Уважаемые выпускники,
Добро пожаловать в ассоциацию выпускников КИМЭП. Заканчивая наш Институт, вы автоматически становитесь членом сети, насчитывающей более 12 000 выпускников. Наша цель – помочь вам поддерживать контакты с другими выпускниками и с сообществом КИМЭП. Каждый из вас – посланник КИМЭП и каждый из вас представляет собой результат наших усилий.

Цель КИМЭП – предоставление образования, меняющего общество и преображающего жизни. Наши выпускники воплощают дух нашего Института. Образование и подготовка, полученные Вами в КИМЭП являются краеугольным камнем Вашей карьеры.

КИМЭП гордится своими выпускниками, среди которых – руководители отечественных и международных компаний, государственные служащие высокого уровня, лидеры некоммерческого сектора и преподаватели вузов. Мы ценим наши взаимоотношения с вами и постоянно ищем способы плодотворного поддержания наших контактов. Мы приглашаем вас узнать больше о тех преимуществах, которые Институт готов вам предоставить, и мы чрезвычайно заинтересованы в сотрудничестве с вами во имя процветания и развития КИМЭП и Казахстана.

В этом разделе наши выпускники могут найти информацию о том, как заказать карту выпускника (Alumni ID), которая предоставляет конкретные услуги и преимущества, как загрузить все выпуски журнала «Alumni Magazine», а также прочитать истории успеха выпускников КИМЭП и тех, кто представляет университет в разных регионах страны и за рубежом. Кроме того, если выпускники хотели бы внести свой вклад в университетское сообщество, этот раздел содержит информацию о том, как пожертвовать в стипендиальный фонд Рахмет, который помогает нуждающимся студентам. Вопросы взаимоотношений КИМЭП с выпускниками координируются Отделом Корпоративного Развития.

Мы высоко ценим вашу поддержку и обратную связь. Мы всегда на связи и готовы ответить на ваши вопросы.

Услуги для Выпускников

КИМЭП гордится своими выпускниками. Успех Института прежде всего зависит от успешности его выпускников. КИМЭП рад предоставить своим выпускникам следующий список льгот и услуг, которыми они могут воспользоваться:

  • 10% скидка на тренинги Программы профессионального развития (ППР), администрируемой Центром Знаний Руководителя КИМЭП (EEC), а также на курсы иностранных языков и подготовительные курсы для поступления в КИМЭП для Ваших детей.
  • Бесплатный доступ к информационным ресурсам библиотеки КИМЭП.
  • Бесплатное пользование Спортивным центром КИМЭП.
  • Аренда конференц-залов КИМЭП для проведения конференций, тренингов и семинаров, с 20% скидкой.
  • Центр карьеры и трудоустройства предлагает работодателям свои услуги по подбору отличных кандидатов из числа выпускников и студентов-практикантов КИМЭП.
  • 5% покрытие затрат на обучение Ваших детей.

Для возможности получения услуг для выпускников, Вам необходимо будет получить карточку выпускника.

Заказать карточку выпускника, возможно, выслав на адрес cdd@kimep.kz следующую информацию:

  1. Сканированное фото 3*4
  2. ФИО
  3. Программу обучения
  4. Год окончания
  5. Место работы
  6. Позицию
  7. Контактный телефон
  8. Адрес

Формы для Выпускников

Возврат денег

Для получения документа в Отделе Регистрации Студентов, Вы должны предоставить банковскую квитанцию об оплате с указанием имени и студенческого номера, удостоверение личности или паспорт. В случае, если выпускник сам(а) лично не может забрать свой диплом, нужно предоставить нотариальную доверенность.

Принять участие

Стипендиальный фонд «Рахмет»
Стипендиальный фонд «Рахмет» был основан в 2010 г выпускниками КИМЭП, желающими поддержать нуждающихся студентов и внести свой вклад в воспитание будущих лидеров. Поддержка фонда предназначена для студентов с отличной академической успеваемостью, испытывающих финансовые затруднения. Также, с помощью фонда, выпускники могут предоставлять поддержку для институциональных нужд КИМЭП. Для получения более подробной информации о способах поддержки, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с отделом корпоративного развития КИМЭП по адресу  cdd@kimep.kz или по телефону +7 727 270 42 26.

Помимо стипендий для студентов и поддержки для преподавателей, существует множество различных способов содействия развитию КИМЭП и сотрудничества с вузом. Если вы желаете пополнить наш библиотечный фонд академических ресурсов, профинансировать наши научно-исследовательские центры или помочь нашим студентам в реализации их планов по участию в международных конференциях, вам предоставляется широкий спектр возможностей. Ваш вклад в КИМЭП может быть назван в честь вашей компании, вашего выпуска. Сотрудники отдела корпоративного развития помогут вам  осуществить ваш личный вклад в усовершенствование услуг, предоставляемых КИМЭП студентам, преподавателям и сообществу в целом.

Мероприятия выпускников

Университет КИМЭП планирует очень интересные мероприятия для выпускников в этом году — в том числе ежегодную встречу выпускников КИМЭП и несколько обедов с участием активных выпускников и топ-менеджмента КИМЭП.
За своевременной и подробной информацией о предстоящих событиях следите за нами в Facebook и Instagram.

Дата Имя Тема Youtube link
1 27.05.2020 Куралай Мухмеджанова Как сохранить и приумножить деньги
2 03.06.2020 Александра Сытник Навыки пересборки: как сохранить бизнес устойчивым в условиях кризиса и неопределенности
3 10.06.2020 Олжас Худайбергенов 2021: Казахстан и мир вокруг нас. Мысли вслух https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHN1OtHrXTk
4 17.05.2020 Валерий Дорджиев Критическое мышление: почему сегодня так важно уметь читать между строк https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQgSZpM_OU4
5 01.07.2020 Жибек Сеитова Жизнь после КИМЭП или одна вещь в жизни, чтобы быть счастливым
6 15.07.2020 Сакен Жумашев Keep your energy high! Как поддерживать свою энергию, чтобы достигатьвысоких целей https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRikUtYuuyQ
7 29.07.2020 Даулет Асылбеков О работе НПП РК «Атамекен» https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNW1E2eE4lU&feature=youtu.be
8 12.08.2020 Аида Альжанова Гражданский активизм: соучастие, уклонение, ответственность или, когда в Казахстане будет зрелое гражданское общество? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gC-UtWfRxeA&feature=youtu.be
9 26.08.2020 Мансур Хамитов Построение личного бренда в современной образовательной и академической среде https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKKFzamluNI
10 09.09.2020 Татьяна Горбачева Продуктивность на “удаленке” – Ваш ключ к успешной карьере: опыт Moore Stephens
11 23.09.2020 Ахмет Ишмухамедов Ведение бизнеса в Сингапуре: бизнес-культура, человеческий капитал, конкуренция, адаптивность, предпринимательский склад ума. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ntpvIxAgrM&feature=youtu.be
12 08.10.2020 Эльнора Розмут Тенденции в сфере PR, digital и продвижения. Руководство к действию в персональном брендинге для экспертов https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeMGPxFhrZs&feature=youtu.be
13 22.10.2020 Еркегали Машир Работа в международном IT бренде vs Создание собственной IT компании, минусы и плюсы, возможности и угрозы
14 05.11.2020 Александра Бекишева Роль женщины в развитии компании

Выпускники-Представители (Ambassadors)

В феврале 2011 г КИМЭП открыл программу «Выпускники-Амбасадоры», в которую вошли волонтеры из числа выдающихся выпускников 1994-2010 гг. Амбасадоры являются важным связующим звеном между КИМЭП и его выпускниками, сообщая им о проводимых в вузе мероприятиях и поощряя их на активное участие в жизни Института.

Амбасадоры являются членами консультационного совета КИМЭП, участвуют в церемонии выпуска и осуществляют вклад в стратегическое развитие Института.

КИМЭП гордится тем, что на данный момент его выпускники- амбасадоры ведут активную деятельность в Алматы, Астане и Атырау.

Yevgeniy Kopaigora
MBA 1998
Alumni Ambassador in Almaty

Alisher Khodjamniyazov
BSS 2014
Alumni Ambassador in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

Murager Sauranbayev
BAIJ 2009
Alumni Ambassador in Nur-Sultan

Nurym Taibek
MBA 1995
Alumni Ambassador in Almaty

Irina Druzhinina
MBA 1996
Alumni Ambassador in Almaty

Ilshat Khalit
MA 1998
Alumni Ambassador in Almaty

Baurzhan Izmailov
MBA 1998
Alumni Ambassador in Almaty

Vladimir Din
MBA 1999
Alumni Ambassador in Almaty

Sanzhar Kozybayev
MA 1999
Alumni Ambassador in Almaty

Aida Yesmagambetova
MBA 2000
Alumni Ambassador in Almaty

Baurzhan Issayev
MBA 2006
Alumni Ambassador in Almaty

Gulmara Rysbekova
MBA 2007/BSC 2006
Alumni Ambassador in Almaty

Kamila Lukpanova
BAIJ 2009
Alumni Ambassador in Almaty

Adlet Zhanatkanov
BSS 2010
Alumni Ambassador in Almaty

Askhat Kuzhenov
BSC 2010
Alumni Ambassador in Almaty

Madi Aitimov
BSC 2012
Alumni Ambassador in Almaty

Ainur Ashimova
BAIJ 2011
Alumni Ambassador in Nur-Sultan

Assemgul Shurina
BSSPA 2014
Alumni Ambassador in Nur-Sultan

Assem Kazzhanova
BSSPS 2012
Alumni Ambassador in Nur-Sultan

Bagdaulet Turekhanov
BSS 2008
Alumni Ambassador in Nur-Sultan

Raushan Taurkulova
BSC 2013
Alumni Ambassador in Nur-Sultan

Saltanat Kerimbayeva
BSS 2008
Alumni Ambassador in Nur-Sultan

Zerip Kossym
BAIJ 2011, MIR 2017
Alumni Ambassador in Nur-Sultan

Журнал Выпускников

Журнал выпускников КИМЭП выпускается ежегодно и освещает основные события и достижения университета. Цель журнала держать Вас в курсе последних новостей и основных моментов из жизни университета; новостей о событиях и достижениях выпускников; информации о льготах для выпускников; стимулирующую и познавательную информацию; и многое другое для сообщества выпускников университета.

Приглашаем всех выпускников поделиться своими историями и статьями для следующего выпуска журнала!

Выпускники в СМИ

Все выпускники, которые хотели бы осветить истории успеха в своей профессиональной карьере или общественных проектах, могут обратиться в отдел корпоративного развития (cdd@kimep.kz), чтобы поделиться своей историей с более широким сообществом КИМЭП.

Құрал Жоламан

Отандасымыз Құрал Жоламан Жерорта теңізі мен Атлант мұхитының бір-бірімен тоғысатын жерінде орналасқан әйгілі Гибралтар бұғазын гидрокостюмсіз 5 сағат 58 минутта жүзіп өтті. Испанияның Тарифа қаласынан Африканың Марокко қаласына дейінгі 16,7 шақырымды жүзіп өткен Құрал мұндай ерлік қазақтардың да қолынан келетінін дәлелдегісі келгенін айтады. Десе де ол бұл марафон туралы қазақстандық БАҚ жарыса жазып, ізінше толассыз хаттар мен сансыз қоңыраулар келіп түсетінін күтпесе керек. Тарифадан күні кеше оралған Құралға хабарласып, әңгімеге тартқан едік.

– Соңғы аптада отандық журналистер сізді Ақтау тұрғыны деп жарыса жаз­ғанға сонда тұратын болар деп ойласам, олай емес екен. Гибралтар бұғазын жү­зіп өту үшін Каспийде жаттығу жұ­мыстарын өткізгеніңізге бола көбі солай жазса керек.
– Негізі, мен – Маңғыстаудың пер­зен­ті­мін. Ақтауда №26 мектеп табалдырығын ат­­тап, кейін 8-сыныпта ондағы IT лицей мек­тебіне ауыстым. Мектеп қабырғасында жүр­геннен бастап білім қудым десем артық айт­паймын. Мектепаралық, қалалық олим­пиа­даларға қатысып, жүлделі орындар ие­лен­дім. 10-сыныпта сол кезде барлық оқу­шы­ның арманы болған «XX ғасыр көшбасшысы» ин­теллектуалдық сайысына Ақтау қалас­ын­да­ғы іріктеуден мүдірмей өттім. Сосын Алма­ты­­ға барып, онда өткен апталық ойында 3-орын­ды місе тұтып, айлық ойынға өте ал­­май қалдым. Есесіне туған інім Құрмет ап­­­­талық кезеңнен өтіп, айлық ойында 1-орын­ды ұтып алды. Мектеп бітірген соң КИМЭП-ке Есеп және аудит факультетіне оқуға түстім. Сосын ондағы халықаралық биз­нес құқығы мамандығын оқытатын ма­гистратура бөлімінде білімімді жетілдірдім. Мен өте белсенді студент болдым. Сту­дент­тер­ге шамам келгенше көмектесуге тырыс­тым. «Жақсылықтың жақсылықтан басқа қайтарымы жоқ» деген сөз рас екен. Кейін сол студенттердің дауыс беруі бойынша Сту­дент­тер қоғамының қаржы мәселесі жөнін­дегі вице-президенті қызметіне тағайын­далдым. Одан бөлек, достарымызбен бірге сту­денттерге әртүрлі курсты тегін үйрететін Itutor платформасының негізін қаладық. Гибралтар бұғазын гидрокостюмсіз жүзіп өткен тұңғыш қазақОсындай жұмыстарым үшін КИМЭП-тің президентінен марапат қағаз бен мінездеме алдым. Бұл PwC халықаралық компания­сы­ның Алматыдағы кеңсесіне жұмысқа тұруы­ма септігін тигізді. Кейін аталған компания­ның Дубайдағы кеңсесіне ауысып, онда екі жыл жұмыс істедім. Кейін штаб-пәтері Дубайда орналасқан, 7 клиника, 20-дан астам ауру­ханаға жетекшілік ететін, әлемдегі ірі ме­дициналық провайдер Mediclinic Middle East компаниясына ауыстым. Қазір осында аға қаржы талдаушы болып жұмыс істеп жүр­геніме үш жылдың көлемі болды. Ал бұл байрақты бәсекеге Каспийде дайындалғаным рас. Себебі Дубайда мамыр айынан соң теңіз­ге түсу мүмкін емес. Жаздыкүні аптап ыстық. Судың температурасы 35-40 °C-ге дейін кө­теріледі. Әрі үйде онлайн форматта жұмыс істе­гендіктен, Ақтауға барып, дайындалуға еш­теңе кедергі болмады.
– Өзіңіз айтқандай, мектеп жасынан бас­тап тек білім қуған болсаңыз, спорт­қа, соның ішінде суда жүзуге де­ген қызығушылық кейін пайда бол­ды ма?
– Негізі, кезінде бокспен шұғыл­данғанмын, бірақ ата-анам бокс жарақат қаупі жоғары спорт түрі бол­­ғандықтан, білімге ден қоюым­­ды қалады. Ал жүзу спор­­тына келсем, шынымды ай­тайын Ақтауда теңіздің жаға­сында тұрсам да, жаға­лау­дан ары тереңге жүзіп көр­ме­генмін. Ашық суда жүзуге Ду­бай­да қызыға бастадым. Онда түр­лі спорт қоғамы бар, ірі жарыстар мен марафондарға қатысқандар өз же­тістігін ортаға салып, жиі талқы­лай­ды. Бірде олар әңгіме арасында Қа­зақ­стан­да Гибралтар бұғазын гидро­костюм­сіз жү­зіп өткен ешкім жоқ екенін айтып қал­ды. Олар­дың бұл айтқаны мені желпін­діріп тас­тады. Себебі сол кезде «Неге бізде ондай мық­тылар жоқ? Біз де жүзе аламыз ғой. Неге ма­ған жүзіп өтпеске?» деп қанаттанып, бар уақытымды ашық суда жүзуге арнайтын болып шештім. Жалпы, ашық суда жүзе бас­тағаныма 4-5 жыл уақыт болды. 2018 жы­лы Босфор бұғазын жүзіп өттім. Босфордан соң қайтсем де Гибралтарды жүзіп өтуім керек д­ег­ен мақсат маза бермей қойды. Оның үс­тіне, Гибралтар — Жерорта теңізін Атлант мұхитымен байланыстыратын, Африка мен Еуропаны бөліп тұрған құр­лық­ара­лық бұғаз. Оны бағындыру – әуесқой жүзуші үшін мәртебе.
Гибралтар бұғазын гидрокостюмсіз жүзіп өткен тұңғыш қазақ–Жаңылыспасам, 2017 жы­лы заңгер Ержан Есім­ха­нов Гибралтар бұғазын жү­зіп өткен алғашқы қазақстан­дық атан­ған, бірақ ол сіз еңсерген қашық­тық­ты гидрокостюммен жүз­­ді.
– Иә. Ашық суда жүзумен айна­лысуыма ол кісінің тікелей ықпалы бар. Себебі бұл істі қолға алғалы бері оның әлеуметтік желідегі жазбаларын үз­бей оқып, өзіме керегін түртіп алып жүр­дім. Осылайша, бұл спортқа деген қы­зығушылығым еселей түсті. Ержан аға – Гибралтар бұғазын гид­рокостюммен жүзіп өткен алғашқы қа­зақстандық. Негізі, мен гидрокостюммен де, гид­рокостюмсіз де жүзіп, өз әлеуетім мен жүзу жылдамдығымды тек­серіп көрдім. Гидрокостюммен жүзу әл­деқайда жеңіл екені айтпаса да түсінікті. Үстіңде арнайы киім болған соң судың бетін­де қалықтап тұрасың. Әрі тоңбайсың. Оны ки­сем еш қиындықсыз жүзетінімді жақсы білдім. Бірақ мен қазақ­тардың арасында гидрокостюмсіз де жүзе алатын шыдамды, төзімді азаматтар бар екенін дәлелдегім келді. Гибралтарды гидро­кос­тюмсіз бағындырған тұңғыш қазақстан­дық атанғым келгенін де жасырмаймын. Мен оқыған мәліметке сенсек, осы уақытқа дейін Гибралтарды 1,653 адам жүзіп өткен, оның 745-і гидрокостюмсіз, ал қалғаны гидро­кос­тюм­мен жүзген. Енді сол қатарға мен де қосыл­дым.
Гибралтар бұғазын гидрокостюмсіз жүзіп өткен тұңғыш қазақ– Былтыр Ла-Манш бұғазын гид­ро­костюм­сіз жалғыз жүзіп өткен отан­да­сы­мыз Мәдина Құрман­баева­мен сұхбат­тасқаны­мыз­да ол бұл әйгілі бұғазды жүзіп өту үшін екі жыл бұрын тірке­л­генін айтқанда таңғалғанбыз. Сізде де солай болды ма?
– Иә. 2018 жылы ұйымдастыру­шыларға ха­барласқанымда олар кемі екі-үш жыл күту керек, бірақ одан да ұзақ уақыт­қа созылуы мүмкін екенін айтты. Марафон өтетін күн бе­­­­кітілсе де, қашан бастайтының белгісіз. Бү­кіл процесс біз бол­жап біле алмайтын ауа райына байланысты. Мысалы, біздің алды­мыздағы және бізден кейінгі командалар ауа райының қолайсыз­дығына байланысты жүзе алмай, кезектері келесі жылға ысырылды. Ал келесі жылға тір­келгендердің кезегі тағы бір жылға шег­е-р­ілді. Осылайша, біз ойламаған жер­ден жүзу уақыты ұзара беруі ықтимал. Мен досымның досы болып келетін марок­ко­лық­пен бірге жаттықтым. Кейін дайын­ды­ғы бізбен ша­малас тағы екі марокколықпен бірге төртеу болып жүзуге келістік. Біз негізі 2020 жылы жүзуіміз керек болатын, бірақ пандемия салдарынан Испания аумағындағы бар­лық жарыс тоқтатылды. Сол жылы ашық бассейн­де көп ай бойы жаттығып, сақадай сай жүрген едік, кейінге шегерілгенін есті­генде көңіл күй түсіп, ештеңеге зауқым соқ­пай қалды. Бірақ әр істің қайыры бар, одан соң бұрынғыдан бетер дайындалуға уақыт та, әлеует те жеткілікті болды. Содан кейін Ду­бай­да өткен Oceanman жарысында 10 шақы­рым қашық­тыққа екі рет жүздім. Өткен жы­лы Ақтауда жазда үш ай бойы дайын­далдым. Апта сайын 5-6 шақырымнан 20-25 шақырымға дейін қашықтықты еңсердім. Ал демалыс күндері 10-15 шақырымға дейін жүзіп, 4-6 сағат судан шықпайтынмын. Биыл тамыз-қыркүйек айларында тағы сол Каспийдің толқынымен жағаласып, суының суық­тығына денемді үйреттім. Таң атпастан қасыма достарымды ертіп алып, қайыққа мініп, ашық теңіз бетінде екі-үш сағаттан жүзу­ді әдетке айнал­дырдық. Жалпы, Кас­пийдің суы қолайлы, шіл­де айында судың тем­пературасы 15-16 °C-ге дейін көтеріледі. Де­немді шынықтыруға оңтайлы жер сол Каспий болды. Бізде Бурабай, Қапшағайда ашық суда жүзу марафондары жиі өткізіледі. Каспийде неге өткізбейтініне таңғаламын.
Гибралтар бұғазын гидрокостюмсіз жүзіп өткен тұңғыш қазақ– Facebook желісіндегі жеке парақ­шаңызда «Ең көп уайымдағаным судың температурасы болды» деп жазасыз. Су­дың температурасы төмен болса гид­ро­костюмсіз жүзуге рұқсат етілмей ме?
– Бізге он күн уақыт берді. Сол он күннің бірінде, теңіз беті тыныш болғанда жүзуіміз қа­жет болды. Даладағы ауа райы керемет бо­лып тұрғанымен, теңіз толқынының бағыты күрт өзгеріп отырды. Сөйтіп, біз бір апта бойы теңіздің тынышталуын сарыла күттік. Судың температурасын уайымдаған себебім, біз барған кезде күн жылы болып, ертесі күрт суып, судың температурасы 15°C-ге дейін түсіп кетті. Сол кезде 40-50 минут суда жүзген соң денем қалтырап, жаурай бастадым. Сосын «Бұлай болса, алты сағатқа шыдай аламын ба?» деген күмән пайда болды. Сегізінші күні таң­да ұйымдастырушылар «Бүгін ауа райы жақсы. Теңіз де тыныш. Түс қайта бастау­ларыңыз керек. Дайын болыңдар» деді. Алла­ның қалауымен сол күні судың температурасы 17°C-ге дейін көтерілді. Сол кезде жас балаша қуанғанымды көрсеңіз. Ұйымдастырушылар 3-4 шақырымды жүзіп өткеннен кейін судың температурасы тағы 1-2 градусқа жыли түсе­тінін айтты. Сонымен қатар олар бізге алты-жеті сағаттың ішінде жүзіп өту қажет екенін, одан соң күн батып, қиындық туатынын ескерт­ті. Досымыз екеуіміз гидрокостюмсіз жүз­дік, қалған екеуі гидрокостюм киді. Сөйтіп, 30 қыркүйек жұма күні сағат түскі бір жарымда жүзуді бастадық. Алайда тол­қынның бағыты оңтүстік-батыстан сол­түстік-шығысқа өзгеріп, бізге үлкен кедергі кел­тірді. Жерорта теңізі жағынан тулаған тол­қын бізді әбден ығыстырып, бағыт сызыл­ған сызықтан шығарып жіберіп тұрды. Сон­дықтан бізге жүзу қарқынымызды түсірмеу керек болды. Осылайша, Испанияның Тарифа қаласынан Африканың Марокко жағалауына дейінгі 16,7 шақырымды 5 сағат 58 минутта жүзіп өттік.
Гибралтар бұғазын гидрокостюмсіз жүзіп өткен тұңғыш қазақ– Соңдарыңыздан арнайы қайықта ресми бақылаушылар мен көмекшілер жүзіп отырады ғой?
– Иә, екі ресми бақылаушы отырған қайық­тың соңынан жүзіп отырдық. Ал қа­сымызда жүзіп отырған қайықтағы екі кө­­мекші әр 45 минут сайын бізді тоқтатып, су­с­ын мен жеңіл тағамдар ұсынып отырды. Бірақ толқын бізді Атлант мұхитына қарай лақ­тырып, бағытымыздан тайдыруға тырыс­қан­дықтан, нәр татып алуға небәрі 30-40 секунд қана жұмсадық. Тіпті, сол бірнеше секунд­қа тоқтағанның өзінде толқын бізді 150-200 метрге дейін ысырып тастап отырды. Сол кезде бақылаушылар «Тез қимылдаңдар. Көп тұрмаңдар. Тіпті, қазір сендерге бес секунд­тың пайдасы зор» деп бізді қамшылап отыр­ды. Соңында «Шамамен 14-15 шақырым­ды жүзіп тастадық. Құрлық қайда кеткен?» деп сәл уайымдағаным рас (күліп). Кейін алыс­тан құрлықтың төбесі көрініп тұрса да, бір орында тұрғандай күй кештім. Төрт сағат­тан кейін бақылаушылар «Енді тоқтамау керек. Суды құрлыққа жеткенде бір-ақ ішесің­дер» дегенде мәз болып, жағалауға ары кетсе 40-50 минутта жетерміз деп ойладық. Алайда одан соң тағы екі сағат жүздік. Себебі жаға­лау­ға жақындаған сайын толқынның жыл­дам­дығы көтеріледі екен, осылайша, бізді бұрын­ғыдан бетер «лақтырып» отырды. Сөй­тіп, алты сағатта жағалауға жеттік.
– Осындай екі мұхиттың, екі құр­лық­тың арасын бөліп тұратын бұғаздарды жүзіп өтуде тек физикалық дайындық аздық ететінін жиі естіп жүрміз.
– Иә, алты-жеті сағат бойы ашық теңізде жүзу қиынның қиыны. Бұған психологиялық тұрғыда да тастүйін дайын болуың керек. Бұл спортпен бұрыннан айналысып келе жатқан кәсіби спортшылар 3-4 сағат қана жүзіп, кейін­нен жалғастыруды бас тартқанын талай рет естідім. Олар дене қалыбын жақсы ұста­ған­мен, орта жолда психологиялық кедер­гі­нің шырғалаңына шырмалып «Мен мұнда өзімді қинап не істеп жүрмін?» деп орта жол­дан беріле салады. Үрейге бой алдырсаң, бол­ды. Менталды тұрғыда өз-өзіңнен жеңіліп қаласың. Ойың шашырап, әу баста жағалауда көкейіңде сайрап тұрған мақсатың көкке ұшады. Сол үшін жүзу кезінде тек жағымды жайт­тарды ойлауға тырысу керек. Мысалы, мен жүзген кезде болашағымды, алға қойған мақсаттарымды, ата-анамды, отбасымды ойла­дым. Сондай-ақ өзіммен бірге алып кел­ген Қазақстанның Туын жағалауда желбіретіп тұрғанымды елестету арқылы өзімді алға жетелеп, сүйрелеп отырдым. Жалпы, Гибрал­тар бұғазын жүзіп өтуді алдыма мақсат етіп қойғалы бері Қазақстанның Туын көкке көтеруді аңсадым. Сол мақсатыма жеткеніме қатты қуанамын. Марокконың жағалауына жет­кен соң тек сол елдің туын көтеру керек екен. Әрі біз ол жағалауға табанымыз тиген соң кері қайттық. Себебі менің визам жоқ бол­ғандықтан, ол елдің аумағына кіруге рұқ­сат жоқ. Бірақ мен қайығымызға оралған соң Туымызды көкке көтердім. Сосын біздің мара­фон бастау алған Испанияның Тарифа қа­ла­сына жеткенде тағы көтердім.
Гибралтар бұғазын гидрокостюмсіз жүзіп өткен тұңғыш қазақ– Бұл ісіңізбен көпшілікке үлгі болға­ныңызды сезіне алдыңыз ба?
– Иә, аздап (күліп). Жастар менің бұл ісім ар­қылы тәуекелге барудан, үлкен асуларды бағындырудан қорықпаса екен деймін. Өт­кенде елімізде алғаш рет ұйымдастырылған «Ұлы дала жорығы» марафон бәйгесінде Маң­ғыстау командасы елордадан Түркістанға дейін­гі 1 200 шақырымды артқа тастап, бірін­ші орынды иеленгенін естіген боларсыз. Туыс­тарым «Мына жақта шабармандар Маң­ғыстаудың атын шығарып жатса, ана жақта сен біздің өңірді әйгілеп жүрсің. Маңғыстау­дың жылқысы секілді Маңғыстаудың жігіті де төзімді болатынын байқаттың. Жарадың!» деп ақжарма тілектерін толассыз жаудырып жатыр. Шынымды айтсам, қазақстандық БАҚ мен туралы бұрқыратып жазады деп күтпедім. Басында туыстарым ғана құттықтайтын бо­лар, сосын Ақтаудағы жергілікті бір-екі сайт мәлімет берер деп ойладым. Ертесі әлеуметтік же­лідегі парақшаларымды ашқанда көп адам­ның ыстық лебізін оқып таңғалдым. Сосын «Қазақстан» телеарнасынан шығатын «1001 түн» бағдарламасы хабарласты. Артынша екі-үш телеарна өкілдеріне сұхбат бердім. Әлі күнге дейін хабарласып, хат жазып жатқан кісілер бар. Уақыт айырмасына қарамастан оларға тәжірибемді бөлісіп, ақыл-кеңесімді айтып жүрмін. Мені бұл сайысқа баптаған бапкерім «Енді келесі жылы әйгілі Ла-Манш бұғазын бағындыр. Сен оған дап-дайынсың» деп ақылын айтты. Бірақ қазір мені алға жетелейтін басқа мақсат бар. Суда жүзу – менің хоббиім. Мен онсыз да Қазақстанның атын әйгілей аламын. Бұйырса, Американың Стэнфорд, Гарвард немесе Ұлыбританияның Оксфорд, Кембридж секілді жетекші оқу орындарында білімімді жетілдіріп, елге өз сала­сын жетік білетін кәсіби маман ретінде орал­ғым келеді. Қазір жатсам да, тұрсам да осы мақсат ойымнан кетер емес.
– Әңгімеңізге рақмет!

Аслан Калигазин

Решением единственного акционера национального управляющего холдинга «Байтерек» председателем правления и членом совета директоров АО «Экспортная страховая компания «KazakhExport» с 27 апреля избран Аслан Калигазин, сообщает корреспондент центра деловой информации Kapital.kz со ссылкой на пресс-службу компании.

Напомним, ранее занимавший пост председателя правления «KazakhExport» Руслан Искаков с 16 февраля избран председателем правления и членом совета директоров АО «Банк развития Казахстана».

Калигазин Аслан Ермекович родился в 1982 году. В 2003 году окончил юридический факультет Восточно-Казахстанского государственного университета. В 2005 году – магистратуру Казахстанского института менеджмента, экономики и прогнозирования (КИМЭП).

После окончания университета трудовую деятельность начал в АО «Казахстанская Ипотечная Компания».
С 2006 по 2011 год — в Агентстве Республики Казахстан по регулированию деятельности регионального финансового центра Алматы прошел путь от главного специалиста, начальника управления до директора департамента развития.
С 2011 по 2013 год — занимал пост директора департамента казначейства АО «Казпочта».
С 2013 по 2016 год — занимался частным бизнесом.
С 2016 по 2018 год — работал директором департамента, управляющим директором АО «Казахстанская фондовая биржа».
С 2018 по 2021 год — занимал должность заместителя председателя правления АО «ЭСК «KazakhExport».
С 2021 по 2022 год — являлся генеральным директором ТОО «BV Management» (дочерняя компания АО «Kazyna Capital Management»).

Асель Темиргалиева

2 марта 2022 года cостоялось одно из значимых финансовых событий Казахстана – IX CFO Idea Exchange & Networking Event. Асель Темиргалиева, финансовый директор Schneider Electric Казахстан, стала победителем в номинации «Best CFO of the Year 2022». Конкурс проходил в рамках профессиональной площадки CFO Summit, объединяющей лучших финансистов и экономистов страны для обмена опытом и поиска решений по актуальным вопросам экономики, финансов и инвестиций в Казахстане. Награда «Best CFO» предоставляется финансовым директорам Казахстана, которые внесли существенный вклад в развитие своей компании, добившись улучшения ее финансовых показателей. Корреспондент центра деловой информации Kapital.kz побеседовал с Асель Темиргалиевой о развитии карьеры, работе в Шнейдер Электрик Казахстан, участии в конкурсе.
— Асель, почему вы выбрали именно финансовый сектор?

— Мне посчастливилось начинать свою карьеру в финансах на заре нулевых. Мы, молодые студенты, были воодушевлены подъемом экономики, в особенности развитием финансового сектора, и теми немногочисленными инструментами, которые эта отрасль предлагала, в целом, для всей экономики. Поэтому для нас было важным постараться впитать идеи, которые предлагали модели управления бизнеса передовых мировых корпораций с know-how подходами и технологиями.

Как бОльшая часть выпускников КИМЭП, я была очень заинтересована приобрести ценный опыт в консалтинговой отрасли, чтобы иметь на тот момент арсенал передовых подходов к финансовому планированию и управлению. И в этом мне помог опыт в Big4: я смогла увидеть на практике, как работают разные отрасли и модели управления.

Бакалавриат KIMEP (BSc) и опыт Big4 максимально сделали меня востребованным финансовым экспертом по управленческой отчетности и планированию на рынке для больших международных компаний, которые ставили целью развитие бизнеса в странах Центральной Азии.

— В бизнесе какой опыт был для вас важным?

— После консалтинга первой моей ролью в бизнесе была должность специалиста по управленческой отчетности в корпорации Aker. Проанализировав в первый же месяц состояние бизнеса и цель среднесрочных проектов, я выделяла проблемные зоны и подсвечивала практические решения. Посредством предложенных решений руководство компании подошло по-другому к управлению и учету хеджирования, и тем самым высвободило и для себя, и для глобального бизнеса значительный ресурс финансирования. В дальнейшем это помогло стабилизировать прибыль компании по всем мультивалютным контрактам, улучшить планирование казначейства, налоговых рисков. Это был лишь первый шаг. Далее я углубилась в систему подсчета спроса основных клиентов и переработки KPI в инструменте закупа. Автоматизация правильно выделенного KPI (SLA) повышала качество работы и значительно экономила время. Самым большим участком работы было выстроить своевременную и предельно точную калькуляцию результатов в очень сжатые сроки (Fast Closing). Замечу, что размер бизнеса был очень значительным даже по глобальным меркам в 2009 году ($3 млрд). Это было важно для понимания базы выстраивания прогнозов, и в особенности построения работы на базе ожиданий инвесторов. Фактором успеха была значительность бизнеса для глобальной дирекции, и соответственно, прямой доступ к Decision Making.

— Как ваш весь предыдущий профессиональный опыт и навыки помогли в работе в Шнейдер Электрик?

— C полноценным пониманием взаимодействия всех финансовых служб в большой международной корпорации у меня появилась возможность выстроить процесс в новом предприятии. В течение 11 лет в корпорации Шнейдер Электрик из финансового менеджера моя роль трансформировалась в роль финансового бизнес-партнера, а следом в CFO. Я горжусь тем, что работаю в компании Шнейдер Электрик, которая является мировым лидером по энергоэффективности и самой устойчивой компанией в мире в 2021 году по индексу Corporate Knights Global 100. Мы применяли ESG-стандарты в своей работе до того, как это стало мейнстримом.

Гармонизация глобальных целей с локальным законодательством и спецификой рынка – ключевая задача CFO. Две важные составляющие в данной работе – это (1) помощь бизнесу в формировании стратегии на местном рынке, отвечающей всем целям корпорации: а именно, помощь в формировании дорожной карты по осуществлению этих целей, а также (2) умная настройка всех процессов и рычагов управления, используя различные методологии ведения проектов по улучшению процессов (continuous improvement). Обе эти задачи стимулируют подбор правильной команды, для которой я стараюсь внести свой лучший вклад.

— А как ваша команда решает эти две задачи?

— В первой задаче нашей команде помогает регулярный скрининг происходящего на местном рынке и внешних влияний на него, разработка инициатив по новым нишам рынка, управление спросом и ресурсами. Важным элеметом является применение различных инструментов анализа и прогнозирования в нашей комплексной модели диверсифицированной матрицы бизнеса, в том числе управление бэклогом, прогнозирование стока, управление сроками производства и всем циклом Supply Chain, страхование рисков, включая кредитование (90% портфеля дебиторской задолженнности застраховано в СOFAСЕ), умный подход к достижению конвертации продаж в деньги с коэффициентом 1.2, хеджирование мультивалютных проектов на постоянной основе.

Во второй задаче нашей команде помогает анализ эффективности текущего состояния процессов с учетом потенциальных рисков и будущих возможностей, а также необходимый уровень автоматизации. На сегодняшний день Шнейдер Электрик работает в SAP Bridge EHP8 SPS 10, Oracle, Tableu, Power Query и др.

Во время постоянной трансформации благодаря большой вовлеченности, плодотворной коммуникации и эффективному воздействию выстроенный подход помогает нам укреплять стабильность, достигать прибыльного роста и находить пути к постоянному развитию на рынке.

— Какие значимые и интересные проекты в Шнейдер Электрик Казахстан вам удалось реализовать?

— За время моей работы в корпорации успешно создано KMG Automation, совместное предприятие с группой КазМунайГаз (четырехлетний проект создания и активации деятельности). На протяжении 7 лет предприятие успешно занимается разработкой и реализацией проектов по автоматизации и цифровизации технологических процессов мирового уровня для различных отраслей промышленности Казахстана и в первую очередь нефтегазового комплекса.

В основном периметре Шнейдер Электрик Казахстан за поледние 6 лет оборот компании увеличился в 4 раза с высокой прибылью по отрасли. Особой гордостью является успешная реализация совместного проекта с ТШО – Проект Будущего Расширения (FGP), в котором мы поставили решение в рамках всего FGP по всему среднему и низкому напряжению, системам пожаро- и газообнаружения и температурного мониторинга, а также трансформаторы. Мы являемся основным партнером для Chervron в рамках большинства проектов по управлению энергоэффективностью и автоматизации. Также в нашем портфеле очень много комплекных проектов с умными решениями в каждой отрасли, включая OGP, MMM, WWW, Коммерческое и жилищное строительство, Финансовые институты, Пищевая промышленнность. Розничный бизнес вырос в 7 раз за последние 6 лет, и мы стали лидером в данном сегменте. Сервис достиг более 33% всего оборота бизнеса в стране и занимает более 40% обьема от всего сервисного потока в зоне СНГ с рекордной прибылью за последние 4 года. Такого успеха нам удалось достичь путем правильного планирования, нацеленности на нужды клиента и амбициозных устремлений.

Непростое время пандемии совпало с периодом смены руководителя компании, в течение которого мне удалось успешно совместить две роли: генерального и финансового директоров в течение большей части 2020 года благодаря правильному распределению времени, расстановке приоритетов и задач, а также делегированию.

Для меня очень важно выстраивать партнерские отношения с каждым человеком в команде по принципу доверия и прямой ответственности. Профессиональная близость, бизнес-партнерство формируют доверительное качество связи с CEO.

А еще мне очень интересно находить новые решения и возможности в постоянной трансформации, такие как мучуализация финансовых команд в зоне СНГ и европейском регионе, где один сотрудник из Казахстана покрывает важный периметр сразу в нескольких странах, а центр финансовых сервисов помогает с переходом на глобальные стандартные процессы и значительно сокращает сроки обработки информации и выполнения работ; «E-Doc в Казахстане» — проект по сокращению 90% бумажного документооброта в цифру.

— Асель, еще вы работаете в университете. Что это вам дает?

— Да, кроме основной работы в Шнейдер Электрик, я преподаю в Университете Туран в качестве бизнес-практика для студентов программы Бакалавриат STEM College 2 курса (Project Management and Business Planning). Мною разработаны программы данных курсов. Это для меня возможность делиться экспертным мнением и управленческим опытом, а также почувствовать настрой и силы молодежи. И мне очень приятно, что несколько талантливых ребят из моих студентов недавно трудоустроились в нашу компанию.

— Что для вас может стать источником энергии?

— Спорт и активный отдых для меня являются источником энергии и удовольствия. Играю в большой теннис по 2 часа с 7 утра с понедельника по пятницу, хожу в горы и езжу в дальние экспедиции в каждый сезон года, очень люблю дайвинг и снорклинг с дельфинами и китами по всему миру. Увлекаюсь энологией последние 3 года, в течение которых успешно прошла школу сомелье и являюсь членом Ассоциации сомелье Казахстана. Я люблю то, чем занимаюсь! Я люблю свою работу, я люблю нашу команду. И в завершение хочу выразить благодарность за возможность поучаствовать в данном конкурсе с другими «коллегами по цеху» в Казахстане.

Адиль Сыздыков

Адиль Сыздыков — партнер практики аудиторских услуг, работает в EY уже почти 18 лет. За долгие годы работы он вырос как специалист и стал партнером компании.

Адиль любит путешествовать, а работа в международной компании позволяет ему посещать разные страны и набираться опыта у иностранных коллег. Однако он никогда не задумывался о релокации и всегда верил в возможности развития в Казахстане.

Где вы учились и чем занимались в студенческие годы?

Во время учебы в школе я планировал заниматься наукой. С восьмого по одиннадцатый класс занимал первые места на городских олимпиадах по физике и в тот момент думал, что буду ученым. Собирался поступать в профильный зарубежный вуз.

Взвесив все за и против, все же решил остаться в Казахстане, и когда пришло время выбирать вуз, вместе с друзьями подал документы в КИМЭП. Там окончил факультет делового администрирования, который сейчас является факультетом бизнеса им. Бэнга по специальности «финансы».

В студенческие годы самым запоминающимся выдалось лето после третьего курса. Я ездил в Германию по партнерской программе от университета, а также в летнюю школу в Великобритании благодаря гранту от British Council. Кроме того, время между школами я провел во Франции. Лето выдалось насыщенным на поездки и знакомства.

Сегодня я продолжаю много путешествовать, и это одна из лучших частей работы. В пандемию, конечно, поездки ограничились, но зато появилось время для спорта. Я увлекся теннисом и сноубордом.

В то время было широко распространено мнение, что люди со здоровыми легкими и сильным иммунитетом менее подвержены заболеванию или переносят болезнь легче. Поддавшись всеобщей панике, я начал еще и регулярно бегать.

Наша компания всегда заботится о физическом состоянии сотрудников, поэтому у нас есть команды, в которых коллеги бегают вместе. Не всегда удается подстроиться под общий график пробежек, поэтому я предпочитаю бегать один.

Как вы попали в компанию EY и что бы посоветовали студентам?

Продуктивное лето третьего курса позволило мне понять, что путешествия, люди и новые знания — это то, что мне нужно. Поэтому я решил устроиться в международную компанию, которая дала бы мне возможность посещать разные страны в рамках командировок.

Я отправлял резюме во многие организации с абсолютно разными направлениями: где-то проходил собеседования, а где-то оставался незамеченным. До начала работы в EY был на интервью в другой компании, где на финальном этапе потерпел неудачу. Все это из-за ответа на вопрос о том, как долго я планирую работать в компании и каким вижу свой карьерный путь. Тогда в мои планы не входило оставаться на одном месте надолго, ведь я думал, что стоит набраться опыта в течение года и уйти в другую организацию на более высокую позицию. Конечно, я получил отказ и после этого решил пересмотреть свой подход к поиску работы, что позволило мне получить предложение от EY.

Начинал в компании с позиции стажера в октябре 2004 года, параллельно учился на четвертом курсе, который я простыми словами «завалил». На последнем курсе тяжело совмещать работу и учебу, и я жалею, что упустил веселое студенческое время. Разъезжая сейчас по университетам, советую студентам не работать во время учебы, дабы они не теряли свою легкость и непосредственность.

За время работы в EY я встречался и работал со многими людьми, и больше всего мне запомнился коллега-иностранец, который сейчас уже вышел на пенсию.

Он рассказывал, что по окончании университета занимался интересными вещами, работал инструктором по плаванию, альпинизму и даже был каскадером. Коллега рассказывал, что, будучи молодым, решил взять год из пенсии авансом на годичный перерыв после завершения учебы.

Для меня все оказалось намного сложнее, и, конечно, это дало мне определенную фору в работе, но будь я сейчас студентом, не стал бы так делать.

Когда вы стали партнером и что изменилось с того момента?

Я пришел в EY стажером в отдел аудита, работаю в нем и по сей день, но уже в качестве партнера компании. Мой карьерный путь занял 14 лет и, возможно, все могло бы случиться быстрее, однако мир и, в частности, Казахстан сталкивались с кризисами.

Будучи партнером в компании, мои полномочия расширились, а вместе с этим появилось и больше ответственности. Теперь принимаю решения, связанные не только с отдельно взятыми проектами, но и с деятельностью компании в целом.

Если говорить о том, кем является партнер, то стоит начинать с самой модели бизнеса. Этой моделью пользуются компании, оказывающие профессиональные юридические, консалтинговые и аудиторские услуги.

Партнер — это не только руководитель, но и совладелец бизнеса. У него есть определенная доля в компании, которую нужно заработать тяжелым и упорным трудом. Кроме того, партнер входит в коллегию, которая принимает решения касаемо дальнейших действий компании.

Задумывались ли вы о релокации или вас интересует только опыт?

Мне удалось провести достаточное количество времени в Великобритании в 2007 году на одном большом проекте, и в Канаде с 2011 по 2012 год.

Конечно, мне нравится путешествовать, узнавать новых людей и учиться новому у иностранных коллег, но, по моему мнению, этот полезный опыт стоит применять дома, в Казахстане.

На самом деле, когда наши сотрудники отправляются в такие долгие релокации, им предоставляется возможность остаться в стране пребывания. Многие остаются, но я изначально знал, что каждая поездка будет временной. Возможно, это был здоровый патриотизм, кроме того, казалось, что в Казахстане открывается намного больше возможностей для развития.

Поехать поработать за рубежом на несколько лет — это прекрасная возможность для молодых специалистов развить свои навыки. Я часто советую нашим новым сотрудникам эту практику, но те, кто уезжают, часто не возвращаются, и это я считаю неправильным.

В каких странах вы успели побывать в рамках EY и как применили опыт потом?

За почти 18 лет работы в компании я много, где побывал. Вряд ли даже смогу перечислить полный список, но, думаю, в 20 разных странах точно. Самым комфортным местом проживания оказались Лондон и Калгари.

Возможность, скорее даже необходимость, ездить в командировки открывается сотрудникам, которые работают в компании больше пяти лет. Большая прелесть аудита в его универсальности, соответственно навыки, приобретаемые во время работы, можно применить в любой стране, что мы и практикуем.

За время деловых поездок я подметил, что специалисты в Казахстане недооценивают свои возможности, знания и навыки.

Находясь за рубежом, понимаешь, что там работают такие же люди, которые могут быть более или менее компетентными, чем твои коллеги. Нужно отходить от мнения, что иностранные специалисты лучшие во всем. Мы работаем в международной компании EY, поэтому все процедуры и протоколы в большинстве случаев одинаковы.

EY вот уже 30 лет находятся в Казахстане, какие изменения вы подчеркнули за 18 лет работы в компании?

Во-первых, мы сильно выросли. Придя стажером в 2004 году, я был под номером 98 в телефонном справочнике компании. В то время нас было около 100 человек, а сейчас — больше 700.

Второе, что хотелось бы отметить, — это повышение активности частного сектора. Раньше мы обслуживали в основном государственные компании, так как только они могли позволить себе услуги компаний «Большой четверки». Теперь же частный бизнес стал вкладывать деньги в качественные услуги.

Что действительно не поменялось и останется с EY навсегда — это оценка сотрудников по их достижениям и компетенциям. Данная практика работает очень давно и эффективно, благодаря ей мы получаем продвижения, или milestone.

В компании все зависит от того, насколько успешно ты работаешь.

Отдельно отмечу, что изменились цели и планы новых сотрудников. Когда наше поколение приходило в компанию, мы рассчитывали на долгосрочную перспективу. Общаясь с молодыми сотрудниками, понял, что они хотят поработать в компании несколько месяцев или лет, набраться опыта и уйти в другое место.

Многие видят легкие способы заработка через социальные сети или организации, в которых требуется минимум усилий, и решают уйти. Мне хотелось бы видеть в молодых людях интерес, верность профессии и своему делу, ведь число хороших специалистов на рынке труда не увеличивается.

Что нужно знать о компании EY

Следуя своей миссии, — совершенствуя бизнес, улучшать мир, — компания EY содействует созданию долгосрочного полезного эффекта для клиентов, сотрудников и общества в целом, а также помогает укреплять доверие к рынкам капитала.

Многопрофильные команды компании EY представлены в более чем 150 странах мира. Используя данные и технологии, мы обеспечиваем доверие к информации, подтверждая ее достоверность, а также помогаем клиентам расширять, трансформировать и успешно вести свою деятельность.

Эксперты компании EY в области аудита, консалтинга, права, стратегии, налогообложения и сделок задают правильные вопросы, которые позволяют находить новые ответы на вызовы сегодняшнего дня.

Название EY относится к глобальной организации и может относиться к одной или нескольким компаниям, входящим в состав Ernst & Young Global Limited, каждая из которых является отдельным юридическим лицом. Ernst & Young Global Limited — юридическое лицо, созданное в соответствии с законодательством Великобритании, — является компанией, ограниченной гарантиями ее участников, и не оказывает услуг клиентам. С информацией о том, как компания EY собирает и использует персональные данные, а также с описанием прав физических лиц, предусмотренных законодательством о защите данных, можно ознакомиться по адресу: ey.com/privacy. Более подробная информация представлена на сайте: ey.com.

Источник: https://the-steppe.com/lyudi/ot-stazhera-do-partnera-kompanii-ey-istoriya-adilya-syzdykova

Тимур Косымбаев

Тимур Косымбаев назначен на должность заместителя председателя Комитета по регулированию естественных монополий Министерства национальной экономики, передает Tengrinews.kz со ссылкой на пресс-службу министерства.

Сообщается, что в 2011 году Косымбаев окончил Казахстанский институт менеджмента, экономики и прогнозирования (КИМЭП) по специальности «финансы». В 2016 году окончил Университет Лестера (Великобритания) по программе «Болашак». Магистр по бухгалтерскому учету и финансам.

С 2011 по 2019 год занимал различные должности в Счетном комитете по контролю за исполнением республиканского бюджета.

С октября 2019 года по настоящее время работал в Управлении делами Президента в должности заведующего сектором бюджетного финансирования финансово-экономического отдела.

В 2019 году Тимур Косымбаев был зачислен в Президентский молодежный кадровый резерв.


Алихан Смаилов

Президент Касым-Жомарт Токаев назначил Алихана Смаилова премьер-министром Казахстана. Что известно о новом премьере — в материале Tengrinews.kz.

Алихан Смаилов родился в 1972 году. В 1994 году окончил КазНУ имени аль-Фараби по специальности «прикладная математика», в 1996 году — КИМЭП, ему присуждена степень магистра государственного управления.

Свою трудовую деятельность Смаилов начинал в 1993-1995 годах с позиции главного специалиста в инвестиционно-приватизационном фонде «А-Инвест».

В 1996 году он стал заместителем начальника управления, начальником управления Национального статистического агентства РК. С марта по апрель 1998 года был заместителем председателя Комитета по статистике и анализу Агентства по статистическому планированию и реформам Республики Казахстан.

В 1998-1999 годах стал государственным инспектором Администрации Президента, был заведующим экономическим сектором отдела.

С 1999 по 2003 год работал председателем Агентства Казахстана по статистике. С февраля по июль 2003 года — вице-министр иностранных дел Республики Казахстан.

В 2003-2006 годах — председатель правления АО «Государственная страховая компания по страхованию экспортных кредитов и инвестиций».

Дважды назначался вице-министром финансов Республики Казахстан (в 2006-2007 и 2008-2009 годах).

В 2007-2008 годах — президент АО «Национальный холдинг «КазАгро».

В 2009 году вновь назначен председателем Агентства РК по статистике. На посту он проработал до 2014 года. В 2014-2015 годах — председатель Комитета по статистике Министерства национальной экономики.

В декабре 2015 года указом Главы государства назначен помощником Президента Республики Казахстан.

До отставки правительства в 2019 году он занимал должность министра финансов.

В феврале 2019 года Мажилис согласовал кандидатуру Алихана Смаилова на должность первого заместителя премьер-министра — министра финансов. 5 января 2022 года Алихан Смаилов был назначен и. о. премьер-министра Казахстана.

Награжден орденом «Құрмет», медалями «Ерен еңбегі үшін», «10 лет независимости Казахстана», «10 лет Конституции Казахстана», «10 лет Астане».


Асет Иргалиев

Глава государства Касым-Жомарт Токаев назначил Асета Иргалиева главой Агентства по стратегическому планированию и реформам, передает Tengrinews.kz со ссылкой на сайт Акорды.

«Назначить Иргалиева Асета Армановича Председателем Агентства по стратегическому планированию и реформам Республики Казахстан», — говорится в указе Президента.

Ранее от этой должности освободили Кайрата Келимбетова.

Асет Иргалиев возглавил Министерство национальной экономики в январе 2021 года. Ранее самым молодым министром в Казахстане был Багдат Мусин. Он возглавил Министерство цифрового развития, инноваций и аэрокосмической промышленности в 37 лет. Асет Иргалиев стал министром в 33 года.

Иргалиев родился в Костанае 18 июня 1986 года. Он окончил КИМЭП, получил там степень бакалавра в области экономики государственной политики. Также окончил Международную школу бизнеса Йонкопинг со степенью бакалавра наук в области международной экономики (Jönköping University, Швеция), Йоркский университет со степенью магистра наук в экономике (The University of York, Великобритания), Ноттингемский университет со степенью магистра философии в экономике (The University of Nottingham, Великобритания).

Кроме того, Асет Иргалиев имеет степень PhD в экономике, которую получил в Лондонском университете (The University of London, Великобритания).

Трудовую деятельность начал в качестве регионального экономиста по Восточной Европе, Кавказу и Центральной Азии в экономическом департаменте Европейского банка развития и реконструкции (ЕБРР) в Лондоне.

С января 2013 года по июнь 2016 года занимал должности директора центра развития предпринимательства, заместителя председателя правления, председателя правления АО «Институт экономических исследований» Министерства нацэкономики.

В 2016-2017 годах — советник премьер-министра. В 2017-2018 годах — заведующий Центром проектного управления Канцелярии премьер-министра Казахстана.

В 2018-2019 годах — вице-министр национальной экономики. Был заместителем руководителя Канцелярии премьер-министра.

Ранее самым молодым министром в Казахстане был Багдат Мусин. Он возглавил Министерство цифрового развития, инноваций и аэрокосмической промышленности в 37 лет. Асет Иргалиев стал министром в 33 года.

KIMEP-Bolashak alumni

Ibrasheva Dina

My name is Ibrasheva Dina, I am 23 years old. I entered KIMEP University for undergraduate studies in 2013 and studied the profession of a marketer.

In parallel with my studies, KIMEP University gave me the opportunity to take internships and work in large international companies where (if to count till today’s day), I have gained 6 years of experience in the field of digital marketing.

In September 2019, I decided to leave BMW Kazakhstan where I held the position of “marketing manager in importing” and intended to open my own marketing agency.

In the same period, I heard about the “Bastau Business” project from the Atameken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs which helps citizens of Kazakhstan to start their own business. I studied there, defended my project and received funding in the amount of 505 000 tenge. This money was used to purchase equipment for my marketing agency “DMG”. Without thinking twice, I rented an office, hired employees, and we began to provide marketing services for companies that need advertising on the Internet, creating websites or developing mobile applications.

In a short period, we were able to provide our services to 78 entrepreneurs and we prove our competence and professionalism every day. Demand for our services is growing not only in Almaty, but also in Nur-Sultan, Tashkent and Moscow. That is why we are expanding in these cities too.

At the end of January, we concluded our first major transaction for 35 000 000 tenge with a foreign company from the oil and gas industry. We have just begun, and these figures are not the limit for us. In the future, we plan to expand the geography of our services in the countries of China, the USA and Europe.

In conclusion, I would like to express my deep gratitude to my beloved KIMEP University for the knowledge, communication and self-presentation skills, for friends and acquaintances, and for the correct benchmark for achieving success in business.

Lastly, I would like to say to current students “Be active. Seize on any opportunity that will make your life only better. Go ahead and fear no one and nothing. KIMEP has given us all a solid foundation from the pedestal of which we can only fly up.”

Nurlan Utenov

Nurlan, you have graduated from Suvorov Military School and then from the Technical University. You are a mechanical engineer. Why did you decide to go to KIMEP?
Yes, in 1995 I graduated from Kazan State Technical University named after Tupolev. At those times all the economic, industrial, and even cultural relationships between countries of former USSR were defected. It was obvious that the places where a mechanical engineer could find a job were reduced. In 1994, when we were only about to graduate, we started thinking about where we would go to work and live. KIMEP has already opened its doors; we heard that it was a Western-oriented University with market economy values. Me and my friend Vladimir Din decided to find out everything about how to apply to KIMEP. I had several offers from one university in Russia to continue studying in their graduate school and from Ulyanovsk aviation factory to work as an engineer. But I decided to come back to the motherland and make my dreams come true here.  

What did KIMEP give you?
I am still very thankful to KIMEP and I always think about it with the warm feelings only. First of all, it paved my way to the adulthood and to my career. It helped me to find myself and to realize my potentials. KIMEP will always stay my Alma Mater, which I will always be grateful to.

What is your the most treasured memory about KIMEP?
There are a lot of them. But summing up, I remember fast pace of life. Now I understand that those two years of studying have passed extremely fast and dynamic. In addition we all had a chance to communicate with a lot of creative and smart students.

The process of studying was very different from the one in which we used to study before. English language was also a barrier for us that we had to overcome. Actually, all the educational process in KIMEP consisted of the barriers to overcome, and that, I think, made us only stronger.

What I remember well is that every week we had one free evening of Friday or Saturday when we could relax from the tough lessons and tight timetable. What we did, we went to Fun Club, listened to music, danced and relaxed.

What did you like and dislike about KIMEP?
Obviously, there were more to like. First of all, it was communication and interaction with interesting people. We still stay in touch and are very close with our course mates. Second of all, I found my love here. We were one of the three couples that got married right after the graduation.

It is a hard question what I disliked. Actually, I did not think of like-dislike then. I just knew I had my aim. I knew that I needed to graduate from this University. Not only to graduate, but to receive knowledge from it. It was not easy, yes. Sometimes we did not sleep for days during midterms or finals. But I cannot say I did not like it.

Do you have traditions with your friends? I heard, you have special rings?
Yes, we were the first and perhaps the only ones who did that. When we were graduating, one of our activists, Vladimir Din, offered the idea to issue special rings with “KIMEP” etching. He himself developed the design in two versions – silver and gold.

This tradition came to us from the Western countries when graduates of one college decided to create distinguishing signs, so that everyone in the world could identify them. But the story, in fact, goes beyond it. I may be wrong, but I’ve heard the story about one engineer who was asked to build a bridge. However, his calculations went wrong, bridge fell apart and people suffered. His Alma Mater or Alumni made a decision to create such rings and to give them to every graduate, showing that responsibility of the University does not end when the students graduate.

This is the sign of not only the identification, but also of the responsibility.

How did you meet with your wife?
There is one interesting story. When I entered the University I had only Korean friends, and everybody, including my wife, thought that I am Korean too. So one day we had to do a group project and came to the library for preparation. She was in our group too. That was the first time we saw each other. When our friends introduced us and said my name – Nurlan – she was very surprised. “Aren’t you Korean?” – “No, I’m Kazakh.” After this we started spending time together. And then it developed into strong feelings.

What does you wife do now?
She dedicated her life to our wonderful family. We have two twin boys and two and half years old daughter. But now she is fully in charge of the family sewing business. 

Where do you work now?
A year ago I finished big project, having sold oil and gas asset to a strategically important investor. Now I decided to rest for some time and look for new opportunities in the oil&gas industry. I continue working on corporate government issues as an Independent Director of the Board of Directors of the Samruk Energy subsidiary company. I do consulting and advisory work for some foreign private service and consulting companies.

Where did you start your career?
I started my career from Schlumberger, oilfield service company, right after the graduation. In the last months of my studying representatives of Schlumberger made a presentation about their company looking for new recruits. With my friends we decided to take every opportunity and try ourselves in everything. It was not necessary for us to go to Big Four and become auditors. I applied to Shlumberger and passed all the stages of selection. They hired me and directed to work in Mexico. That was my first experience in the oilfield.

Did your wife follow you to Mexico?
No, she did not. Company had a policy that we could not bring our families with us, so she had to stay here. I left just two months after the wedding and came back in nine months. That was a hard time for us, but we managed to survive it. The distance, actually, made us closer.

What was your further career path?
I have worked for five years in KazTransOil, which is the monopolist in oil transporting in Kazakhstan. After this I have worked again for five years in KazMunaiGaz Exploration& Production and was in charge of big projects. Then I worked in regions – in Kyzylorda and Atyrau on leading positions for different oil and gas companies. I spent one and half years working for KAZENERGY Association, where I obtained valuable public, political and communicational experience.

What is the greatest accomplishment of your life?
My family. The fact that I managed to create my own family, and the fact that I have such wonderful children. When we just got married, we desperately wanted kids, but for five years we unfortunately could not have them. We survived this too. I am lucky to have the family that always supports me, gives me love and warmth, and that inspires me.

If you had only three words to describe yourself what would they be?
Principles, honesty and patriotism.

What are your hobbies?
It depends on seasons. In winter it is skiing, with my whole family. In summer it is fishing and open door activities. In autumn I like hunting. I dream about the day when I will go hunting with my kids.  I love spending time with my family. I am trying to compensate the time when I was too busy making my career and couldn’t devote sufficient time to my kids. At that time I was leaving the house for work while they were still sleeping and I was coming back home when they were already asleep.

How would you define and measure success?
Success is when you achieve your goals. When you feel that you can have what you want and wish. Therefore, it is different for everybody, and its size depends on the size of the goals and ambitions.

Are you successful?
I think I am.  I have what I want, and I am able to do what I plan.                                                            

Are you happy?
The answer is also positive. I am. 

What would be your advice for the students?
First of all, to study. To use the time that they spend at KIMEP as rationally as possible. Time is a limited source. If it goes away and you did not do what you could, it will be hard to return and fix it. Now it is time to absorb knowledge, to communicate, to identify who is you friend and who is not, and to learn how to sort them out. I know there are many temptations nowadays, like expensive cars, night clubs and so on. But those who pay attention to serious things will be more successful than those who fell for these temptations.    

Altynay Mambetova

My name is Altynay Mambetova and I graduated KIMEP with a major in International Relations this year. Right after this, I entered the University of Glasgow with Global Economy major. The University of Glasgow is one of the leading universities in the world founded in 1451. The famous names of its graduates include the “father of economics” Adam Smith, the physicist Lord Kelvin, the engineer James Watt, the inventor of modern TV John Logie Baird  and many others. Even Albert Einstein gave a lecture on the origins of the general theory of relativity in this university.

My new home University of Glasgow is a partner with my alma mater KIMEP University within programs of the European Union.

As members of Kazakhstan community in the United Kingdom, we had a meeting with the Ambassador of Kazakhstan in the UK Mr. Yerzhan Kazykhanov during his official visit to Scotland. The meeting took place in Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland. The Ambassador discussed different issues with Kazakhstan students in Scotland. The Embassy of Kazakhstan in the United Kingdom always supports Kazakhstan students and organizes meetings to keep in touch with them and bring Kazakhstan community together. During the meeting, the Embassy shared the book “Kazakhstan. Surprises and Stereotypes” with students. The book was written by former Conservative Member of Parliament and former British government Cabinet minister Jonathan Aitken. The book discusses different aspects and looks at the achievements of Kazakhstan during the years of independence.

As a KIMEP graduate, I was proud to see KIMEP University mentioned in this book. The reputation of KIMEP is recognized not only in Kazakhstan but all over the world. KIMEP gives us academic freedom and ability to think critically. For me, the difference between good education and bad one is that bad education gives you the facts while good one gives “sophisticated knowledge” and ability to analyze the facts. That is exactly what KIMEP University provides us. Studying in Glasgow, I feel that KIMEP gave me a solid background for the future. I am very thankful to all KIMEP professors and staff who guided and inspired us all these years.

Saule Kanaeva

Co-founder at AZUBI Company

2002-2006 – Bachelor of Public Administration

2007-2008 – MPA

Why did you choose KIMEP? 

Well, I did not choose KIMEP because of KIMEP. Since the sixth grade I had desperately wanted to study Public Administration. And at the end of 11th grade my classmates were entering KIMEP, which I also decided to try. The first in-take was at spring, which I successfully passed. I liked it here and understood that I was going to stay. I am very thankful to the destiny for this very decision, because KIMEP gave me a lot.

What exactly did KIMEP give you? 

At first, it changed my whole world view. I studied in Kazakh school, where there were plenty of rules and restrictions. Everything was different – nobody was asking me to do my homework, I was able to set up my schedule and I had new classmates with every new discipline. For the first time I was able to pick comfortable time for me. I think, this factor teaches us self discipline and time-management.

During the whole process of education you understand, that you need to know how to get along with different people in different groups, with different teachers. These are additional skills that can help in the future life and career development. In addition, there is a special atmosphere there. You are placed within international rules when you speak to professors and call them by their first names. This habit becomes a part of your behavior and it is unusual to call anybody by their names adding their fathers’ names. That is also a help at future work places. You do not come and sit there like a child who does not know anything, you come confident instead, and people respect that.

Did you join any student organizations? 

Yes, I did. My major was Public Administration and I was a member of Youth Parliament, which was based on our college. 

What professors do you remember?

I remember an outstanding professor Petr Ivanovich Krepak. We were actually the first who he organized Internships to the Parliament of Kazakhstan for. American Embassy sponsored our trip and accommodation. Everything was so great, I really enjoyed that experience.

How did KIMEP help you in your career? 

 When I was a second or third year student, I participated at Job Fair, where Philip Morris Kazakhstan was looking for the interns. They took me on paid internship, by ending of which I received a good recommendation letter. When I graduated, this letter played a massive role in a Management Trainee selection process because I had it and my competitors did not.

Do you still stay in touch with your class mates?

Yes, we stay in touch, but not so often. Our group is very small, and most of girls that I was friends with live abroad now. I met with one of them in Singapore this year, and with another, who lives in Boston, several weeks ago.

How did you decide to create your own company?

I met my partner Olga Kim when I was working in Philip Morris at marketing department. We wanted to manage our own time, which is only possible when you work on yourself. At first we had a lot of different ideas, but then we understood that it has to be something unique. We decided to create business event agency, which organizes business meetings. There are no such services on our market. Our strong side turned out to be the fact, that we ourselves were clients before. We understand how crucial it is to listen to the client, to connect with him. 

Where did you start and where are you now? 

Actually we are very young in this. We exist only about a year, and the preparation for the project took another year. When we were starting we knew that we wanted a platform for meetings, but we did not know a narrow specialization for it. At first, we went for every job that could find – advertisement shootings, exhibitions, press conferences, and even parties. With the time we understood that it was comfortable for us to work with business meetings. We thought that our clients would be little companies which do not have meeting rooms, but practice showed that even big companies would like to do meetings outside of the offices. Now we are going to expand to larger platforms and currently looking for partners who want us to manage their commercial space as meeting rooms.

What does AZUBI means? Why did you choose this name? 

We wanted to make up a word without meaning. When AZUBI came to our mind, we checked it in dictionaries. Apparently, from Japanese it is translated as “get together” and in German there is a word with the same spelling, but different pronunciation, which means “trainee”. We thought, that was a destiny and kept it as our label name.

Can you give an advice for student of KIMEP University? 

As for an advice, I always say, do not be lazy, do not relax in summers. Maybe do not take Summer sessions, but take Internships. It is very important to have experience behind you. Times when you could come to employer and say to take you only because you were a KIMEP student have gone. Now you have to amaze him with the abilities that you have and experience that you have earned.

Do you consider yourself as successful person? 

That is a hard question. Of course, you always look at yourself through critical prism, through self-criticism. If you think that you have accomplished everything, in reality you did not. That is why I get upset pretty often because I did not do something to this particular point of time. But if to look objectively, why not? Our company possesses many big loyal clients. Considering, that company is young, and that our services are new on the market, we can say, that this is success. We have gained the goals that we set to us, and now we set new goals, and we will gain them as well. In one of our rooms there is one saying on the walls – “Goals are dreams with deadlines”.  This reflects the philosophy of our company. We do not work for hours, but we work for the result.

Victoria Gorobtsova

I am a KIMEP Bachelor of Social Sciences and International Relations (2009). I also hold a Master degree in International Relations and European Studies of University of Bath (UK, 2010).

I am currentlythe Director of Recycling Business at Kazakhstan Kagazy Plc., the company with ‘green’ approach for doing business. I manage a network of waste collection and sorting facilities in all over Kazakhstan and believe that our Company is determined to become a leader in future recycling developments of the country.

I wanted to become a Minister of education when I was at school. At KIMEP I thought that working at the Embassy outside of Kazakhstan would be extremely interesting. But being a Waste Industry professional was never in my plans. But this is how it usually happens in life, I guess.

There were very few of us who got into KIMEP from Uralsk in 2006. Needless to say, students outside of Almaty always have to struggle more than locals. Those were exciting and challenging times. I have accomplished my studies with Honors in 3 years feeling that there were never enough hours in a day, days in a week, and months in a year. I have witnessed our university growing both geographically by expanding modern campus facilities and professionally by adding new staff members and subjects.I found it extremely practical at KIMEP taking summer credits and using one-week term breaks for leisure. During the last year I have utilized my knowledge working as a teaching assistant for RRW course of Korlan Syzdykova. A torturing experience one must say but it was a big pleasure working with adventurous and big-hearted Korlan.That was by the way my first working experience and I should admit that first salary feeling is unforgettable.

In Bath University I have realized that it is not what you study but when and how. Obviously, good university choice is important. But, for those students who think they have done a mistake choosing their programme,remember – personal skills and attitude are central to your career development. As an employer of over 100 people now I can assure you that we do not look for best CV we look for potential.By the end of my program in Bath I knew I would have to come back to university again in several years to obtain more knowledge to strengthen my mind and spirit.

I was lucky to start my career at KPMG in Marketing right after graduation in Bath. Almost all International companies teach you with right standards and professional discipline. I was named the best employee of Marketing Department at the Staff Annual Meeting in 2011. I had a very good team of colleagues. Some of them had even accompanied me to Kazakhstan Kagazy a year later – that is a big achievement I believe. Some of them are my close friends now.

I was invited to Kazakhstan Kagazy at the start of my second year at KPMG in 2012. I always knew that at KPMG service professionals like auditors and consultants have wider and more attractive careergrowth options rather than support function like Marketing. This has determined my decision to transfer to Kazakhstan Kagazy – leader in the industry, biggest producer of paper and corrugated packaging in Kazakhstan and Central Asia.  I was perfectly aware that the company manufactures its product out of recycled material and isdoing a ‘green’ business employing over 700 employees. I have started as an executive Assistant to the Chairman of the Board of Directors, an enthusiastic and intelligent graduate of Columbia Business School with inspiring growth strategy and plans. I did not know that in few years I was destined to become a part of the management team to put those plans forward.

Good managers grow and develop their high-potential employees. In 9 months I was offered a position of the Head of Marketing Department. At that time it was only two people and lots of work to do. I have to say I was never alone. We have built a Department from scratch together with my colleagues that followed me from KPMG and are with me up till now.

In another year from then I have been appointed a Director of the Recycling Business which was not a promotion but an opportunity in itself for a young professional like me. I manage over 20 production cites all over Kazakhstan that collect and deliver over 50,000 tons of the wastepaper for our factory in Almaty as well as other types of waste materials. Recycling market is underdeveloped in Kazakhstan. Recycling idea is vibrant and central to the ‘green’ concept of the President. Recycling initiatives are extremely interesting and inspiring. I am now responsible for a number of recycling projects that our company will take forward as we put all resources together.

I work and go for business trips a lot. I have to read and learn things I have never done before. I have to overcome skepticism and partiality. Success is always a big effort and a hard-work. I take tennis classes every morning for around two years now, I plan to learn skiing this winter and do million other things. I have started my GMAT exam training that will take all my evenings away with the objective to do an MBA in 2016. This would be impossible without passion for what I do. Passion, patience, persistence.

I am very grateful to KIMEP, Dr. Bang and faculty for helping me find my find forward, unearthing strengths and weaknesses and a life-time friends.

For all students and people that just start their careers I can advise – always do more than you (other people) think you could do, discipline and challenge your mind hard.

Raushan Raiskhanova

Why did you choose KIMEP?

I studied at KIMEP during 1997-1999. I learned about the University in the Fall of 1996 – saw the information in the newspaper. Back then we all regularly bought newspapers in the kiosks. There were no other alternatives in the market of education. It was absolutely new and unfamiliar system of education, with excellent professors from European universities. We were the first cohort in the history of KIMEP that studied without translators. It was such an extreme for me – new system, everything in English, studied almost all day long, because had to use limited library sources which was just developing at than moment. For the first time I was using PC also at KIMEP. Learned about Word, Excel, and Internet.

What memories stand out from your time at KIMEP?

Deadlines, tasks that are not always well understood, necessity to do the tasks in groups. Some tasks are just funny to remember. Mr. Taralba was teaching Business Simulation. There was a task for simulating business: head of the mafia was celebrating birthday of his daughter (I can be confused whose birthday it was, but mafia was inviting). Many groups, such responsive guys, allocated “gifts” from business. And our group by some not so conscious reason hadn’t done it and was late. It appeared that this was the right decision. Mafia and business?

Of course, all classics of management, marketing, corporate finance classes are saved in my memory since times of KIMEP. Deadlines and always texts, numbers and designs to be made on the last minute – this is also memorable.

Do you have any memories of outstanding professors?

Of course I do! Dr. Cornwell with outstanding English in his French manner. My academic Dean, with whom I had an honor to work with at KIMEP – Jim Hebolich. Mr. Tarbala, Dr. Yun, Dr. Gramm. And our young instructors – Zhanat Syzdykov and Dana Mynbayeva. Then I myself joined them after graduation.

What is your current job and when did you start? Any advancement or promotion since you have started your job?

It’s been five years since I started my own business – my own consulting company that deals with human resource management and corporate management. Also a month ago I started a new small hotel business in Almaty with 24 rooms. It is cozy and airy hotel that unites both at the center of the city and few distant from city noise, in quiet streets of Almaty. My first working place after graduation was KIMEP itself, I was teaching. Then, for a long time I worked in the sphere of HR, then in banking sphere and oil and gas industry. I left the sphere of being employed by somebody else when I was among top managers of HRD at “KazMunaiGaz” JSC and a Deputy HR General Manager at NCOC.

How did KIMEP education help with your job?

As a trademark in early 1999 of course it was very expensive. Everything that I learned at that time helped me very much; as well as in professional knowledge, in group working skills and in ability to be the leader. And of course to be able to “stand up for your opinion” – I think it also helped me. It is clear that my professional background first formed not in KIMEP, but this university was a modern and rich life experience.

Did you stay in touch with your classmates and if so, how often do you meet them?

I don’t meet them very often. We see each other on some events or somewhere in sudden places. Social network helps to “see” the classmates. This is where we connect and observe each others life.

What would your advice be to current students? 

To read a lot and to observe what is around, to try to learn everything around yourself and to seek for your own path. Do not be lazy or infant. It was in past when initiative was the synonym of vulgar. But now this must stimulate. And there are many interesting areas to work at. Steve Jobs was right in saying: “Stay hungry, stay venturesome”.

How do you stay calm and focused? Do you do anything outside of work to help you with this?

When you see the result of your efforts – it can be projects, any other important events, building a business – all these help to be focused. Such activity brings real satisfaction. Of course, life is stressful, but concerning the tranquility of being retired – I don’t think I am in need of this yet. There are still many plans to implement.

What are your ideas of happiness and success?

Satisfaction has the inborn sprouts – I believe in this. If a person is always disappointed with something, none of the sunshine will help him or her. Happiness usually is just a moment; the rest is attitude towards fruitful work for you. Success also depends on individual perception. The one who sets such an aim and reaches it – measures his or her success this way. General trend is concept of “happiness” and “success” are increasingly common in missions and visions of the companies, i.e. are becoming widespread, not just individual characteristics. Am I successful? – I think more Yes, than No. Am I happy? – definitely Yes. And it is not only because of professional success.

Anything else you would like to share with the KIMEP community?

I wish great success to such a great ship like KIMEP. And it is important not only for the University. KIMEP is the part of life of many successful people in Kazakhstan. And we would like to be sure that our alma mater that gave that much to its graduates, still stays successful and forever young.

Gaukhar Teltayeva
  1. I like KIMEP for its advantageous difference from other leading universities in Central Asia, such as the western system of education and the overall ability to be different.
  1. I would like for KIMEP to develop in areas not developed in our country, such as an engineering or architecture.
  1. An important skill that I have acquired while at KIMEP is the ability to work in stressful situations, endure all hardships of work with ease and irony.
  2. How soon did you find a job after graduation?
    After graduation I almost immediately found many opportunities associated with further employment. However, the most difficult thing was to decide what field I see myself in and should develop to the fullest.
  1. My family influenced my decision to enter KIMEP.
    First of all, every member of my family individually contributed to the formation of my decision to go to all the way end, whether I faced academic or financial difficulties.
    Second, the desire to compete with my older brother who is also KIMEP student. To prove that I’m not worse, despite the fact that I’m a girl, and maybe even better. I am so thankful to have him.
    Third, it is the pride of our parents for both us, my brother and I. They were partially proud of themselves for the fact that they we are able to cover such expensive treat as education at KIMEP. The incentive is the great desire to justify their investment, and trust that is invested in you daily.
  1. What is the reason for your family to choose our university?
    The choice of our family is primarily associated with a huge attachment to the university, with love and trust. KIMEP is a magnet for its special energy and warm aura. You do not see nor do you want to see other universities, other majors and professors. KIMEP does not let you go because it’s in your heart.
  1. What do you remember most from your KIMEP studies?
    I studied from 2006 to 2011, and remembered this time as the student boom. Large number of students, overflowing classrooms, construction of new library and new academic building.
    KIMEP student organizations such as Student Government, healthy competition, and election slogans. I also remember Intellectual Debate Club and Diplomatic Briefing Club, in which I actively participated.
  1. The difference between KIMEP and other universities is that the most difficult thing after graduation is to apply your knowledge into practice. At KIMEP you not only receive an education of international standard, but you also learn to successfully apply it in work and in life.
  2. What did your close ones think about your education at KIMEP?
    They were very positive, and proud of me.

What would you say/advise students of our University as KIMEP University graduate?
I would like to advice students to believe in themselves no matter what, to learn to stand on their own feet, to not be afraid of competition, and to receive an international diploma no matter what.

Gaukhar Mukhanova

“I want and I can – this is my formula of success”

Dusseldorf, Germany

Work Place: Leading Manager at “ADM Promotions GmbH”, Germany

Hobbies: playing piano, computer graphics, painting, traveling, and photography.

Comments: International project management experience in 26 countries, 7 years of marketing experience, knows 4 languages.

I live in Germany not because I chose this country, but because the company I am currently working for determined my residence. Of course I plan to return to Kazakhstan. It’s my home, and you always want to return home.

The company I am currently working for – ADM Promotions – is one of the largest partners of international companies in the production and delivery of promotional products. It has been established in 1992 and has 18 offices in 15 countries. The company is the official FIFA partner since 2004. This means that all advertising products with FIFA logo are manufactured and tested by ADM Promotions. Since 2011 my company is also the managing procurement partner for “Kraft Foods”. Moreover, ADM Promotions is the global partner and supplier for Coca-Cola, Heineken, L’OREAL, Philip Morris, Diageo, Nestlе, and Johnson & Johnson.

I am responsible for business development in the markets of Central and Eastern Europe (there are more than 20 countries in this region). Moreover, I supervise development of product ideas, their production and delivery to customers, such as Avon, Unilever, Coca-Cola. I control everything in this direction: brief for designers, 3D-design, approval of technical specifications, pricing, production and logistics. My responsibility also includes consulting customers in planning and launching new products, as well as marketing support.

Working in international company has taught me to think globally and act locally.

“I want” and “I can”, by no means “I must” – this is my formula of success. Therefore, I believe that you need to do whatever makes you truly happy.

When I see advertisements, links and magazine articles about products we have produced for our clients, I start thinking of how this or another product was created, how brainstorming sessions were held, what were the first sketches. In fact, my colleagues and I are always slightly behind the scenes; we are not visible to wide audience, but it is not that important.

Much more important is when you see finished product of good quality, in which you have invested your knowledge, time, soul; its success and efficiency on the market fills your heart with pride, and motivates you to do more and to do better.

Professional is a person who knows their professional capabilities, constantly improves them, and never acts outside of their competence. However, a leader is the inner content of a man. Not every leader is a professional, just like not every professional is a leader. Main qualities of a leader are charisma, inner strength and reliability. Leader is the one able to lead people in any situation. Do I have leadership qualities? Yes, I do.

I always bring to an end what I started. I am also a creative and dynamic person.

KIMEP confirmed accuracy in choosing my profession, and provided a strong educational foundation. This is why education has played an important role in my professional development.

Kazakhstan has always had, has, and will always have patriots. I am sure of it.

Full interview can be read here:


Vasiliy Tengayev

Do what you think is right, and don’t waste your time

City: Born in Almaty, lives in London

Education: KIMEP, Bachelor of Business Administration and Accounting, Major – Finance. Diploma with Honors. Officially in Top 10 2003 graduates.

Work Place: Citigroup Global Markets Limited

Professional experience: Started his career in the USAID project in 2001. Then, in 2002 during his studies got a job in a Kazakh bank. After graduating from KIMEP he continued with banking career in Kazakhstan division of Citigroup. In two years received an invitation to join London branch, where for the past nine years he has been in charge of organizing international bond issues by issuers from Russia, Kazakhstan and neighboring countries; worked with governments, national companies, banks, large private companies. Together with colleagues from London Citigroup team and affiliated companies in other countries advises borrowers to prepare issues, prepares credit history, polishes presentations for investors, and realizes self-placement of securities among international investors.

Achievements: During my time with Citigroup I have participated in closing more than a hundred different deals and projects for various companies, banks and governments. I would like to emphasize that in Kazakhstan related projects I probably worked more for the country.

– 2006 – debut placement of $ 800 million of international bonds for JSC “NC “KTZ” for modernization of railways and rolling stock. I remember that back then securities’ market was different, and this transaction was considered the largest deal towards a corporate issuer of the so-called emerging markets.

– 2008 – debut placement of $ 3 billions of international bonds for “KazMunaiGaz”. This was an earthshaking deal for our national company, and at that time it was the largest deal towards a corporate issuer of emerging markets of all time. At the time KMG capital spending increased, including Kashagan. With full raging crisis in Kazakhstan and rapidly growing crisis beyond the country, both company and the country needed major financial resources.

– In 2009-2010 I worked with Samruk-Kazyna helping to restructure badly damaged banking system. I specifically worked with Temirbank, which was able to improve in a relatively short period with the help of the management team (just in a couple of years) through our assistance in negotiations with creditors and a small monetary support from Samruk-Kazyna.

– At the moment I am working together with a team from different banks and legal advisers on the final stage of Kazakhstan’s return (represented by the Ministry of Finance) to the public market of international bonds. After 14 year hiatus Kazakhstan plans to place significant amount of securities within the overall strategy of “disclosure” and increase of foreign investment. This is a great development for both the country (under strict guidance of the government), and for the whole segment of developing countries. I was fortunate enough to work on this important project for my country.

– On a non-work related matters – I had just participated in sports charity by traveling 125 km on a mountain bike in the hills and fells from London to Brighton in favor of the British Foundation for Heart Disease in the memory of my friend and colleague – Serik Kulmuhamedov, Deputy Chairman of the Board Citibank Kazakhstan, who died of heart failure in 2012 at the age of 36.

Interests: mountain skiing, mountain bike, mountain hiking, reading, cross-fit.

Life motto: Do what you think is right, and don’t waste your time

Quotations: Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. – Winston Churchill

The secret of getting ahead is getting started – Mark Twain

My favorite things in life don’t cost any money. It’s really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time. – Steve Jobs


Baurzhan Isayev

“Everyone can change the world to the better”

Education: Tashkent State Economic University, Major – International Economic Relations;

KIMEP University.

Work Place: Deputy Director for Business Development for Central Asia and Caucasus, “Sanofi” Company

Hobbies: motorsports, auto travel.

Note: supervised business development projects in large Kazakhstani Company – “USKO International” JSC, working directly with the main shareholder – Chan Young Bang, PhD (one of the first foreign advisers of the President of Kazakhstan – N.A. Nazarbaev – in 1991-93). After that worked for Procter & Gamble. In 4 years from the Market and Customer Research Manager has been promoted to the Brand Manager for Central Asia for brands Gillette, Venus, Duracell и Old Spice. Since October 2012 has been working on the Kazakhstan team of the world leader in pharmaceutical industry – “Sanofi”.

On professionalism, education and work in international companies

In my opinion, professionalism should not be something supernatural. Professional is the one who knows and loves their job.

In my professional formation formal education (preschool, secondary school, higher and graduate) has certainly played a major role. First and foremost, kindergarten, secondary school and university are the societies where a person acquires skills that cannot be acquired from curriculum. I see a huge gap in our education system in this aspect. Our society, and not only educational system, lacks social aspect, which is introduced through mentoring. It is mentoring that is they key to high achievements in eastern (and in some sense, closer to us in spirit) countries, such as Japan, South Korea and Singapore.

I came to work with international companies hoping to understand, see and experience secrets of capitalism. Perhaps, the most important thing I’ve learned from working for multinational companies is the ability to find potential for development, and develop and implement plans to disclose this potential. For businesses it means points of sales and profit growth; for people in organization – motivation, professional growth and satisfaction from work. I have also learned to openly and clearly articulate my point of view, even if it goes against supervisor’s opinion. This is important, and I’ve learned this from American and European top executives under whose guidance I worked.

On the initiative and citizenship

Being initiative and adventurous is a must in today’s world. It is an axiom that is impossible not to know.

Active citizenship is a biased attitude to what is happening in your country and in the world. Such attitude is not merely a sense of responsibility for future of the society you are living in, but eventually for specific actions.

On patriotism and future of the country

I do not like using cliché words like “patriot” and “patriotism”. I believe that today’s Kazakhstan needs people who care about the future of Kazakhstan’s citizens, who are able and ready to change lives of their families and fellow citizens for the better. If this is patriotism, then so be it. Without such people Kazakhstan risks to turn into a mere supplier of raw materials, whose citizens live in poverty. Nigeria is a very specific example of such a scenario.

I associate my future and future of my children with Kazakhstan only. My great grandparents and grandparents, their parents and grandparents have always lived on the territory of Kazakhstan, and have always fought for the prosperity of their homeland. After collapse of the Soviet Union I have returned from Uzbekistan to my historical homeland in order to link my future to it.

I love Kazakhstan, which is why I live and work here. Perhaps, this is the main argument.

I believe our country has a great future. Just like it has been said by the President multiple times, the most important is not to miss a historic opportunity. Unfortunately, right now I’m seeing that we are missing it. For certain the President and his team are seeing that also, and that’s why they are talking about it. I believe that Kazakhstan, over the next twenty years, is quite capable of increasing the average standard of living to which we see today in UAE by reducing growing gap in stratification of society. We have an enormous human potential.

Full interview can be read here:


Murager Sauranbayev

“Failure stimulates more than victory”

Venera Bekturganova, Vласть

Photo from personal archive of Murager Sauranbayev

Education: KIMEP University, Hong Kong University, Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, National School of Public Policy (NSPP).

Work Place: II Secretary of the Committee of International Information of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan.

Hobbies: playing dombra, sports, reading.

Note: Head of KIMEP Alumni Association in Nur-Sultan, winner of the “Zhastar” Republican Youth Award in “Talent of the Year” nomination (2009); winner of the “Daryn” State Youth Award (2010), winner of several national and international music competitions. In 2002 has been awarded “Gold Star” at the festival “Hello, Hollywood!” in the USA.

On the role of education

In every person’s life education is the most important component of professional formation. Education has played a key role for me. Knowledge and skills acquired in secondary school and higher educational institutions help me on a daily basis. For this I am very grateful to my teachers.

I grated from KIMEP’s Department of International Journalism with a bachelor degree in media management. Then I received master’s degree in political science from the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. I started working in public youth organizations when I was a student. I am currently working in the field of my major in the foreign ministry institution of the country.

What is professionalism?

In my understanding, to be a professional is to be able to apply your experience and knowledge ensuring effective performance in a variety of conditions. One must also have an endless interest in their job, be able to assess work front, and to rationally allocate ones forces to implement set tasks.

About favorite work

Work with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan teaches you the art of negotiation, teaches you to represent and defend interests of your country and its citizens abroad, to establish cultural and humanitarian ties. I am glad I became a diplomat. My profession gives me an opportunity to contribute to the development of the country. And this is a great responsibility. What most inspires me in my work is the effective outcomes and the achievement of objectives.

About music and beloved dombra

Music gives me joy, and inspires for new ideas. I am not going to part with dombra, which now still serves me as a true friend. As a child I could not do music for a long time, even though I literally dreamed about it. I am left-handed and many music teachers were confident that I would taint harmony of playing and orchestra appearance by disturbing symmetry. Nonetheless, I have to admit that everything turns out fortunately for me. When I was admitted to the “Kokil” Almaty music school, they believed in me. Teachers of this school not only helped me to bring my dream to reality, but have also taught me a special manner of performance.

Full interview can be read here:


Dauren Zholdasbayev

“Volunteering is an impulse of soul”

Work place: Director of IT Company “Data System Technologies”.

Hobbies: swimming, snowboarding.

Note: Founder and leader of social environmental movements PosadiDerevo.kz and YarkoCross.kz.

I would describe myself in one word – not indifferent. I know how to start new projects, and how to implement them. And all projects can be successfully implemented with a great team next to you.

The task of PosadiDerevo.kz is to attract attention and efforts of society to personal environmental responsibility and safety. As a part of the movement we are implementing various environmental projects: “Seeds of Life”, “Clean City”, “Ecoclubs” and others.

As an IT specialist it was not hard for me to build the PosadiDerevo.kz web-site. I created it in 2010. At first, the site looked like a regular web-page where I invited all my friends and acquaintances to plant trees. Later on we were supported by Akim’s office of Almaty. Akim’s office has allocated location to plan trees, and we engaged volunteers. Various companies began to contact us later on, so we began to grow and to plant trees more actively. We got new volunteers and partners. By the way, many of those companies are now planting trees regularly.

Yarkokross is a 5 km race when participants are showered with colored harmless powder. All funds from the purchase of tickets to Yarkokross go to planting trees. Traditionally Yarkokross takes place in three cities of Kazakhstan: Almaty, Nur-Sultan and Karaganda.

I believe that everyone can make the world a better place – it starts with you. Today, for example, you planted a tree. Of course you can’t see the outcome right away. However, your children will be the ones to evidence it. This is the whole point.

Full interview can be read here:


Alisher Yelikbayev

Life has failed, but the attempt has been counted

Age: 33

City: Born in Semipalatinsk, lives in Almaty.

Education: Kazakh State University of Al-Farabi, Department of Journalism, Bachelor degree; KIMEP, Master of Arts degree.

Work Place: Network of trade and entertainment centers “MEGA”; Communications Specialist for Chocotravel web-site.

Professional experience: 16 years. During these years headed Vox Populi web-site, as well as “Nur Otan” NDP press service.

Interests: traveling, food

Quote:  Life has failed, but the attempt has been counted.

Alisher Yelikbayev: I would not have failed a “good guy” test

Zarina Akhmatova, Vласть

The second our meeting was supposed to start I got a message. Alisher Yelikbayev wrote he is going to be late. He was six minutes late. He didn’t even have to warn me. I looked through the list of questions I prepared with sadness – former head of VOX POPULI and irreplaceable MEGA PR specialist was too often indexed in search engines over the past month. I put down the list. All we can do is to have an honest conversation. About school grades, attitude towards money, sleepless nights after leaving photo journalism web-site and eternal struggle with himself for his own conscience.

Z.A.  Alisher, sometimes at the beginning of interview I ask: what questions you do not want to answer, and why you shouldn’t be asked about them?

A.Y. I am ready to talk about anything other than my personal life. I would not want to focus a lot of attention on the events of the last month related to me leaving Vox Populi and joining Chocotravel. A lot has already been said on these topics. I do not purposely avoid them, but I would not like a conversation to be built solely around this topic.

Z.A.  Ok, then let’s get started. Your kaznet biographers have told so much about you, that we can only fill the gaps. Let’s go back to many years ago to Semipalatinsk where you grew up, and understand how to become a Yelikbayev. Were you a good student at school?

A.Y. In the village I grew up (I lived there until I turned 13) I was in the top three students in school. I am guessing I studied very well at school – level of education was not as high, but maybe the fact that I was the son of a drawing teacher has played its role. When I came to Almaty in 9th grade, I was expelled at the end of the year for poor academic performance. According to the rules, a student could not have had more than two threes in the report card, and I had four: algebra, geometry, physics, and chemistry. I went to see the Director – Svetlana Myrkhasmetovna Nazarbayeva, mother of Kairat Satybaldy, and told her that I want to stay and that I don’t want to go to another school. She met me halfway. Some of the students’ parents were outraged that I interfere with the learning process, taint overall performance,  that I should be expelled, but some defended me. In 10th grade I participated in KVN and performed for the school, improved my school performance. In 11th grade I was published in “Karavan”, so nobody talked about me being expelled anymore.

Z.A.   Is poor academic performance the influence of a big city?

A.Y. Competition is not high in the village, and demands to students are lower. In a big city nobody is interested in you. In the village everyone knows about each other. If you have a problem with something, teachers meet with your parents and talk. And another thing. Time was difficult then – situation in the country was bad when I went to school. It was bad for everyone. People were busy with surviving; my mother sold bread, dad was looking for a job, so, clearly, it wasn’t about my grades. School tuition was 200 tenge per month, but even this much money we paid with a delay. 

Full interview can be read here:


Yermurat Temirkhanov

City: Born in Pavlodar; lives in Almaty since 1997.

Education: KIMEP, Department of Business Administration and Accounting, Major – Finance. Currently is a part-time student at the Department of Mining at the Kazakh National Technical University of Satpayev.

Work Place: Deputy General Director for Economics and Finance, “Aktogai Mys” LLP (Mining industry – gold mining).

Professional experience: Financial Director at “Angrensor Energo” LLP; Financial Controller for “Bapy Mining” LLP; Head of the Department of Corporate Finance at AK “Altynalmas” JSC; Financial Director at “SUMERU” LLP; Department of Finance of “KazMunaiGas” JSC subsidiaries.

Main achievements: I’ve worked in various companies in Kazakhstan and abroad. I always tried to give a 100 percent, whether in seaside Aktau, colorful Tbilisi, rough Ekibastuz or beloved Almaty. I always considered myself inquisitive and eager for knowledge. During 10 years of work the desire to improve and expend the horizons has only increased. That’s why now I’m getting further education.

As a part of the government group I have insured economic support for purchasing “Tbilgazi” company. Participated in implementation of ISO 9000 international quality standards in “KazTransGas Distribution” JSC. Played an important role in reorganization of “SUMERU” gold mining holding (acquisition, integration and implementation of subsoil user companies), initiated and brilliantly performed audit for the Holding in accordance with IFRS. Repeatedly engaged external funding to AK “Altynalmas” JSC, and coordinated integration with ERP system. Supervised financial unit in “Angrenson Energo” LLP coal mining company. I currently continue working in the mining sector – “Aktogay Mys” gold mining company.

Interests: I have been a member of WorldClass and Fidelity fitness clubs for several years now. I get up at 6:30, and start my day with swimming and gym. It gives necessary energy for the whole day.

The most valuable thing is my family. I am married and raising two wonderful children. It is important when close people understand and support my aspirations and endeavors – I feel like I can move mountains. On the weekends I take my kids to private stables; during school breaks I take my family to the sea. My wife and I enjoy seeing new productions at Almaty Theater of Opera and Ballet or Nur-Sultan Opera, nor do we miss high-profile movie premiers.

Motto: “Each moment of life is another opportunity.” Gabriel Garcia Marquez


Marat Raimkhanov

“When you are finished changing, you are finished”  

Photo from personal archive

Natalia Terentyeva, special for Vласти

City: born in Ust-Kamenogorsk, lives in Nur-Sultan

Education: London School of Economics, Master of Public Administration; KIMEP, Master of International Journalism and Mass Communications; Almaty State University of Abai, Major – History and Geography; Suleiman Demirel University, Major – Foreign Philology. Knows English and French languages.

Work Place: Independent Media Expert

Professional experience: I have a great working experience in communication agencies; headed “Zan” Media Corporation; worked as a consultant, head of the President’s press service, general manager of the Center of Social Partnership for “Samruk-Kazyna” JSC, Deputy Chairman of the Board of “STRC Kazakhstan” JSC on Strategic Affairs. Taught “Mass Media and Society” course at KIMEP.

Achievements: HESP Soros Foundation and “Bolashak” program fellow; BBC World News seminar participant (London); participant of the joint summer institute of the Annenberg School of Communication of University of Pennsylvania and the Program of Comparative Medial Policy of Oxford University; winner of the European Union project “Reformation and Modernization of Civil Service of the Government of Kazakhstan”. Significant professional achievement of 2014 – rebranding of “Kazakhstan” TV channel in accordance with the best leading international standards in television design.

Hobbies: numismatics, impressionism, history, literature.

Life’s Motto: set realistic goals and achieve them tirelessly.

Quote: “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” – Mahatma Gandhi.

“Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.”  – Winston Churchill

When you are finished changingyou‘re finished.” – Benjamin Franklin

Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.” – Andre Gide


Dossymova Zhanerke

Undergraduate degree: KIMEP University BSC, major: accounting; minor: finance 2009-2012 (december)
Graduate: Yonsei GSIS, International Trade, Finance & Management

Thanks to my parents, I became a part of KIMEP University. I have to say that is was difficult for me to adapt to KIMEP University’s system and student life at KIMEP. However, later I saw how these difficulties helped me in the future. KIMEP gives a lot of opportunities to its students and I tried to use as many as I could.

Starting from early 2011, I had a big interest in Koreawatching Korean dramas. Korea is a country with rich culture, nature and historical places. I had a huge desire to know more about this country. It was my fortune to participate in summer exchange program and study in summer school in HUFS, Seoul, Korea. After spending one and half month in Korea I felt that the time I spent was not enough for me. I did not have much time to discover the beautiful places, learn the culture and the language. I was looking for any chances to study in Korea and Professor Lee Keun Jung helped me to find opportunities.

From a wide selection of Korean Universities, I choose Yonsei. I applied to GSIS Yonsei and to the POSCO TJ Park Foundation. Thanks to skills and knowledge I gained from KIMEP University and thanks to Professor Lee I was admitted to Yonsei University and became a POSCO Asia Fellowship. Today, I am doing my Master Degree and working part time work at Korea KIMEP Exchange Center with professor Yang SeungRyong .Than kyou KIMEP!

Aida Yesmagambetova

How KIMEP contributed to her personal growth

What KIMEP meant to me
I enrolled at KIMEP as an adult; I was 24 years old, and I had decided I wanted to understand business. Given the diverse and international faculty at KIMEP’s business college, it was a perfect fit.
I graduated from that very college with an MBA in marketing in the year 2000, and KIMEP had transformed me. In 1998, I had been a “Soviet person” with a classic Soviet education, but at KIMEP my outlook changed: I became more business-oriented. I had been born again through my study of business, marketing and sales — I didn’t want to do anything else.

Oh and, by the way, I met my first husband at KIMEP! I needed to move a huge refrigerator up to my dorm room, and the guys — my neighbours — offered to help. They crouched down, placed it on their backs, and together we struggled to get it up the stairs. Let me tell you, it was heavy! When we finally reached my floor, another guy said, “Let me help you”, but he didn’t end up touching the refrigerator once. Instead, he was just directing us: “here, on the right” or “there, on the left”. Afterwards, I thanked the guys and bought them some beer.

In the evening, I came by the guys’ room. They weren’t there, but I saw the lazy guy, who had done nothing but guide the procession earlier, drinking the beer I had bought for the ones who had helped! At that moment, I didn’t like him at all, but as you might have already guessed, that man was my future husband.

KIMEP has a very special place in my heart. It feels like a second home. I lived in that dormitory for two years, and I enjoyed it immensely. Those were happy times.

What I have learned here

While studying at KIMEP, I was also working as a translator in a foreign law company. I had been living on my own since I was 16. My parents couldn’t help me; during the collapse of the Soviet Union, no one had a job. I had to make a schedule that allowed me to balance work and studying, but it wasn’t too bad. Besides, many students today have to balance these things as well.

The most important thing I learned at KIMEP was this: KIMEP taught me how to present myself and the work I do in the best possible way. Thanks to KIMEP, I was able to develop these natural communication skills.

After graduating, I worked in the same company but as a marketing coordinator. Then I got a job at the United Nations: I was a project manager for “the strengthening of professional media in Kazakhstan” for 6 months. After that, for three years I worked at Kazkommertsbank in the retail business department. I developed card products — deposits, loans, etc.
After the birth of my second child, I decided to start a business of my own. Thus, I created InvestRealty in 2006. Back then, real estate was increasing in value, and many were thinking about investing in property overseas. I became among the first to sell overseas property properties in Kazakhstan. I remained in the real estate business for 8 years. I created an internet database – all that information needed to be stored somewhere. Real estate is a complex asset, and it needs to be managed properly.

After leaving real estate, I decided to try the fashion business. It is a very creative area, and what we choose to wear is a fundamental act of self-expression. The direction I chose: fashion buying.
I graduated from a high intensity masters’ program at The London College of Fashion in 6-months, and went directly into fashion retail.

Opening my own online fashion shop
I decided to conquer the online fashion market in Kazakhstan. The fashion market here has huge potential; billions of dollars a year are spent in foreign stores online — aliexpress, asos, amazon, lamoda, etc. My brand, fashion Code, had to be an alternative.
Because I wanted to produce pieces of high quality, I chose to manufacture the line in South Korea. I’d decided that people were tired of the mass market, and they understood that in order for a T-shirt to cost five dollars, someone has to work in appalling conditions for close to no pay.

Sales began in February, 2017. People liked it, and I realized that I was on the right track. Pieces can be ordered online, on Whatsapp, and offline. A business must be omni-channeled.

I want to stay in the fashion industry, and I have many plans for the future.

Bagtygul Annayeva

Analyst at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Why did you choose KIMEP?
I am from Turkmenistan and a lot of people here never heard of KIMEP. I was one of those people. A friend of mine told me about this university in Kazakhstan when I was looking for a place to study after graduating high school. I decided to apply mainly because the classes were in English and Almaty is not far away from home (only 2 hour flight away). I came without high expectations and ended up loving KIMEP and Almaty. KIMEP is truly a great place to study in Central Asia with a quality education and a diverse student life.

What memories stand out from your time at KIMEP?
If you ask somebody about their student life people always share their warm memories and finish by saying those years were the best (at least I always get these type of responses).  I am no different.  My student years at KIMEP were the best: interesting classes with great professors and friends from different countries. In addition, I had an opportunity to  study in two different universities in Europe as an exchange student. I spent one semester at the University of Balearic Islands in Spain through Erasmus Mundus Program and one semester at the University of Applied Science Krems in Austria for which I received Ernst Mach Grant. I am grateful to KIMEP for great experiences that I had during those 4 years.

Do you have any memories of outstanding professors?
We had very interesting professors with diverse backgrounds. I would like to thank them for teaching us so much. Especially, I loved Zhanat Syzdykov’s accounting classes.  Who would think Intermediate Accounting courses can be a lot of fun?

What is your current job and when did you start?
I work at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. It has been a year now and I am happy to work at a development bank.  I always wanted to work at a place with a purpose where you see that you are making a difference and contributing to growth of the country. Before joining EBRD, I was studying in Italy for my Master’s degree.

How did KIMEP education help with your job?
Everything I have learned at my university was useful in my job. It might sound strange since people tend to say that whatever you have learned at the university will not be useful in real life when you start working. For example, on my very first job interview I was asked so many accounting and financial questions and the interviewers were actually surprised that I was taught all those concepts. Now they know about KIMEP and consider KIMEP alumni to be good in their fields of study. Our alumni in Turkmenistan are mostly working in well-recognized organizations and companies. I feel very proud of KIMEP and our alumni.

Did you stay in touch with your classmates and if so, how often do you meet  them?
We stay in touch via social media since we live in different cities and countries.  I would like to attend alumni reunions in the future to see my classmates again. Here in Ashgabat we organize unofficial KIMEP alumni meetings with Turkmen alumni couple times a year. It is always a pleasure to see old friends.

What would your advice be to current students?
As I mentioned before anyone who has already graduated from university will say that student years are the best years of their life. Hence, enjoy and learn as much as you can. Try not to disregard some courses because you think they are not  important and that you will never need them. You never know what will happen in life.

How do you stay calm and focused? Do you do anything outside of work to help you with this?
Yes, I do sports to stay calm and focused. I cannot imagine my life without a gym. I start missing it if I have to skip due to work commitments and I try to book hotels with a gym when I travel.

What are your ideas on happiness and success?
For me success mostly comprises of hard work. You may need a little bit of luck as well. However, I refuse to believe that you can be successful without putting an effort. Of course, you have to have faith and believe in what you do, but without hard work you cannot succeed.
For me happiness is being around loved ones; doing what you love and learning new things; and it always makes me happy to travel to new places.

Anything else you would like to share with the KIMEP community?
I would like to thank everyone who works at KIMEP for their every day efforts at making it a great place to study.

Mariyam Zhumadil

International Finance Corporation (IFC) in Washington DC

Why did you choose KIMEP?
Back in 2003 when I returned from a year-long exchange program in the United States, KIMEP was the leading business school in the region offering quality education marketable outside of Kazakhstan. Having studied in the US education system, I saw the enormous benefit of being able to design my own curriculum at KIMEP and pace it in line with my needs. The opportunity to take classes from international professors and to study with a diverse group of students from all over the world was another factor very important to me, as I wanted to build my network of future professional contacts globally.

What memories stand out from your time at KIMEP?
Interestingly the best memories of KIMEP are the funny jokes/comments made by some professors and students, on-campus parties and KELT performances.

Do you have any memories of outstanding professors?
Of course, there were many very capable professors at KIMEP. The best professor in finance by far was Serik Suleimenov, he was very thorough and would always challenge us with tasks of increasing difficulty. Being in his class was fun and intellectually stimulating. His classes prepared me very well for my further studies at the top US business schools.

Another outstanding professor was Nurlan Orazalin, even though I understood accounting concepts easily, I really appreciated how he was good at articulating and explaining them to students who found them challenging. I believe thanks to his patience, openness and commitment to delivering quality education, KIMEP graduates stood out during recruitment to top audit firms.

What is your current job and when did you start? Any advancement or promotion since you have started your job?
I have been with International Finance Corporation (IFC) in Washington DC for a year now. I joined IFC through the Young Professionals Program, which is a very selective rotational program raising future leaders of the organization. In my current role as a global investment professional, I am working on digital and fintech deals in the emerging markets. Before IFC I held various positions in Kazakh finance and banking sector with the latest being Associate Banker at EBRD and Head of Equity Research at Halyk Finance.

How did KIMEP education help with your job?
Resources available at KIMEP, both in terms of education and access to top employers through the career center, were by far the best in the market. I have landed by first internship at Citibank Kazakhstan during my freshman year, which helped me to start building early on my CV experience for full-time employment. Furthermore, this has also triggered my full-blown English tutor practice whereby by word of mouth by the end of my sophomore year I was giving private lessons to 6-8 students. Over time these lessons allowed me to cover substantial cost of KIMEP tuition on my own.

Thanks to the flexibilities built into KIMEP curriculum, I was able to take on a full-time job in my senior year and try different areas of banking before deciding where was a better fit for my personality and professional aspirations. Undoubtedly, KIMEP education and internship opportunities offered throughout our studies prepared us well to pass with confidence any full-time interview and land the job of our dreams.

Did you stay in touch with your classmates and if so, how often do you meet them?
I have stayed in touch with a few classmates, not as many as I wish I did. Unfortunately, with time family commitments and distance make it increasingly hard to invest time in these relationships. When I visit Kazakhstan during summer I always try to meet friends, old classmates and colleagues.

What would your advice be to current students?
My advice is to be intellectually curious wherever you are, life is a journey of knowledge which is just starting for you. I would strongly encourage you to invest time at KIMEP at building your future network, sign up for various clubs and leadership positions, mingle with different student groups, learn more about your classmates and their interests.

How do you stay calm and focused? Do you do anything outside of work to help you with this?

Calm no, focused yes. Every morning I plan my day ahead, no matter what happens during the day I stick to my agenda and follow it through. This helps not to get distracted by noise and to deliver on time. I don’t do anything super fancy, I just like to chill with my family over barbecue.

What are your ideas on happiness and success?
As we mature and change the ideas of happiness and success evolve, what made me happy five years ago does not necessarily make me happy today. For me at this stage in my life it would mean living a truly fulfilling life, whereby I am happy in my family and excel in my professional career.

Anything else you would like to share with the KIMEP community?
I would encourage KIMEP alumni society and other relevant bodies to organize more networking events for KIMEP alumni professionals in Kazakhstan and abroad. KIMEP alumni network is by far the largest and strongest in the Kazakh business community, but currently is not being leveraged fully by KIMEP students seeking employment opportunities and by the working professionals. I believe KIMEP brand needs to be strengthened and the alumni network is instrumental in achieving that.

Способы Поддерживать Контакты с Институтом

  • Вы поменяли работу, электронный адрес и номер телефона? Обновите вашу контактную информацию в электронном виде по адресу: cdd@kimep.kz или alumni@kimep.kz
  • Следите за рассылкой по электронной почте о событиях, новостях, конкурсах и т.д.
  • Создайте свою профессиональную сеть и общайтесь с другими выпускниками через наши официальные страницы в Facebook — Ассоциация выпускников КИМЭП и Instagram — @kimep_alumni_association


Динара Сагиндыкова
Отдел Корпоративного развития
Унивеситет КИМЭП
+7 727 270 42 26

Как Вы Можете Помочь

Стипендиальный фонд «Рахмет»
Стипендиальный фонд «Рахмет» был основан в 2010 г выпускниками КИМЭП, желающими поддержать нуждающихся студентов и внести свой вклад в воспитание будущих лидеров. Поддержка фонда предназначена для студентов с отличной академической успеваемостью, испытывающих финансовые затруднения. Также, с помощью фонда, выпускники могут предоставлять поддержку для институциональных нужд КИМЭП. Для получения более подробной информации о способах поддержки, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с отделом корпоративного развития КИМЭП по адресу cdd@kimep.kz или по телефону +7 727 270 42 26.

Помимо стипендий для студентов и поддержки для преподавателей, существует множество различных способов содействия развитию КИМЭП и сотрудничества с вузом. Если вы желаете пополнить наш библиотечный фонд академических ресурсов, профинансировать наши научно-исследовательские центры или помочь нашим студентам в реализации их планов по участию в международных конференциях, вам предоставляется широкий спектр возможностей. Ваш вклад в КИМЭП может быть назван в честь вашей компании, вашего выпуска. Сотрудники отдела корпоративного развития помогут вам осуществить ваш личный вклад в усовершенствование услуг, предоставляемых КИМЭП студентам, преподавателям и сообществу в целом.

Как стать Выпускником-Представителем

У вас может быть лучшая в мире база данных выпускников, самый сильный бренд, а также профессиональный и способный персонал по связям с выпускниками, но без компонента «плеймейкер» ваша сеть выпускников не будет успешной. Самым важным фактором успеха ассоциации выпускников является присутствие «плеймейкеров» — или, как мы их называем, «послов сети выпускников».

Это выпускники, которые инициируют дискуссии, организуют местные мероприятия, связывают свои занятия с Alma Mater, занимают должности и больше всего желают наставлять других. Без этих послов выпускников ассоциация выпускников в конечном итоге умрет. С ними это может процветать.

Профиль Выпускника-Представителя КИМЭП

  • Вы должны быть выпускником Университета КИМЭП. Выпускник — это человек, получивший степень бакалавра или магистра в университете КИМЭП.
  • Вы полны энтузиазма и обладаете большими социальными навыками.
  • У вас крепкие отношения с однокурсниками или группой выпускников в городе вашего текущего проживания
  • Вы любите общаться с людьми и имеете возможность поделиться своим опытом.
  • Вы готовы выполнять некоторые задачи для Университета КИМЭП на добровольной основе.
  • Вы представляете класс (1994, 1995 и т. Д.), Город (Алматы, Нур-Султан, Атырау и т. Д.) или программу (BSC, MBA, MPA и т. Д.)

Задачи представителя

  • Станьте волонтером и поддержите маркетинговую деятельность Университета КИМЭП (например, консультирование будущих студентов, посещение OHD или организацию вечера с некоторыми потенциальными студентами).
  • Налаживать сотрудничество с организациями в интересах КИМЭП
  • Станьте консультантом и контактным лицом Университета КИМЭП в вашем городе / регионе / стране.
  • Инициировать и / или поддерживать сеть выпускников КИМЭП, т. е. управлять группой выпускников.
  • Будьте всегда на связи с КИМЭП / Департаментом корпоративного развития, узнавайте все новости КИМЭП и сообщайте об этом однокурсникам.


  • Мы предлагаем вам возможность укрепить вашу связь с Университетом КИМЭП, создать свою сеть, иметь доступ к студентам — потенциальным стажерам и сотрудникам, реализовывать ваши проекты в кампусе — все это будет полностью поддерживаться КИМЭП. Кроме того, у вас будет возможность пообщаться с высшим руководством КИМЭП, преподавателями и остальными 12 тысячами выпускников.
  • Также вам будет предоставлена визитная карточка KIMEP U — идеальный инструмент для создания сетей и брендинга!

Как подать заявку

Отправьте следующую информацию на cdd@kimep.kz:

  • Краткое и неофициальное эссе о том, почему вы хотели бы стать представителем выпускников в своем текущем городе / регионе / стране проживания.
  • Ваше резюме, включая номер вашего ID и программу обучения.


1 апреля 2019 года является датой начала новой программы Отдела Корпоративного Развития (CDD).

Трое выпускников-волонтеров с большим опытом работы в бизнесе Лариса Ермошкина, класс 1995 года, Валерий Дорджиев, класс 1995 года, Бауржан Исаев, класс 2006 года, вызвались быть наставниками шести студентов факультета BCB. Мы выбрали этих выпускников за их активное участие в жизни КИМЭП; мы уделили особое внимание их способности и желанию направлять наших студентов на путь карьерного роста, профессионального роста и жизненных ценностей.

Все студенты третьего курса BCB с высоким средним баллом получили информацию о программе. Шесть студентов предоставили свои резюме и эссе.

CDD проделали большую подготовительную работу, чтобы начать эту программу: были изучены лучшие практики менторских программ различных университетов, особое внимание было уделено наставнической программе в Школе Права, которая успешно функционирует с 2017 года.

Мы подготовили менторские пособия для менторов и студентов. Мы организовали встречу менторов с координатором программы менторства Школы Права Алиной Давар, она ответила на вопросы по организационным вопросам программы.

Была организована встреча шести студентов BCB с Менторами, где наставники представились студентам и ответили на их вопросы. В конце встречи студенты выбрали своих наставников.

В течение года менторы будут встречаться со своими студентами в кампусе, консультировать их во время встреч и работать через мессенджеры. Раз в три месяца менторы и студенты будут отчитываться перед CDD. CDD подведет итоги программы менторства в апреле 2020 года на общем собрании менторов и студентов, где будут представлены как новые студенты, так и новые наставники.

Эта программа CDD направлена на укрепление связей между поколениями выпускников и студентов, чтобы помочь студентам старших курсов выбрать карьерный путь, создать сообщество менторов в Университете КИМЭП.