общежитии.

Для участия в программе обмена в осеннем семестре заполните заявку до конца мая, для участия в весеннем семестре – до конца ноября. Загрузите следующие документы:

  • Отсканированный экземпляр прививочной карты;
    — Отсканированный экземпляр выписки из банка (наличие 5 000 долларов США на один учебный год; либо 2 500 долларов США на один семестр), либо письмо из университета о гранте программы мобильности (возьмите с собой оригинал)

— Отсканированный экземпляр документа, подтверждающего отсутствие судимости (возьмите  с собой оригинал)

  • Свободное владение языком (письмо из университета/языковой уровень эквивалентен IELTS 6.0).

До прибытия:

  1. Получите в Приемной комиссии письмо о зачислении с идентификационным номером для оформления визы, планирования поездки, регистрации на предметы и др.;
  2. Заполните форму на получение визы и отправьте ее координатору по визовым вопросам (visa@kimep.kz) вместе с копией вашего паспорта;
  3. Получите у координатора по визовым вопросам письмо-приглашение с номером и подайте заявление на получение визы в своей стране;
  4. Запланируйте свою поездку;
  5. Зарегистрируйтесь на предметы под своим идентификационным номером;
  6. В режиме онлайн выберите комнату в общежитии, либо подайте заявку на размещение вне территории университета.

Университет КИМЭП гарантирует место в общежитии для студентов по обмену из университетов-партнеров, если это предусмотрено соглашением между обоими учреждениями. Тем не менее, студенты, указавшие в онлайн-заявке о необходимости проживания, могут получить место в общежитии, при наличии свободных комнат. Студентам, желающим проживать вне территории университета, необходимо подать запрос на поиск жилья (самостоятельное либо совместное проживание).

После приезда:

  1. Посетите координатора по вопросам входящей мобильности, который предоставит вам все необходимые документы и которому необходимо сдать оригиналы ваших документов из страны прибытия.
  2. Г-жа Меруерт Ошанова

Международный отдел

Эл. адрес: incoming@kimep.kz
Тел.: +7 (727) 2374800 (вн. 1038)

  1. Пройдите медицинский осмотр в медицинском учреждении Алматы для получения следующих документов:
    • Медицинская форма 086/y.

Для вас будет организована машина КИМЭП и сопровождение Buddy.

    1. Подготовьте и предоставьте координатору по визовым вопросам следующие документы:
      • копия паспорта;
      • миграционная карта;
      • 2 паспортные фотографии;
      • Справка о статусе студента;
      • Адрес проживания в Алматы (Общежитие КИМЭП, пр. Абая 2 – если вы проживаете в общежитие, либо адрес арендованной квартиры).

Координатор по визовым вопросам выдаст счет на оплату для письма-приглашения, который студенту необходимо оплатить в кассе – офис 118/здание Достык.

Эл. адрес: visa@kimep.kz
Офис №111, здание Достык
Тел. +7 727 2704229 вн. 2048

    1. Получите имя пользователя и пароль для доступа к компьютерам и беспроводному интернету у координатора по вопросам входящей мобильности;
    2. Получите пропуск и читательский билет (офис №101/Новая библиотека), предоставив:
      • Копию паспорта
      • Фото 3*4
    3. Посетите ориентационные сессии (см. Календарь событий)
    4. Вы можете отказаться от предмета, либо добавить новый предмет в течение периода набора/отказа от предметов.

FAQ questions of Exchange students

What is a required list of documents that I need to submit in order to apply for exchange program?
Download to the on-line application:

  • a scan of your passport
  • a photo (passport type)
  • a scan of your official transcript (records of grades)
  • a scan of your list of vaccinations (vaccinations records)
  • a scan of the bank statement (of 2500$ per semester)
  • a scan of criminal background absence (criminal records)
  • a scan of insurance , which covers Kazakhstan

Does the Coordinator of incoming mobility offer assistance with off-campus housing? 
The Coordinator of incoming mobility is your first contact at KIMEP. The Coordinator of incoming mobility is a liaison between the exchange student and other support units and will coordinate the Housing Manager to find off-campus accommodation for you.

Where can I find registration procedure for courses? 
As Exchange students you have a few differences in registration process. Step-by-Step registration procedure is written in Exchange Student Guide which you will find in the information package sent to you by email after your home university nominated you. Also, on the Student Portal you will find a file with the detailed information for regular students.

Do I have any support in airport transfer?
Yes, Find the Airport Transfer Form on-line on the Student Portal,  and apply minimum 10 working days in advance. A KIMEP driver with logo “KIMEP”  will pick you up.

Can I change my schedule, registration for or withdraw from classes at KIMEP?
Before add/drop period finishes, which is the first week of classes, you can make changes free of charge.  Any later registration or changes are allowed with a certain payment of fee.

If a class says M, W, and F, can I choose which day to go? Or do I have to go all three days (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday)?
We strongly recommend you to attend all scheudled classes. New material is covered each day and class attendance is very important for you. However, each professor has syllabi where attendance is indicated as obligatory or free.

How many credits do I have to take?
You need to be a full time exchange student: minimum & maximum US (KIMEP) credits per semester: 12-18. However, if you cannot find appropriate courses, you need to inform the Coordinator of incoming mobility.

Should I submit any document after arrival to KIMEP?
Upon arrival, submit original transcript, criminal record, bank statement, 4 matt color passport size photos to the Admission Office.
Your Buddy will escort you to a local clinic in Almaty to obtain the following documents to submit to the Medical center:

  • X-ray of Chest
  • Medical form 086/u

Should I visit Visa Office after arrival to KIMEP?
You MUST visit KIMEP visa office on the first working day after arrival. Violation of the visa regime in Kazakhstan will result in a fine. Immediately upon arrival send a picture of your passport and migration card by WhatsApp to +77013600216 or email  visa@kimep.kz

Please visit Coordinator for incoming mobility who will assist you in collecting the following documents before visiting the Visa Office:

  1. Passport and a copy of the photo page
  2. Migration card (received at the customs control upon entry into the country)
  3. Address of your residence in Almaty (confirmation from the KIMEP dormitory or an rented apartment)
  4. Student Statement Order (obtained at the Registrar office, Valikhanov Bld., office # 201)

Can I Take books from KIMEP library and should I pay for it?
For the books used for reading in the Libraries you do not need to pay. However, if you want to take them with you for a certain period (week, semester, etc) you have to pay a rental fee.

Can I travel within and outside Kazakhstan and should I inform Visa Coordinator?
International Students are allowed to travel outside Kazakhstan during breaks, summer and winter vacations. You can easily go in and outside Kazakhstan if you have the multiple entry Kazakhstan visa. Please do not forget to bring your passport to Visa Coordinator no later than 7 days before a trip to check your visa and local registration. If you want to travel to other cities in Kazakhstan, you should inform Visa Coordinator about your trip and dates.
Other visitors may travel according to the type of obtained visa.

Do I need a local mobile phone number?
You are strongly recommended to obtain local mobile phone number. Your Buddy may assist you to buy it. Please, for your and our convenience, give your phone number to the Coordinator of incoming mobility.

Is it safe to walk late in the city and what about security on campus?
Almaty is a quite safe city. However, as in any megapolice you need to be careful walking late or in the nights. We recommend you to attend clubs, cinema theatre, etc. with your local Buddy or friends, especially if you do not speak Russian or Kazakh.
KIMEP campus is guarded 24 hours/7 days. There are cameras in many public places. However, keep an eye on your personal belongings, wallet, lap top, mobile, etc. on and off campus. Do not leave doors in your room or apartment unlocked when you outside.

What to do if I lost my passport?
Upon your arrival you better inform your country embassy/consulate about your arrival in Almaty. In case you have lost your passport, immediately inform it as well as the Visa Coordinator at KIMEP.  The embassy would be supportive in assisting you while your new documents are being issued.

Can I go to mountains alone?
IMPORTANT! No, you have to go to mountains in a group of other students or friends/Buddy. Always leave information when, where, with whom, for how long you are going to travel or hiking.

Can I open a bank account in Almaty for my parents to make bank transactions for me?
In order to open a bank account for a non-resident of RK:
Necessary set of documents:
1) Identity card or passport, or residency permit/identity of stateless person for foreign citizens permanently residing in Kazakhstan;
2) Copy of the Individual taxpayer identification number certification document issued by Kazakh tax authority (IIN)
3) to open a bank account is free of charge;
4) bank annual service – 600 kzt
With above mentioned documents, you have to go to a bank Center Credit or Halyk Bank, located nearby, to open the bank account. Ask your Buddy to help you.
Services to individuals – Monday to Friday: 09.00-19.00, closed Saturday, Sunday, national holidays.

How to get free of charge Individual Identification Number (IIN) in the Tax Committee of the Almaty City:
1)If your passport is in Russian language – to have a notary certified copy of the passport (address of the notary public: Dostyk ave. 128, cor. Satpayev str.)
2) a copy of passport. If your passport is not in Russian language – a notary certified translation of the passport to Russian.
3) application form — (Appendix #8) can be downloaded here https://my.kimep.kz/Forms/Default.aspx
4) bring a notary certified copy of the passport and application form (Appendix #8) to Public Service Center (ЦОН).
Address of the Public Service Center: 44, Markov street, corner Timiryazev str.

Is there any cultural event where I can represent my country and university?
KIMEP’s student organizations and departments organize the following events for international students:
– Orientation session
– Welcome Party
– Student initiation party
– International Students Day
– Mister and Missis KIMEP
– Golden middle party
– Nauryz Spring Festival
– KIMEP Family Day
– Sightseeing Trips inside and outside of Almaty
– Cultural events (Chinese New Year, Cooking parties)
– Farewell Party
So you can bring with you national souvenirs, clothes or other things in order to demonstrate it in different cultural events.

Can I study/improve Russian or Kazakh language at KIMEP?
Yes, you can. You can register for academic classes or refer to the Language Center to find out details on schedule, costs, etc. Contact adviser at turgan@kimep.kz.

International Students Feedback

davJudit Czendrei an exchange student from National University of Public Service, Hungary
Why not Kazakhstan? Before I came to Kazakhstan the first thing everyone asked me was ’Why?’. My answer was always the same ’Why not?’. Sometimes you have to challenge yourself and find a way to step out of your comfort zone. I think that is the only way you can discover new places, get to know new cultures and people, understand the mentality and experience a different lifestyle. The new friendships, the memories, the feeling of being a foreigner, the culture shock, and the good and bad things you come across are priceless, what’s more they are going to affect you the rest of your life.
From the perspective of most European people, Kazakhstan is not so popular or familiar. Although it is the ninth largest country in the world, I personally think it doesn’t get enough recognition. During my stay in Almaty I have experienced the big city life and all the hustle it provides. However, we cannot forget about the beautiful panorama and the picturesque landscape that is all around us. Big Almaty Lake, Charyn Canyon or Tamgaly Tas are just a few natural beauties to mention.
Not only is the country worth the visit, but also the university. What I most love about KIMEP is that you cannot get bored, as it always has something to offer. During the Country Days I could get a lot of new information about other nations, at the International Day I and my fellow Hungarians could show the typical Hungarian dishes to the audience, while tasting the delicious cuisines of others. First in my life I tried paragliding in a breathtaking scenery in the outskirts of Almaty. I have visited Kyrgyzstan and also experienced the ‘Astana-cold’ in the capital.
One day I might come back to Kazakhstan, but until that I hope to see a lot of you in Hungary or anywhere in the world.

Lee JungwongLee Jungwong an exchange student from Chonnam National University, South Korea
During my stay here in KIMEP university, I was thankfully able to have 3 precious experiences. First, I was able to enjoy the abundant diversity. In this fall semester of 2016, there were various students of different nationalities that I have never met before. As I studied and enjoyed the semester with them, I learned how people of different cultures think and feel about the world. Therefore, I was able to enlarge my view of the world and different cultural boundary. Second, I was able to enjoy Central Asia’s abundant nature. While staying here, we exchange students were able to visit many natural places of Almaty and even other Central Asian countries. Since Central Asia is not popular for travel at the moment, we did not expect that much. But there were so many magnificent sites that people should visit. And now I am greatly thankful to see those beautiful places because I decided to come here. Third, I was able to meet the future leaders of developing country, Kazakhstan. While I studied here, I was able to meet so many students who are very clever and talented in many skills. Luckily, I got an opportunity in studying with them, I became motivated from these bright students in KIMEP and I am very thankful for that. Besides these, I have so many other things that I am grateful for. There was never a time when I regretted in choosing this university for my exchange program. Thank you KIMEP University!

Yeongho SuhYeongho Suh – an exchange student from Pusan National University
My choice of KIMEP as my exchange student program was the best choice. To be honest, I was a little bit worry about studying in Kazakhstan because I did not know much about it, but it was just waste of time. My experience in Kazakhstan was the most precious one in my life. I traveled several Central Asia countries and it was quite unique and great. But the most meaningful memory was the time with the people. There were many students from many countries like Europe, Singapore, United States and etc. So, I made a lot of international students.

Daniel CsurDaniel Csur – an exchange student from Oxford Brookes University
My exchange at KIMEP has been clearly the best experience of my life. Kazakhstan gave me loads of possibilities to see, learn and travel in Kazakhstan and in Central Asia. KIMEP is a very interesting place providing a „modern way“ education in the center of Central Asia. The education is quite comparable to the western schools, however a school still barriers a style of „soviet“ education based on authorities within the school. One of the most significant problems within KIMEP is the lack of feedback towards the teachers and sometimes impossibility to disagree with the view of the teacher and have a better opinion which is very normal in all the western schools. However KIMEP still offers the best business education in Central Asia hosting professors and teachers from all around the world.
Kazakhstan is however an awesome place which provides a loads of opportunities for all the foreigners and in my opinion it is one of the best place to spend a semester to study and travel. Central Asia has a lot to offer for not just Europeans and Americans but also all the people coming from around the world. Since Russian is a spoken language in Almaty the possibility to learn Russian as a foreign language has been a great opportunity for me as well. KIMEP provided us with a lot of traveling possibilities to Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and other beautiful places around Almaty. To conclude my exchange semester at KIMEP has been the best experience of my life ever full of positive surprises and a huge change in my life

Margaret SZETOMargaret SZETO – an exchange student from Hong Kong Baptist University
Being an explorer from a developed city, Kazakhstan is definitely a novel wonderland for me. Comparing with Hong Kong, I prefer the simple life here. Having tea time on a daily basis is already a must for me. I really love this tea culture since I could chitchat with friends and share each other’s happiness and daily experience. Moreover, I enjoy every single moment walking on the roomy street in a slow pace. It is so relax for me to see the trees along the road and surrounding environment without blocking by high-rise buildings. The nature is also one of my favorites which can calm me down and refresh myself. When people ask me what impress me the most in Kazakhstan, the answer always comes to the PEOPLE. Honestly, I did not expect to experience my first inevitable cultural shock once I arrived, which was people here do not smile quite often. I thought that maybe they don’t like me. However, I was more and more surprised and enthusiastic day by day. I was pleased to stay with senior students in dormitory previously, the way they treated me was tremendously impressed. I have never met such generous and caring people who assisted me to break the language and cultural barriers by introducing me their culture and history, as well as inviting me to celebrate the festivals. I can’t forget the time my neighbors cooked me local food and gave me some local fruits that I haven’t seen.
I have spent some time to really learn about Kazakhstan as well as Kazakh culture and lifestyle, and now I am falling in love with it. The people are always the reason why I like Kazakhstan. You all are really awesome, my dear Kazakhs, Tajiks, Uzbeks, Turkmens and other international students. Thank you for being part of my exchange journey!

Chanan CatikkasChanan Catikkas – an exchange student from Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Turkey
When I selected KIMEP university, people asked me why Kazakhstan and KIMEP University? At that time, I definitely believed that Kazakhstan will be different for a people who are used to live closer to the Europe. Moreover, KIMEP University is an international and best university in Central Asia. I had a really fantastic exchange experience starting from my study and learning a lot from my professors, learning Russian and Kazakh, traditions, cultures and many other things. Every day I had a great chance to meet a new interesting people and what I observed that most of them was so friendly and always tried to help and support me in any situations. I will strongly recommend to get such an opportunity for all. Thanks for that opportunity and I will be waiting all my friends in Turkey!

ZhengDa AngZhengDa Ang – an exchange student from Singapore Management University, Singapore
Exchange in KIMEP was about the most memorable time of my university life. Beautiful mountains, rich culture, trying out horse riding and skiing, the Green Market, travelling within and out of Kazakhstan, there is so much to love about it. But the above all, it was the friends I’ve got to make in KIMEP that have made it all so wonderful. Although I had some initial concerns about adapting to the different culture, my buddies and the staff at KIMEP were ever so helpful to make things easy and enjoyable. From taking us out to the rural countryside to inviting us for a short stay their homes, my friends in KIMEP have allowed me a taste of the true Central Asian culture. I love it, and I hope to be back again soon!


Students have an opportunity to study abroad in summer schools. You may do it to take courses, which you want to transfer back towards your degree or mere for personal development. It is your responsibility to bear all expenses (tuition, travel, living, personal, etc) and study well.

Steps to do:

  • Check information, application, payment details and deadlines, they vary for each university.
  • For more details and updates visit websites of the host universities.
  • Send your enquiries directly to the host summer school contact person given on their websites.
  • Check the course compliance between the host summer school and KIMEP (read the course transfer procedure for exchange program in the same folder)
  • Choose the summer school and apply as described on its website
  • Get a Letter of acceptance from the host institution
  • Apply for a visa (for many countries you need the visa for summer school. Some embassies in Almaty issue visas for other countries)

If you wish KIMEP to recognize your study abroad results, before you apply to the summer school, please, consult your college’s Undergraduate/Graduate Program Manager for approval of the courses, as well as the number of credits to transfer back. They will recommend you the number of credits to transfer back given your academic progress, potential, etc.

Please, note that there are two types of Summer School Programs regulated differently for payment and course recognition:

1. Exchange Summer Program with aPartner University.
The program is subject to regulations of Exchange program and agreement between partners. Please read the eligibility and selection criteria, regulations (GPA from 3.0, 30 credits, Passing Grade is 50% and more, etc). Read the Course Transfer and Payment Policy for Exchange program. The Application at KIMEP University opens along with Exchange Programs on January 10 till February 15.

2. Non-exchange Summer Program with a Partner/ Non-Partner University.
Student pays tuition and other fees — to a Host University. Students communicate with and apply directly to the host university. Students inform Coordinator for outgoing mobility in the International Office about the studying abroad after being accepted there. Passing Grade is KIMEP 63% and more (read the policy in the catalog for the transfer of courses from partner universities but non-exchange program).


There is a list of scans of approved courses taken in summer schools abroad on L-drive > International Mobility > International Summer Schools >  “International Summer Schools_Approved Courses”. If a desired course is in the list – you do not need to undergo again the approval process. But make you need the same course to be transferred to designated course at KIMEP.

For a new course approval, fill in the “Course Approval Form_Summer Program” (available in the same folder), attach its syllabus and submit to your college’s Undergraduate/Graduate program Program Manager for approval.

Make sure you know the policy for transfer of courses from other universities in the catalog (from exchange program, from non-partner).

You can transfer courses back ONLY if they were pre-approved by your college before departure.