Working hours: 9.00 am 7.00 pm, 4 Abai Avenue, Almaty, 050010

Надим Накви

Nadeem Naqvi (4)


Образование: Ph.D. (Экономика), Южный Методический Университет, 1984

Магистр экономики, Южный Методический Университет, 1983

Магистр экономики, Школа Экономики г. Дели, 1981

Бакалавр экономики (с отличием), Колледж Св. Стефенса, Дели 1978

Преподаваемые дисциплины: Международная экономика, Микроэкономическая теория

Избранные публикации:

Статьи в журналах

Efficiency-wage Hypothesis and the Operational Production Pattern (with Brian W. Breshanan and Carolin V. Schrüg), International Journal of Latest Trends in Finance and Economic Science 2, 2012, pp. 244-250.

Will Export Taxes Replace VERs? (with David Franck), Journal of Economics and Finance 35, 2011, pp. 484-489.

Gains from Trade in a Small Monetary Economy (with Rich Dusansky, and George Darko), Journal of International Trade and Economic Development 15, 2006, pp. 403-430.

A Skill-acquisition Model of Development for Lesotho (with Mamit Deme and David Franck), Journal of Economic Development 30, 2005, pp. 15-29.

The Economics of Racial Discrimination (with GhassemHomaifar), EconomiaInternationale 57, 2004, pp. 333-348.

World Increasing Returns and Production Subsidies (with D. Franck and V. Chandra), Economica 69, 2002, pp. 223-27.

The True Shadow Price of Foreign Exchange (with Richard Dusansky and David Franck), Journal of Economics and Finance 24, 2000, pp. 206-214.

LDCs, International Capital Mobility, and the Shadow Price of Foreign Exchange under Tariffs and Quantitative Restrictions (with D. Franck), Journal of Economic Development 25, 2000, pp. 43-54.

Protection and the Shadow Price of Foreign Exchange under Increasing Returns and International Capital Mobility (with V. Chandra), Canadian Journal of Economics 30, 1997, pp. 959-67.

Power, Coercion, and the Games Landlords Play (with F. Wemhöner), Journal of Development Economics 47, 1995, pp. 191-205.

Exchange Rate Variations and Capacity Utilization: A Specific Factors, Temporary Equilibrium Analysis (with F. Wemhöner and C. D. DeLorme, Jr.), Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, March 1995.

External Increasing Returns and the Shadow Price of Foreign Exchange (with K. Wiener), Journal of International Economics 30, 1991, pp. 177-84.

Technological Stagnation, Tenurial Laws and Adverse Selection: Comment, American Economic Review 80, 1990, pp. 935-40.

Nontraded and Intermediate Goods and the Theory of Protection (with R. N. Batra), European Economic Review33, 1990, pp.721-35.

Urban Unemployment and Non-Immiserizing Growth (with H. Beladi), Journal of Development Economics 28, 1990, pp. 365-376.

Главы в книгах

What are the Distinguishing Features of Early 21st Century Capitalism? In: Henrik Egbert and Clemens Esser (Eds.), Varieties of Capitalism: Dynamics, Economic Crisis and New Players, Lambert 2010, pp. 21 – 40.

The Great Deprivation of Early 21st Century, in:NadiyaDubrovina(ed.), Social and Economic Development in Ukraine and related Regions, May 21, 2009.

Научно-исследовательская работа: Международная торговля, Теория ценности, Общественный выбор, Основы индивидуального выбора, Небинарные предпочтения

Практический опыт: Консультант, Всемирный Банк, Вашингтон, 1999-2000

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