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Student research poster competition

The competition is open to KIMEP University students who are enrolled on the AR WIl course during the semester the competition is taking place.

The poster presentations will be judged on-site by an ad hoc committee (comprised of KIMEP faculty). The committee will pick the top six posters, which means that there will be a single first, two second and three third place award winners chosen from among all participants. The audience members will also have the right to vote for the poster they like. The poster that receives the most amount of votes shall receive an Audience

Choice Award. The topics of the presentations vary from social sciences, humanities, languages, to business and management.



One 1st place — Smartwatch (KZT 130.000)

Two 2nd places — Earbuds (KZT 160.000)

Three 3rd places -book readers (KZT 150.000)

Audience Choice Award — KZT 60.000


Poster Session Schedule

Procedure Description Friday, May 05, 2023


Poster Set-up


The presenters hang their posters on the display boards with the help of double-sided tape or similar material. 13:30


Poster Session Authors present their work to the committee members and the guests of the event.

Presentations should not exceed seven Poster Session

minutes. The presenters are expected to stand by their posters for the duration of the poster session.



Authors Reception The committee members announce the best 3 projects and award prizes and certificates.




Poster Removal


The presenters remove their posters. All Poster Removal

posters left after the removal period will be discarded.

