The Olivier Giscard d’Estaing Library (OGEL) is the one of the leading structural units of the University.
The mission of the Library is to serve the academic and information needs of the KIMEP University community. In order to implement this mission Library constantly works on development of learning and research collections.

The print books collections are open access for the patrons. Library provides access to international and local electronic resources which meet the requirements of the academic programs, assists the patrons on searching and evaluating the necessary materials, conducts trainings and individual consultations.

The OGEL is located in a separate building on the University campus and can serve up to 350 students at a time. Library facilities include public reading areas for the library’s circulating collection and for reference, periodicals, and reserves materials. The electronic resources can be accessed in two independent study laboratories with computer workstations.

The OGEL librarians are always glad to assist patrons with finding the necessary information in the available resources.

Library Service Hours


Library Rules and Regulations

The Olivier Giscard d’Estaing Library’s (OGEL) Administration develops the library’s rules and regulations with the approval of Vice President of Academic Affairs. All library fees (deposit, fines, overnight loan fee) are determined by the Board of Trustees of the KIMEP University NJSC.

KIMEP Identification Card

A Plastic Identification Card (ID) is issued to all individuals affiliated with KIMEP. This card should be carried with you at all times while on campus. A student must produce this card or the Kazakhstan identification card when requested by faculty, staff or security personnel. If the student refuses to provide identification information, he or she will be immediately escorted off-campus. This card also serves as the ID card and gives access to the library. It must be presented upon entering the library as well as when borrowing materials. Students enrolled in various short-term, certificates, or evening programs may also be asked for a security deposit or an additional official identification document when borrowing library materials.
The ID card is issued free of charge; the replacement fee is 1 000 tenge. The ID card is issued to the person named on it. Its use is strictly limited to the bearer and is non-transferable. Allowing another person to use the ID card will result in the loss of the bearer’s right to it and thus to use the library and library resources.
The ID card is the property of KIMEP University. The card must be surrendered to the university upon termination of the status of the bearer or upon violation of library rules and regulations.

Library Loan

Library materials circulate according to item status (main collection, reserve item, reference item, etc.) and type of borrower. For students, main collection library materials circulate according to these
Undergraduate students: 2 weeks, 1 renewal, 5 item limit;
Graduate students: 4 weeks, 1 renewal, 10 item limit.
For textbooks in the Reserve collection, circulation is irrespective to type of student.
Textbooks from the Reserve collection are allowed to be checked out overnight and should be returned by 11:00 the following morning. Textbooks that are held in the Reserve collection but that are still available for rental can be checked out for overnight only with a fee of 1260 KZT.
Fiction collection items are allowed to be checked out for 4 weeks with one renewal; 3 item limit. Overdue fines are levied when items are overdue, mutilated or missing (see below, Fees and Fines).


If a student or faculty member has found an item in the catalog that has been checked out by another patron, he or she may request that the library issue a recall notice to the patron who has this item on loan. Within three days of receiving such notice the person notified must return the material to the library. Failure to return a recalled item on time will incur overdue fines of 1260 KZT per day until the item is returned, and the current replacement cost of the item if not returned within 7 days of the recall notice due date.

Reserves Collection

The purpose of the reserves collection is to make limited information resources available to all students who enroll in a course.
When a department notifies the library that a specific title is assigned reading for a course, the library withdraws that title from circulation and places it on reserve in one of the reading rooms. Reserve titles can be used only in the library reading rooms.
To use a reserve title in the reading room students should deposit their ID with the circulation librarian before receiving the item. There is a time limit on using the item, determined by the circulation librarian, after which it should be returned to the circulation desk for another person’s use. When there are multiple copies of a reserve title on the reading room shelves, the circulation librarian may permit a student to use the reserve title outside of the reading room for 2 hours maximum. The student must deposit ID with the circulation librarian during this time. An overdue fine may be incurred if material is not returned on time (see below, Fees and Fines).
The overnight loan of reserve titles can be arranged 2 hours before the library closes. Items are due the next morning by 11:00 a.m. Fines may be incurred by the student if the title is returned late (see below, Fees and Fines).

Reference and Periodicals

Reference works, periodicals and journals are located on the third floor of the main library building. These are non-circulating materials and may be used only in the Reference and Periodicals areas.

Library Usage Rules

Library is a place for independent research and study. In consideration of students’ needs for quiet and study space, the following regulations are enforced:

Coats are allowed within the library reading/study areas and laboratories. Visitors may also leave coats in the library coatroom. The Library cannot be held responsible for the coats left unattended. The Library is not responsible for items that are lost, stolen, damaged or left behind.

Bags, computer bags, briefcases, food and drink must be deposited in the coatroom while visiting the library.

The use of cellular telephones is not permitted in the library reading areas and laboratories (telephones may be used in stair wells and in the library lounge). Ringers must be turned off in the building.

The food and drink is not permitted in the library reading areas and laboratories.

Fees and Fines

The textbook rental fee deposit is 57650 KZT.

Replacement ID card is 1000 KZT.
A fee of 1260 KZT is charged any student for overnight check out of any material in the Reserve collection if that item is still available for rental (if not available for rental, checkout is free).
Overdue fines are 1260 KZT per day per item checked out for a period of more than one day;
1260 KZT per hour for any item checked out overnight. Failure to return a recalled item on time will incur overdue fines of 1260 KZT per day until the item is returned, and the current replacement cost of the item if not returned within five days of the recall notice due date.
A student is responsible for any books borrowed under his name (through his card). The student should inspect the book prior to taking it out of the library to ensure that it is in good condition. The librarian notes and records any deficiencies in the book’s condition. The student will be charged for any damage to a book while checked out in his name. Damaged or unreturned books will be charged on the following basis as determined by the Director of the Library:

1) Mutilated item – current replacement cost of the book (current retail price plus taxes and shipping cost);
2) Badly marked or torn pages – proportional to the amount of damage based on current replacement cost of the item, as calculated by the library;
3) Minor wear and tear – cost of repair;
4) Failure to return an item for any reason will result in a fine, typically 3 to 5 times the original cost of the item; this fine is not refundable.

Patrons observed violating these regulations may be asked to leave the library. In case of repeated violations, or a single egregious violation (as determined by the Deputy Director or Director of the library), the student patrons may be denied access to the library and library resources, and may be referred to the Dean of Student Affairs and Academic Disciplinary Committee.


Rules and regulations are subject to change. Inquire at the Library’s Administrative office for the most current ones.


Library Director
Olga Zaitseva
237-47-54; x2502
Library management
Room 107 Library Building
Library Deputy Director
Yelena Samuilova
237-47-57; x2506
Ordering books
Journals, e-resources requests
Assistance with Electronic Resources
Room 106 Library Building


Access Services
Angelina Ponomaryeva
237-47-62; x2523
Circulation issues
Course reserves
Room 202 Library Building
IT Services
Alexander Kazansky
237-47-59; x2507
Instructional hardware and software assistance
Room 103 Library Building

ID cards Processing
Arystan Zhomartbay
237-47-57; x2519
ID cards issue
Computer laboratory supervising
Room 101 Library Building
Textbook Rental Center
Saule Ilyassova
237-47-56; x2579
Library deposit and refunds
Room 101 Library Building